Team Spotlight – Round 10

Given the popularity and volume of interaction with the assisting Kayley posts that Motts drummed up, I thought it might be fun to start doing Team Spotlights. My thinking is this: each week we’ll spotlight 1 or 2 teams, set up a post and then everyone tags in for some feedback. I had planned to get this off the ground on Monday but had a few things come up, so we’ll see if we can cram one in before the round kicks off.

So, if you’d like your team to be spotlighted send the following to me (gd ‘at’ supercoachtalk ‘dot’ com):

  • HD full size picture of your team. No two parters, no grainy quality.
  • Number of trades, boosts, ITB and your rank.
  • Commentary on your team, any questions you’d like to put to the community, what your plans are, yadda yadda.

You could be looking for general feedback, bye balance trade strategy or feedback on specific moves (in which case let me know I can I add in a poll) – whatever it is, it should be some fun and hopefully we can be of some service. I also think visually seeing a team as in image rather than typed out will be a nice change.

One applicant will have their team spotlighted this week. Active users,  fulsome submissions and interestingly positioned teams will be more likely to be selected. Let me know in the comments if you’ve sent your team through so I can get cracking.

5 thoughts on “Team Spotlight – Round 10”

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  1. I think this is a great idea. Just a thought, but could we maybe start with Gunboat Diplomacy. He’s always on the site offering others advice and it seems he rarely gets any in return.

    • Gunboat doesn’t need advice the man is a supercoach stud.. that’s why he’s always kindly offering his time and advice and rarely asking for it. He already has all the answers lol

  2. I have sent thru my team to be dissected GD.

    The magnificent Buttslappers@SCT

    Perhaps prioritize those teams that have @SCT after the team name for selection?


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