Tech Leagues Review

Chips Ahoy has bragging rights this week, not just for the Tech Leagues, but dare I suggest the overall competition. Sixteen of Chip’s squad posted huge tons, and Jarryd Lyons paltry 81 was the lowest score on the field for that score of 2714. Super effort that.

All top six teams scored in excess of 2500 this round with Lindsay’s Tech Difficulties grabbing the runner up position with 2616, and that included Bramble and Highmore firmly benched. Following this were Alza’s Assassins (2572), Phil Gilbert (2561) ironically both in losing sides, Barrie’s Jumper Punchers (2538) and rounding out the top six was Daniels Riches  with his DR’s Tech Team on 2509, maintaining his top spot in the group. Magnificent playing coaches.

Chips only had two scoring bench men – what does that say about his trade situation? In fact, what do coaches have to say about the run home. Will you make it to the end with injury trades or not? Let’s hear some ideas in the comments below and share your pearls of wisdom with your fellow coaches.

4 thoughts on “Tech Leagues Review”

  1. My 2337 not even in the same class as those above, but I did play one short because I missed the deadline to trade in Sharp and Marshall , hence played without R2.
    Might have to rethink the Tech strategy next year as I still have trades but a crap team. The old slow and steady turtle has well and truly been squashed by all those aggressive trading coaches at the top of the tree.

  2. Thanks JD – my trade situation is grim, and still one rookie to get off-field, although I’ll probably keep playing Highmore and maximise his cash. Had to focus on discount premos this week with JDG and RoMo coming in, but it’s going to be a nervous run home.

  3. Well done Chips! Although I lost I’m happy to get a decent score finally.
    I only have 2 trades left and no bank and I need to trade Jiath out this week.


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