Captaincy Candidates – Round 1

Vice-Captaincy Candidates

DAICOS v Swans

  • L3 v Swans: 81, 62 (72 av.)
  • L3 @ MCG: 41, 82, 130 (84 av.)

I won’t be giving him the armband this week. Swans a little too dense and capable of tagging for my liking but he can never written off. Solid for 120 and can always retreat to half back if he gets a look on ball.


  • L3 v Pies: 156, 72 (114 av.)
  • L3 @ MCG: 143, 156, 85 (128 av.)

The 77 has depressed his ownership but if you’ve still got the Gulden Boy an early fixture is always a case to VC the high ceiling Swan. It’ll be high octane on Friday night, right up his alley and good for 120.

GREEN v Roos

  • L3 v Roos: 77, 117, 60 (85 av.)
  • L3 @ ENS: 119, 126, 73 (106 av.)

To all my homies keep it really and starting Green, this is our moment: North at home. Bang bang. A lock for 130+. Let’s get it going. And see you next week for him vs West Coast!

*ENS abbreviation of new name for GWS home ground

Captaincy Candidates


  • L3 v Dees: 107, 161, 105 (124 av.)
  • L3 @ MCG: 122, 107, 136 (122 av.)

The Dees love an open contest, so don’t let the strength of the Dees dissuade you from giving Bont the C. He’s off tap. No commentary needed. A lock for 130.


  • L3 v Dees: 134, 122, 123 (126 av.)
  • L3 @ MCG: 145, 134, 96 (125 av.)

Similarly, Tingles 1:1 scoring stream of HOs and disposals also makes him solid for his average last year of right around 130. Gone nicely at the G recently as well.

BUTTERS v Eagles

  • L3 v Eagles: 94, 58, 55 (69 av.)
  • L3 @ AO: 158, 139, 134 (144 av.)

Raring to go after the ankle scare and if you’re fine starting him then it’s an easy C for him this week against West Coast. Ready to launch into the season with a 140.

Steer Clear


  • L3 v Suns: 89, 106, 140 (112 av.)
  • L3 @ PFS: 140, 74, 103 (106 av.)

Just don’t love Dawson crashing into that really dense Suns midfield. Still tons but there are better match-ups out there this week.

*PFS abbreviation of new name for Suns home ground

Smoky Pick


  • L3 v Pies: 79 (79 av.)
  • L3 @ MCG: 39, 79, 74 (64 av.)

Who ever thought we’d see this? “Grundy v Pies”. Look, it’s a speculative move but Grundy was tremendous in R0. Took front position and put Maxxy to the sword for 139. He’ll be revved up again this week, so expect decent economy from tackling, rip out of the air contested possessions and general ATG work. I like a 140 here.


If you’re on top of your stuff, Bont or Tingles into Butters is the go this week and can be executed. Fixture is a big part of why I started Green, so I’ll be taking him into Butters instead.

14 thoughts on “Captaincy Candidates – Round 1”

  1. Green into Bont for me.

    Mad Dees supporter, but Harmes was our last tagger and we tend to let opposition midfielders do well.

  2. VC Grundy at the start of the round then changed to Daicos… you’ve put me back to Grundy thank you!! Into the ever ready Bont. GL all

  3. Just realised i have bought into last years nightmare again. This is the Bont versus English for captain nightmare. Stressed me out heaps last year and I chose the wrong one more often than the right one. I’ve done some research on last year and here is my findings. I’ll let everyone form their own view to what extent history repeats itself.

    Both played 23 games last year – not missing a game.
    English outscored the Bont 12 times so 12 to 11.
    English outscored the Bont in each of the first 4 rounds.
    Bont out scored English in each of the next 5 rounds
    English outscored the Bont again for 5 weeks in a row from Rounds 15 to 19.
    English scored 134 against Melbourne also in Round 1 last year.
    English had 3 scores below 100 (lowest was 88)
    Bont had 1 score below 100 for the season (89 in round 3)

    It’s a coin flip and more research hasn’t really helped. Maybe worth noting that when English gets on a roll he’s a good bet to compile some big scores over a 4-5 week period. Bont was a little bit more consistent but started the season a little slowly (by his standards)..


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