Captaincy Candidates – Round 10

Vice-Captaincy Candidates

HEENEY v Carlton

  • L3 v Carlton: 97, 94, 128
  • L3 @ SCG: 109, 98, 128

Hasn’t expressly gone large recently but numbers and role remain good, so don’t mind him or Walsh for 120 in an open contest.

SERONG v Saints

  • L3 v Saints: 70, 86, 64
  • L3 @ MRVL: 141, 138, 70

Currently among only three players averaging above 130 and proved his quality last week with a 150 in a thumping loss. Newcombe crushed the Saints last week. Expect Serong to do the same: 140.

RYAN v Saints

  • L3 v Saints: 171, 81, 156
  • L3 @ MRVL: 127, 97, 171

Ooof. HERE’S where it gets dangerous! Look at that scoring history. Defenders been finding heaps of ball against the Saints and even if that distance between the two sides precludes that from fully materializing, Ryan is still off tap. Definitely tons and has the natural ceiling for 160.

Captaincy Candidates


  • L3 v North: 96, 137, 140
  • L3 @ MRVL: 101, 108, 131

I’d prefer him as a VC to be entirely honest, just because North have those types who can hang off him, but a MID v Roos is still solid for 130.


  • L3 v Hawks: 105, 136, 88
  • L3 @ AO: 124, 82, 130

Butters was capital last week with 34, 15 contested and 147. Port in Adelaide will prove too much of a stretch for the Hawks. Butters a lock for 125.

GAWN v Eagles

  • L3 v Eagles: 73, 91, 93
  • L3 @ OS: 114, 73, 91

Here it is. The fixture I’ve been dreading as a non-owner: Gawn versus West Coast. The best ruck opponent in the game. Been printing fat tons like it’s nothing. Maxxy 140+. Easiest late C of the season.

Smoky Pick


  • L3 v Eagles: 103, 136, 111
  • L3 @ OS: 103, 134, 136

If Yeo and McGovern don’t get up for us the floodgates could really open. Petracca can do it on ball or up forward. Pencil him in for 130.


  • Round 1: Green 152
  • Round 2: Green 137
  • Round 3: Gulden 73
  • Round 4: Butters 119
  • Round 5: Rowell 135
  • Round 6: Daicos 133
  • Round 7: Rowell 136
  • Round 8: Merrett 121
  • Round 9: Daicos 147


Ryan into Gawn the meta play this week. Serong safer but you chase Ryan with his form, ceiling and opponent. As a non-Gawn peasant, it’ll be Ryan into Butters on my end.

24 thoughts on “Captaincy Candidates – Round 10”

  1. With Geelong and Richmond giving up points to midfielders, then Miller and Dunkley appeal. But I feel they are super reliable 120 options rather than the high ceiling of a Ryan who is looking scary good for 160+. Not owning him is hurting bad.
    Not owning Gawn either (no, I am not having a good season. This year I clearly suck at this game) so looking at Petracca.
    The loop option is a potential problem. Last week I had to pass on Bont VC because I would have had to use Jones 32 onfield and bench Reid. In the end the Daicos C plus Reid worked out well. But clearly good luck not good management. My four options this week are Graham, Z Reid, Rogers and Livingston ((F8). If Reid is named in the extended squad, can’t use him because GC play before the d tended squad is trimmed. So it’s Livingstone, but no loop between Windsor and Jones.

    Have decided Petracca as C. My options for VC

    TU. Miller with a potential loop between Windsor and Jones if I don’t take Miller VC

    TD. Dunkley with no loop. Must play Windsor as F6


    • At the moment I have the VC on Dawson.
      Very undecided regarding the C.
      Understand people’s selection of Ryan / Zorko.
      I’ll probably go Ryan.
      I would be very wary of putting the C on Gawn.
      Just think if the game is won early Big Maxy’s minutes might be managed thereafter

    • Hey, Rob.

      Yeah. Sure thing.

      MILLER L3 v Cats: 109, 125, 133

      ANDERSON L3 v Cats: 71, 87, 69

      ROWELL L3 v Cats: 77, 66, 6 (yes, 6)

      *playing at TIO, they played there last week and have all tonned there before

      Cats a good MID opp but just haven’t liked how flat the Suns have been against quality opposition. Only one I’d consider would be Miller.

  2. Word of caution on serong – saints put a hard tag him in the first round last year, had a decent impact on serong and the saints won that game. I understand they haven’t been tagging each week lately, but seeing how effectively it worked, ross might pull it out against his former star.
    The potential is enough for me to skip him with a few other decent options around.

    • Yeah. Good note, Matty.

      They’ve been giving Sinclair a MID role so don’t think they rework CBAs for a tag but Windhager one that could totally match up on Serong.

      De-risked with VC

      Have Ryan ahead of him anyway though.

  3. If you have Gawn;
    Who cares VC,
    If you don’t have Gawn (me),
    @#$& VC and Hallelujah Capt
    LOL Sob……

    Ps Gawny to get 200???…..then sub’d out at 1/2 time with shoulder soreness and possible damaged hand/wrist……….


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