86 thoughts on “Last Minute Questions – Round 10”

  1. TU: Get Serong this week (I don’t want to wait any longer)
    TD: Wait on Serong and get Zorko/Petracca whilst they’re cheaper


  2. Toying with some triple upgrades if Kerch is out long term

    T/U – McKerch, Graham & Reid to Petracca, Curnow & Fisher
    T/D – McKerch, Graham & Reid to Zorko, Jackson & Fisher


    1. Comment

      McKerch, Graham & Reid to Zorko, Fish & Sullivan (save coin for Rowell next week)


      1. TU: bring in Zorko (bank 150k) also has a low BE, but injury risk
        TD: Pay up for Gawn, leaves Sweet on the bench if he plays


  3. James Peatling thoughts now Kelly is out for 6 weeks? Scores 80-100 when given full games?


  4. Torn about Paying $666k for Ryan

    TU: Pay Up and get him in, bank 120k
    TD: Dale and 230k to upgrade Wilson or Clohesy next week.


    1. Think you have to, Alex.

      Usually @666k it’s an obvious wait but his BE is 77 AND he’s playing his bunnies in the Saints.

      Going to hit 700.

      Grab him as a splurge and then seek value on your next few upgrades to balance out.


  5. Sheezel > Oliver ?

    Banks me 80k, will be my last boost and won’t stall my upgrades.

    Anyone hear sheezels comments on SEN today?

    Or do we hold with the news of Colby out?

    TU: Go for it
    TD: Hold & have faith in harry


    1. TU: bring in Zorko (bank 150k) also has a low BE, but injury risk
      TD: Pay up for Gawn, leaves Sweet on the bench if he plays


    2. Thanks for heads up Nick. Chased down that SEN interview with Sheez.

      Nothing about “I’ll play where the team wants me blah blah” and ALL about “Enjoying the change to midfield, is where I want to play, did expect the drop off in disposals but learning so much …”.

      McKercher out may change that, but sounds like more upside for Fisher.


  6. Is moving Xerri up to English worth it? Was the plan when I brought in Xerri at his starting price, but has performed… and English not quite as high-scoring as usual, but still better overall…


    1. I think u need him xerri might be getting tired rucking solo and English by round 24 will gain around 250 extra points 4 ur side


  7. Unfortunately I have both McKercher & W.Graham.. Ideally i don’t want to trade either of them as they still have more$$ to make but I need the extra funds to turn Reid into Zorko

    I’d prefer to hold McKercher and hope that he only misses 1 week (unlikely) I have Brown/Phillips as bench cover.

    Question, who do I trade out of:
    TU: McKercher
    TD: Graham


  8. Gone nuts with my trades.

    Last week I dropped Sheezel and Powell – worked out great. Grabbed Satan and May, who didn’t exactly light it up, but rate them LT and Satan should fill up v West Coast.

    This week I’d just gone 1U1D with Roberts Serong but now pazzed out and grabbed Richards and Fisher.

    Richards playing OB atm and relished it last week. Would prefer the Dogs had an easier fixture but at 470k I like it.

    Fisher is a total peasant but will gull as long as Kerch is out and is fine relative to the FWD crop. He’ll make 50k this week and can become Zorko, Moore, etc., when the fun is over.

    Remaining OF rookies: Howes D6, Wilson M8, Sweet R2 and Reid F5. Reid I’m happy to ride out with 3/4 in Perth and Saints and Roos. Yeo back will be big for him/us this week or the next.

    Dicey premos: Macrae, Jackson, Satan.

    Bench is a graveyard but will clean it up over the next fortnight now that the team is close to ostensible FP.

    This is all ASSUMING sheets are okay and Sweet is back. Liked Conway as well.


  9. TU: Cadman and Reid to Zorko and Sullivan (and 228k to spend next week)
    TD: Cadman, Reid and Howes to Zorko, Sullivan and Blakey (defender under 522k) and use my last boost


  10. If named, would Zach Reid be a decent get in defence this week? Better JS (if he doesn’t get re-injured) than the North blokes? A bit light on for rookies up back


  11. Which rookie for D8:

    TU: Archer (on the bubble) for 143k
    TD: Phillips (first game) for 102k

    May not cash either of them out (will depend on if they keep getting games or not) so I’m tempted to save the 40k and get Phillips


  12. Need a DEF to avoid a donut. No bench cover. McKercher OUT… In?

    TU: Short
    TD: Fisher


  13. Do I really need to trade this week (21 left) if I have a full side?

    Not overly keen on this week’s buzz boys.


    1. I live in hope that there is ONE week that I don’t get to do any trades……
      Also hoping that my 40 trades goes into 24 weeks with 2 trades every week ….never said I was great at maths!


  14. Sicily looking like he’ll be out this week again at least. Clohesy’s 49 with the E on my DEF bench as coverage.

    Use my last boost to sideways Sicily to Nick Martin?


  15. Is Garcia – mcauliffe worth using my 4th boost on? Gives me the chance to potentially use my last boost to double upgrade next week

    TU: Yes

    TD: No


  16. Hey legends, thoughts on this please?

    Reid to butters
    Sam Darcy to fisher (bolster def/fwd)

    Feel like the last trade is a bit meh while Darcy still has some money to make and is scoring well


    1. Does Darcy have to be traded for the Butters trade to work or can you get Butters without trading Darcy? If you can make the trade without Darcy then save the trade but if you must trade both to get Butters then do it.


  17. I am in a dilemma:I have Sexton as emergency fwd.but all my Fwds.are playing..do I trade Reid to a non playing fwd.and take Sexton score and waste a trade or hope for the best.


    1. Can you trade Harley Reid to a playing MID like Sullivan or MacAuliffe, and then swing a non playing MID / FWD (like Sanders or Hugo Garcia) into your FWD line ?

      Just be aware that Hugo Garcia might still be a late in – as he was named as an EMG

      But I probably wouldn’t trade in a non playing FWD just to get Sextons 118 this week


  18. Mckercher out and Sweet on an extended bench doesn’t fill my heart with joy, my plan was to ditch Reid and Lyons for Sullivan and
    TU Richards Low BE and named on the ball + cash (probably finish as my D7)
    TD Heeney (F1)and no cash

    Depending on what happens with Sweet I may have to shelve the above and just go straight to Marshall.


  19. Who to bring in for Roberts

    T/U Short – relying on him getting back to somewhere near his best

    T/D Fisher – could score very well with McKercher out for a few weeks


  20. Hi peoples your advice need to eject one of these two to get premo. TU ….. Garcia TD …..Cadman Cheers.


  21. Trading out Reid and Fyfe
    TU: Zorko and Sullivan, left with $224k
    TD: Boost and trade Mckercher for Z. Reid, get Zorko and Petracca with $27k left


    1. Powell, as long as McKercher is out and Sheezel’s being pushed into mids… but crkey you’d better make sure you get in & get out as soon as the cash is made…


  22. Better duo, i.e. keep Massimo and get Fisher or keep Howes and get Rankine. Massimo or Howes will be onfield.

    TU Fisher + Massimo
    TD Rankine + Howes


  23. Who would you rather trade in
    TU – fisher (cheap, low be, good role while mckercher out)
    TD – Jackson (ruck cover, potential top 6 forward)


  24. Coaches, money constraints mean i cant bring in Ryan and Zorko ($34k short)
    So, which duo would you go?
    TU- Ryan & Rankine , leaving $700 itb
    TD- Dale & Zorko $73800 itb

    after this, 22 trades, 2 boosts left


  25. Rozee not named again but should be back next week but probably not top 8-10.

    Rozee > Oliver
    Howes > Fisher
    Reid > short
    Love this as Fisher and short may make a stack of cash . The fish especially. Short looks back he was on 40 at QT before being shut down and tigers getting absolutely smashed

    Rozee > Ryan
    Howes > Sullivan
    Reid > Oliver
    Pretty basic but gets Ryan, just feel like it’s alot of money and need to chase value .


  26. Third option

    Sheezel > Fisher
    Howes > NWM
    Reid > Oliver

    Probably like the most. rozee. Axe sheezel whose highlighted he’s playing forward mid going forward. Gonna bleed cash with BE 160


    1. 4th option lol

      Sheezel > Fisher
      Garcia > short
      Reid > Oliver

      Get rid of the dead rookie in garcia.


    1. Can we get away with not picking Sullivan or reville this week? I don’t feel they are must haves I’d rather double upgrade

      TU: grab one
      TD: you can pass on both


  27. Made the trades as followed

    Graham > Archer
    Reid > Heeney

    But now that Archer isn’t playing, who do I replace him with (updating the trade)?


  28. Should I use my last boost to get Breville for Fyfe and put $303k ITB.

    (I have already bought in Sullivan and Zorko for Reid and H Garcia this round which I won’t be changing). This money can be used to maintain my trade cadence by going 1 up, 1 down for future trades.

    TU do the Breville for Fyfe trade?..and boost bank balance OR

    TD save the boost but will see Fyfe drop to 370k and miss the opportunity to pick up Breville at 102k.

    Thanks for your thoughts


    1. I’d save the boost Murray.. Don’t boost to bring in a bloke that could be dropped or subbed any given week.. fyfe will be a decent forward til he’s a must trade or even an F7/M9


  29. Thoughts on sheezel to Dale/NWM? It’s risky I know but I’m outside the top 5k and think I potentially need to take a risk to elevate up the ranks.

    TU: Yes

    TD: No use the trade on Garcia – Reville/mcauliffe instead


    1. Don’t mind it, Billy.
      Sheezel role up in the air and going to bleed if he drops another sub ton. NWM has a good run of marvel games and scoring well with sinclair in the midfield.. dale solid but just keep in mind dale may get the Jordan tag next week.


  30. Still undecided which way to go this week – who scores more for the remainder of the season –
    TU: Zorko
    TD: Petracca


    1. 1 keeper out
      2 keepers in and cash cow (fisher)

      Don’t mind that tbh. Let’s hope sheez stays in the midfield/forward role.


  31. Currently have 21 trades prior to any this week.
    Already done:
    Reid -> Zorko
    Roberts -> Sullivan

    Is it worth using last boost?
    Fyfe -> Butters?


  32. Already gone Reid & Graham to Jackson & Fisher. Need to decide on who to boost for Reville (need it to afford Rowell next week)

    T/U – Lazaro (named but could be sub)
    T/D – Garcia (dropped but still has cash to make)


  33. Hey community, Does anyone have Chad Warner’s percentage split between mid and forward? Could be great trade in?


    1. Firmly a MID, James. Occasionally Swans rotate Gulden, Papley or McInerney in for CBAs but he’s consistently been on 2nd/3rd highest CBAs.


  34. With jones injury i potentially now have a dead defence and fwd bench (Graham, Reid, Jones, Nuyon)

    Should i reverse Fisher back to Harley Reid to save a boost and pick both Freijah / Richards plus move harley next week

    Tu: Yes
    Td: No


  35. Not sure who to take for captain
    Take Luke Ryan’s 122 – TU
    Take a risk and run Gawn – TD
    I’m only playing for leagues too and feel like I have a decent chance to win with Ryan’s 122 as captain


  36. Last boost for Howes -> Fisher? Yayy or nayy

    Breakeven of -18 could make 100k in 2-3 weeks with mckercher out (he won’t be back before bye imo) Could be a cash play potentially an F6 keeper. Essendon won’t waste the guelfi tag on him either lol fishers not that damaging.

    TU: do it Fisher has the perfect role
    TD: save the boost and keep 130k in bank



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