Movers & Shakers – Round 7

Written by The Salamander on April 29 2021

LEGEND: Player Name (Other Position) (Club, Price, Average, 3-Round-Average, 5-Round-Average)



Brodie Smith (MID) (ADE, $492,100, 91, 105, 94)

Brodie Smith’s scoring tends to be up-and-down, and the start of this year has been no exception: three scores over 105, three under 77, and nothing in between. He’s been more up than down over the last few weeks, but don’t be surprised if he ends up on the opposite side of this column at some point down the line.

Caleb Daniel (WBD, $431,400, 73, 64, 73)

With scores of 19, a dodgy bench rookie (suspension), and 78, the last three weeks have not been kind to Caleb Daniel owners. The good news, for those who don’t have him, is that he’s far too good a player to keep this kind of form up for long, so get him while he’s cheap.


Christian Petracca (MEL, $598,300, 110, 129, 112)

After a slightly quiet start to the year, the #2 pick in the 2014 draft has picked up right where he left off last year over the last few weeks. Now 25 and in his athletic prime, there’s no reason to think he’ll go backwards from here. Speaking of going backwards…

Patrick Cripps (CAR, $482,000, 88, 82, 87)

Oh, how the mighty have fallen… Cripps just isn’t winning contested ball the way he used to, averaging just 13.5 per game this year, down from 17.6 per game in 2018 and 16.9 in 2019. With his early-season injury niggles seemingly behind him, you have to wonder if some of this is due to Carlton having a more even midfield spread than they used to – they’re not a one-man team anymore.


Reilly O’Brien (ADE, $561,200, 98, 127, 107)

ROB started the year with two scores in the 50s, but hasn’t been under 100 since, and has posted two scores over 130. He does have a fairly tough draw coming up: Lycett in Round 8, Nic Nat in Round 9, Gawn in Round 10, Nankervis in Round 11, and Grundy in Round 12, so just keep that in mind if you’re thinking of getting him in.

Todd Goldstein (NRTH, $505,100, 90.7, 86, 87)

Speaking of tough draws, Goldstein plays Gawn and Grundy in the next two weeks, so definitely don’t bring him in at this point. He does have a high BE though, so after the next two weeks he should end up being very cheap.


Jack Ziebell (NTH, $541,400, 127, 141, 130)

After a few years on the periphery of SC-relevance, the North Melbourne captain has been in amazing form this year – much to the delight of those who started him at just $257,900. Is it too late to get him in if you missed out? I don’t think so. I doubt he’ll keep going at 127, but if you’ve got that sort of money to spend on a player, he’s still clearly one of the better options.

Lachie Fogarty (CAR, $392,100, 83, 55, 83)

A few weeks ago, I wrote in Rare Gems that Fogarty “has seen plenty of midfield time this season, and is unlikely to suddenly start receiving less, especially after his 163 point effort against the Dockers on the weekend.” That hasn’t aged well… Fogarty did suddenly start receiving less midfield time, and his scoring has plummeted as a result. My apologies if anyone brought him in after I said it was a good idea!


Brought anyone in just before their form dropped off? Or grabbed someone just before they took off? Let us know in the comments below!


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7 thoughts on “Movers & Shakers – Round 7”

  1. The Dees have got a very nice run of games over the next month, so if you’re one of the lucky few who don’t have to fix their forward lines this week then that’s the place to go for your upgrades this week.

    If only Petracca had forward status again this year!


    1. They do, but they have Adelaide and Carlton in 2 weeks an I’d expect Keays and Curnow to tag Oliver.


  2. I’m surprised Tom Mitchell hasn’t appeared on here. 3 out of the last 4 weeks he’s scored 90 or less, has 3 round average of 91, a 5 round average of 94, and outside of exploding out of the gates in R1 with a 135 he’s been a big disappointment.



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