Simple poll. Many of you folk out there want an idea of how all your competition is faring numbers wise for the first round of the byes.
Two parts, one is total players representing you this weekend, and the second is how many of those players are non keepers in your grand scheme.
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Currently 17. All depends if Cincotta/Chesser gets a game to make it 18.
Sicily stuffed that up
A lot depends on teams this week – sweating on Cincotta & Simpson. Really need them both in….
Got 20, includes Cinc and Young. So may as well be 18 as they’ll likely drop out anyway.
Pretty confident Cinc comes in tbh.
Great Poll idea Jimmy Dee.
With Laird free to play, I should have 18 warm bodies. Maybe up to 20 if Cincotta and Davey play.
14 Keepers on field and 4 rookies this week.. Humphrey . Weddle . Mitchell . Ford .
I’m about $30K short of my trade in target next week so I’m tempted to go early on Mullins or another $102k midseason draft rookie if named. Davey most likely to make way.
I have 18 but did not count Constable, cincotta and Atkins so could be 21 yet but I don’t think those 3 play. This is before any trades are made.
21 with Constable and Drury on the bench unlikely to play.
Doing Atkins > Briggs
Ashcroft (TU) or Baker (TD) for T Stewart?
So a couple of weeks ago my planning looked good. Looked like i’d have 18 for this week. Then Esava gets injured, Simpson loses his spot and there’s stories floating around doubting Atkins JS for this week.
I will have 21 ‘warmish’ bodies on field for round 12 but that includes Cincotta. Atkins, Drury & Chesser so realistically probably 19 at best.
Losing Ratugalea to injury and Sicily > suspension (I usually have a no dickeads policy but I lapsed when I brought him in for round 11) really stuffed me.
Makes we wonder why we even bother to plan for the byes when the supercoach gods give us carnage each year for at least one round.
Have 22 on field and 2 on bench(Callaghan,Davey)…. Proj over 2k have full numbers the rest of the byes too!