Poll: Warm Bodies

Written by The Salamander on June 2 2021

It’s the obvious question this week…

Barring any unexpected ins/outs at the selection table, how many players do you expect to be able to field this week?

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And how many trades do you expect to make this week?

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Still working on your bye strategy? Don’t forget to check out Macca’s excellent bye planner, now freshly updated just in time for the byes!


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7 thoughts on “Poll: Warm Bodies”

  1. Got 17 trades left before R12 bye
    Making 3 trades this week
    Will Have about 2.2 mil to spend on the last 4 mids to finish my team R13-14
    Looking @ macrae zerrett Lyons & 1 other


  2. If Zerrett goes 130, he’ll go up $18k. A score of 110 and he only goes up $8k. Already have 21 onfield this week, but would need to go early on Reeves to fund Zerrett.

    TU: Worth it – get Zerrett at his lowest and push a dud rookie score out of beat 18

    TD: Nah – just wait til after his bye.


  3. Can you Captain loophole a r12 bye player in r12? say zorko (vc) goes bonkers and i want him as my C, can i put the C on guthrie and get captain zork?


  4. Originally thought I’d be well & truly safe with 22, but now with Grundy & Berry out, and Highmore & Treacy good chances to be dropped, plus god knows what else that’ll blindside us when the teams come out tonight, I feel I’ll be lucky to field a full team. And this is the best of the bye rounds for me. Feels like no amount of planning can save you from ruin during the byes.



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