17 thoughts on “Polling Station – Round 7”

  1. Since byes are now over, I feel it is time for a ranking and trade poll to see how everyone is tracking


  2. Is Sam Walsh top 8? 16k have traded him in this round already and 20k brought him in last week


  3. The comeback kids, is it a one off or do you think theyre back for good (dawson, macrae, dale etc)


  4. If you are looking to upgrade a mid do you go for one of the guys under $600k or wait for bont, merrett, Trac etc to bottom out in a week or two?


  5. After Rd 1, I was ranked over 67K overall.
    After Rd 6, I am now ranked just a little over 10K overall.
    This is a result of aggressive trading, going against the grain,holding on some players that was a must trade and not trading in some players that was a must have. And of course a bit luck and Captain choices helped a lot.

    This week I am passing on Walsh his injury history worries me, as I already have Yeo since at the start of the season, can’t afford another one in my team.
    Looking to bring in two of Dawson, LDU or Bowes
    A lot to think about in the next few days whether I should bring these guys in. I really need to get rid onfield rookies in my team.

    By bringing in two those players will have only 4 rookies on field this week.
    Def: Comben(Howes)

    Trade out – Keane, Bonner & Williams
    TU: Dawson, LDU & Garcia
    TD: Dawson, Bowes & Lefau


  6. to get walsh or not to get walsh.
    his downside is the injury risk and the use of 2 trades to possibly get him in and out.
    but the upside is a man who could average u 125 for the rest of the season and when(not if)he gets injured will be traded out at above the 650k mark for a straight swap to a merret or petracca type. im ranked 2000 OR so not sure whether to play the risky or safe approach
    Tu-get walsh
    Td-play it safe get houston


  7. My best mate didn’t start Reid is it too late for him to bring him in? I say no but I’m no expert what do you guys think?


  8. Is there a case for Cripps being a safer trade-in than Walsh? Slightly cheaper, good form, less likely to lose CBAs when Cerra returns…?

    TU – yes
    TD – yawn



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