Polls: Keepers

When we conducted a poll the other day on how many trades people have left, one of the things that came up in the comments is that the adequacy of the number of trades you have left depends in large part on the number of keepers you already own.

Before you make any trades this week, how many likely keepers do you currently have in your team?

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If we’re going to discuss the number of keepers we’ve got, it might help if we define the term first.

What's the cutoff average for a DEF keeper in 2021?

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What about FWDs?

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Finally, if you didn't have one of Gawn or Grundy, what sort of average from the ruck you had instead would make you inclined to keep them?

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8 thoughts on “Polls: Keepers”

  1. 15 keepers including Cripps at this stage.

    Tempting to cull Gulden/Powell/Warner, but as coaches, we have to think long term and remember SC is a marathon not a sprint.

  2. Started with 13, Ziebell looks likely to be a keeper and will be 14, however Cripps and Taranto may end up going at some point so I guess I have anywhere from 11 – 14.

  3. Thanks for the fantastic poll.

    I’m calling Ziebell a keeper.Probably the best starting pick after Gawn and Grundy. ( and Tex if you started him )

    I personally think if you can get in a Forward or defender priced to average low to mid 80’s and they can average 12-15 points higher. Then thats fine for a D6 or F6 at least until finals.

    Think CJ or Impey.

    Its gotta be higher in the Midfield. I took a punt on B Crouch priced at 90. I’m hoping he can lift that over the 100-105 and hold down that M8 spot. ( I thought Cripps could do it, but he looks a fail.
    I’m swapping him for Neale* this week.)

    At worst these guys are last upgrade / pre-finals the way trades are going ,they may have to hold down D6 / M8 and F6 for the season.
    Even if they average slightly less than the “required for that position”They get a rookie off field early and those points (and lack of head aches with selection ) are gold.

    So my ” Keepers”are…

    Laird . Mills . Stewart . Short . CJ .

    Steele . Bont . Neale*. Brayshaw . Crouch

    Gawn . Grundy .

    Dunkley . Ziebell . Impey.

    My upgrade targets are..

    I won’t be able to fit in all of them obviously, but its nice to have a wish list.

    D: Lloyd . Ridley . Daniel. Whitfield.
    M: Clarry . Mitchell . Macrae . Fyfe late.
    F. Dusty . Marshall .Danger late

    Forwards are a bit of a mystery atm..I’m not confident on Toby Green or any of the older guys like Tex, Zorko and Sidebottom.
    Hind and Bolton could be “Breakout” chances for the brave.

    One again thanks for the poll.

    Best of luck to all this weekend.

  4. Too hard to know atm. I’ve got too many at the moment that I hope will be keepers but I just don’t know yet. Tex in particular fits into that category but Duggan, H Clark, Ziebell could all fall away.

  5. Like most coaches, there’s a few that are on the fence and will either end up as late upgrades or ‘almost keepers.’ I’ve split my keepers into definitely and maybe piles:

    DEF: Ridley / Laird / Daniel /// Jiath / Cumming
    MID: Macrae / Oliver / Walsh / Mitchell
    RUC: Gawn
    FWD: Dunkley / Martin / Ziebell / Heeney /// Walker / Impey

    So at a minimum, I’ve got 11 keepers but I feel as though at least two of my four ‘maybes’ will be good enough to be in my team at year’s end.


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