Polls: Trades Left & Team Value

Written by The Salamander on August 21 2020

What is your current team value?

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And how many trades do you have left?

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3 thoughts on “Polls: Trades Left & Team Value”

  1. 11 trades left but 9 in the blink of an eye. With yeo, Houston ( we defiyhave a problem) , Simpson and McPherson to worry about. Think my climb up the ladder in overall will come to a screeching halt.


  2. Parish (can also get angus) Rankine (will trade out soon) Foot (TU) v Walsh Cameron Reid (TD)

    Have a lack of cash so can only get these sort of guys. Parish has had good recent form but worried about his fixture, while Walsh has an 108 5 game average. If i were to go with Walsh i have to sacrifice my rookies.

    Thoughts? Any comments would be appreciated



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