SCT Leagues & Coaches Update – Round 7

sct coach of the week

It was Shayne who took the chocolates for Round 7 as the SCT Coach of the Week. The CR3EKYZ CRU5H3RZ were sensational and did not miss a beat, scoring the 53rd highest score for the round of 2545.

sct open leauge top ten

  1. I Have Role Fever (Adrian): 78
  2. EggChasers (Roger): 141
  3. Massa’s Machines (Daniel): 276
  4. Abs of Steel @SCT (Abs): 339
  5. Deetime24 (Rikki): 430
  6. U-SHANE BOLT (Shane): 514
  7. Nato’s Potatos@SCT (Nathan): 655
  8. SC Uncle (Tandy): 863
  9. NOTROLLSALLOWED (Ryan): 884
  10. John’s Jets 2024 (John): 961

Honourable Mentions: Shaqatak (990) and Shaggi (1178).

AJ continues to lead the pack, improving from 136th last week to now in the Top 100 at 78th – all done with Stewart and Massimo sitting on the pine. You’ll note lightning bolts Burgoyne and Sweet were masterstrokes for him and helped recover that deficit. Tremendous.

sct leagues in top 500

SCT LoEC #1 – 13

Gun’s Regulars #1 – 89

SCT Contributors – 96

SCT LoEC #3 – 196

ADG @ SCT1 – 275

SCT #4 – 304

SCT LoEC #2 – 323

SCT Millionaires – 375

Gun’s Regulars #2 – 467

4 thoughts on “SCT Leagues & Coaches Update – Round 7”

  1. Fantasy Gods looked after me with Burgoyne that’s for sure, I’m glad I looped him last night (49), but will make me $100k+.

    Great to see LoEC #1 nearing Top 10 Leagues too.

  2. Some more leagues created on SCT that are highly ranked…
    SCT Goonies ranked 111
    Finalsbound@SCT ranked 202
    SCT ladies league ranked 79


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