15 thoughts on “Table For Two – Round 5”

    • Both if you can. Projected as well as BE both reasonably similar. Both can make more cash.
      But if it had to be one I would trade McKercher. Reckon he could be due for a rest soon and scores been slowly dropping last couple weeks. Mass got stuck on bench in last quarter last week too meaning he missed opportunity to score clutch points at end of game. Just my opinion.

  1. Jordan and Howes the likely outs although I want to get rid of Berry but am on 34 trades and 4 boosts so don’t want to keep burning. Cloehsy coming in out of necessity but for the premo

    T/U: Whitfield (Def)

    T/D: Nic Martin (Mid and dpp down the line)

    • Curious as to why so skewed to Martin? Only 20k cheaper, has the role but scoring has been erratic and still an unknown heading forward. Would’ve thought Whitfield with the scoring history and consistency would’ve been more favoured. But hey what do I know

  2. Saving my bank and rookies for Heeney next week.

    Grundy to:
    TU: Marshall
    TD: Steele (Jackson DPP)

    Have tried my darnedest but outside of all the rookies tonning up this week, just won’t be able to get all 3 over the next 2 weeks

  3. I need to follow my pre-season hunch that JHF would be the next big thing and up there near Rozee and Butters in scoring by the end of the season. Nothing in his first 2 games has convinced me otherwise and nothing worse in this game than not backing yourself in… But how should I do it as JHF will need to be my M7 in my stack the midfield first strategy.

    TU: Roberts, Williams > JHF, Clohesy
    TD: Bramble, Clark > JHF, Clohesy

    Leaning towards the latter as I can bench Roberts this week, then loop Roberts and Sanders in R6 as Dogs play Friday and Swans on Sunday. From R7 I expect Roberts can move to defence (effectively replacing Bramble) after the DPP upgrade and/or Sanders can move forward where both can fully ripen as rookies ready to be traded for for mid-season byes….


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