Tech Leagues Review

A mixed bag but some very good scores for the round. Ninius (the ever consistent, as I say constantly) pulled out the big one this week (2484) to cement a top two spot at this stage. Glenboys came into calculations with a 2432 and Lost Lands also cracked 2400. Rounding out the top six were a former champ with new team MaxPower Experience on 2390 and Chips Ahoy scoring his third consecutive mention with a 2307. Phil Gilbert’s 2377 keeps him on top of the ladder, ahead of Ninius and Chips.

Now folks, don’t be sucked in by finals. The aim of this comp is to be the top points scorer at the end of round 23. By all means play for a league win if you wish for fun, but remember not play match ups or cover the opposition’s players, just go for maximum points.

Maybe maximum points could depend on trades, do you have any?

4 thoughts on “Tech Leagues Review”

  1. Well I still have four trades but it certainly has not done me any good. If there are any tech gurus out there who can somehow engineer something shonky, I’m prepared to auction off those trades. Any Takers?


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