If Dangerfield gets 2 weeks or more I’m swapping him out for Martin. I can’t have no forward premium for two rounds and Having Martin would yield an extra 70k. Open to bringing him back later on as a kid pricer upgrade.
I’m stuck on this one. It’s possible that after Round 2 I may need two rookie corrections, so normally I would want to save the trade. However with Flynn scoring 140 and looking like a solid on field option, I’m considering trading Grundy for Dusty via dpp this week. Enables me to ride Danger’s suspension (saving a later trade), gives me the same number of on field premos while letting me take Flynn’s score on field. Would love another week of data but strongly considering it this week.
Geez youd have to have big balls for backing flynn again next week. Freo are short on rucks but then hes got Gawn and Grundy up after that. Think his stats might have been boosted today with all the rain causing stoppages. Not sure what hell get next week but if i was you I would focus on nailing all the good rookies
Thanks Chillo, didnt see the stats, thats a lot for a ruckman! Just feels scary knowing how much damage Grawndy can do. Should be an interesting week for trades
Can attest my balls are indeed sizeable. I’m confident Grundy will correct, but he may drop significantly in value before he does. I don’t normally entertain trading out a premo after one bad game, but there’s an opportunity here for me to do it with a net positive score and cash gen impact. Could give me Danger as a POD in two weeks time as well. Just a consideration at this stage.
One thing to consider with Flynn is he missed AAMI with an ankle injury and then tweaked it during this game. It might be better to wait to see how he is round 3 before jumping.
Great kahunas for those that started Flynn…..looking at you Motts. BUT, he was up against another rookie and in the wet…lots of stoppages, and when you are a dominant ruckman in the wet…caching !!!
Wait another week. Plenty of Rucks scored alright. Flynn 140, Hickey 120, and shared ruck time for MacEvoy/Ceglar and English/Martin saw good scores (170+ and 190+).
Goldy 109, Lycett 94, McInerney 109, Pittonet 85 all seems normal too.
It may not be a “ruck” thing just a “poor game” thing.
I do have significant doubts over Grundy, not for being a ruck but for Collingwood’s midfield after losing Treloar. But very hard to tell after playing the Dogs who have a really solid midfield.
Yeah that’s what I’m concerned about with him too. He had plenty of hitouts, but they all went to Macrae, Dunkley etc. I don’t think Collingwood’s mids are gonna do him any favours this year. If Danger wasn’t going to be suspended, I wouldn’t even be thinking about it…
Not sure about you guys but I’ve been thinking about my trades all day waiting for this. Pretty happy that I nailed all my rookies besides Jordan who I traded out Saturday before the game! I think this week will have to be a wait-and-see for my teams to be released. Have been very lucky to avoid the chaos of Rowell, Danger, and other possible suspensions. Good luck to all of you have both!
More about personnel changes and rule changes I think. Gawn getting no intercept marks down back, less ruck time forward creating scoring opportunities. Less stoppages overall. Grundy has no midfield to tap to and just got dominated around the ground.
Gawn looked very fit. Goodwin, the idiot savant, had Gawn running all the way to the goalsquare all game and only started to looked gassed at the end, which is completely fair for a ruckman. Frustratingly, all I saw was Gawn running up and down with the ball either over his head or directed to another target.
Gawn’s issue right now is the ridiculous f*cking role they’ve got him in. They’ve slated him forward but no one looks for him and his not a great overhead mark. Not able to float back, rest and take those intercepts, like Tommy mentioned.
On Grundy’s fitness, yeah he actually looked a bit sluggish. Got as low as 67% TOG at one point. Think maybe they overworked him in preparation, should be fine.
I genuinely feel bad for dees supporters. Dees have a pretty good list overall now especially with Ben Brown but they dont stand a chance of going anywhere with that donut as their coach
If Danger is out for 3 or more weeks what do we think about this.
OUT: Danger and Rowell
IN: Martin and Walsh
(Any other options?)
I have all the major rookies already, this may seem like point chasing but both Walsh and Martin were in my team at various points during the Pre-season.
The problem being, if Rowell isn’t dealt with this week, there will no doubt a different couple of trades that need to be done after R2, before rookie prices increase or an under performing player drops in price, or the inevitable injury or suspension. So Rowell needs to go this week. And possibly Danger, depending on how many weeks he will miss.
Agree Lisa. I have Danger so he probably goes for Titch/Boak, but Dunkley dpp looks attractive and keeps my balance. And Jordan looks the only rookie I missed but the swap via dpp from Henry can wait till r3 with hopefully only one other corrective trade.
I fully understand Hinsch, but I know that I need to get Jordon in so I’m going to get him. Some may say, “No leave it for another week, he’ll still be there.” But we don’t know whats going to happen next week and then our 2 trades might be needed to replace another set of injury/suspension issues. I’m lucky that I didn’t have Danger and Rowell (did at some stage during team build – but then who didn’t) and managed to field Rowe, Flynn and Gulden. But I know I’m only one week away from disaster. I was very lucky this week and I’m living proof that Supercoach is more luck than skill (At least where I’m throwing darts from) Good luck mate!
Cerra is definitely a breakout contender. However i think its still to early to jump on. If he has 3 or 4 more 100 plus games then id definitely consider.
Every thing else points his way.I feel his huge tank will suit the 20 min quarters. The numbers back this up.
Brayshaw and Cerra both 95 min TOG
Walsh 106 Min TOG ( same as Oliver )
Another to seriously consider is the DPP of Dusty.
He looks very fit, At his high ownership, it could be dangerous to leave him out.
He had an incredible 115 Min TOG.
Save yourself the trade, I reckon Warner’s upside is about the same as Daniher’s in the long run. You can’t predict both of these player’s seasons based solely off of one game.
I didn’t want to be making any trades but Rowell and Danger is gonna be a problem for me. Is it crazy to go Danger to Heeney to bank some extra cash in lieu of not having as many trades later?
TU: Be smart and go with Dusty
TD: Heeney and the extra cash
As I don’t have enough cash ($518k after Rowell out) I’ll be looking closely at Heeney.
Not really much on offer priced short of say Dusty priced in a forward or midfield role, and my defence is already running 5 deep.
There are speculative options, sure. Stephenson, Phillips, Cerra, Serong, Jack Higgins and so forth.
Heeney’s at least shown a bit more than them in the past.
Was actually pretty impressed with the Swans game plan and pace. If that continues, Heeney will be able to play as a proper forward and he looked better for it.
Whats stopping you from going 6 deep in defenders Harbour Heroes. There are no rookies down there anyway excluding Kosi and Highmore. I’m looking at Bowes from the Suns. He plays like Lloyd. Only 451K and scored 146pts. Even got the much respected seagull icon on fanfooty yesterday. (Usually reserved for Lloyd) Easy step up to a final premo after byes. thats my 10 cents worth anyway. Good luck, mate.
The fact I’ve got Clark there at D6 is one thing, although he can certainly go Mid as a temporary solution. but longer term will he be a top 6 or top 10 defender? Possibly but a big jump required.
If I was making this call at round 5 and he was still putting that form out then yeah, I’d be more comfortable. But at round 1 I don’t want to lock away my defence for the year on the basis of one game.
The problem is that those who are most likely to be actually in Top 6 D at the end of the year are either in my team or outside my 518k.
I think that as it is I am already missing out on high scoring players like Whitfield, Ryan, Sicily, May and would have to be choosing Clark above them or selecting him and aiming at a second later trade. If I am going to do that then I feel I would be better going for a cash cow like Young who has potentially twice the cash increase.
Certainly Hunter Clark or Jack Bowes look like good options if you started them, or if you’re not already 5 deep.
Thinking the same thing…..Dunkley, Zorko and from left field Shai Bolton all have the dpp. MGgrath and T Kelly also in the mix. Kelly looked like 2019 again.
“Don’t touch Heeney! Don’t do it! Don’t go there! No! No! Never again! But he’s a good scorer. He’s got so much upside. I can easily make 150k off him and leave him at F6. Oh, alright then give him a go!” This is what goes through your mind when you think of Heeney. After all, how can you say no to that cute face and the blonde hair?
Don’t know about all you guys but surely we have to flirt with the idea of Stephenson, 27 touches in their ammi series game then 33 on the weekend, he’s looking very at home in this north midfield!
He is someone I’m putting some thought into, but you must consider Dumont, Cunnington and Anderson are all currently out of the team and aren’t too far away. So will that push him more to the edge of the North midfield or it is now his home?
Hi Jov. I’ve got Taranto and he played crap for 107pts. I don’t know how he got there? But is that a good thing? I mean if he plays that badly and tonned up then what will happen when he fires? I’m not trying to confuse you I’m just sharing how I felt when I was watching him closely, because I had him. I just know he didn’t really impress me, but maybe it was the wet conditions? This is not going to help you much is it? Good luck.
Hey Walshy. An observation here mate. All the good performers over the weekend were really strong in their defence. The top place has 5 premos and Jordan Clark in at D6. If you could swing either Laird or Clark (if you have them) into the mids and get a good defender in there that would be a good move as well. Steven May (Melb) 507k is who I am looking to bring in next week. There’s a stack to pick from, good luck.
I need to trade Rowell. Whether I look to go Titch or a cheaper option like Brayshaw/Walsh I dunno. I may as well just throw the towel in though. I think Motts has it in the bag
Need to move Rowell like many others, but will wait for the inevitable poll on that one. Got most of the rookies but took a punt on Harmes who was underwhelming. Have Laird, Daniel, Clark, Harmes then rookies. Do I?
TU: Hold for another week.
TD: Trade (Pull the trigger early and have enough $ to get anyone)
I think people who’ve started Gawn, Grundy, Flynn just need to hold the trigger. You’ll waste a trade trading one out and then at least one more getting one back later on. Look at it as a positive.
1. You’ve got most likely the best two rucks by years end.
2. Flynn is solid bench cover, especially long term, unlike Hunter and Meek.
3. By the bye round u have the option to build a massive war chest by potentially dg Flynn
4. Don’t forget you’re set for the year already. No trades needed
If your premium had a bad week, stay put. You chose him for a reason
Suspension or injuries trade out this week.
Following week, trade in must have rookies.
If Rowell is out for an extended amount of time, do you guys think Bailey Smith is a good replacement option being the same price point? Can he continue to put up big scores consistently in that stacked midfield?
Danger to Zach Williams via DPP and bank the $150K? Gives approximately the required amount for a 1 up, 1 down upgrade as soon as your first cash cow fattens…
Post your team then please. If you had those 3 premiums to begin with, you’re team may be lacking somewhere else. Might need to shift some players and upgrade elsewhere.
I would be looking to swap to someone who has confirmed themselves as good value. The backline looks to have increased scoring potential this year so they appear good value before price changes commence, and someone like Zach Williams could double as value and a POD after missing the first week. He could leave you with an extra $150K to access your first upgrade quicker and get you back on track.
I would trade Danger for Dunkley which leaves him and Martin as your F1 and F2, and without knowing how much bank you have, look at trading Rowell to the likes of Walsh, McGrath, A.Bradshaw. All 3 came off great R1 performances and you’ll potentially have substantial bank for future upgrades.
Hello all,
This is my first time posting, with Rowell going down. What would be the best move going forward.
T/U Rowell > Z.Williams (via DPP)
T/D Rowell > Tarranto
anyone recommend a big forward to trade with dangerfield, if he gets more than 1 week suspension. already have martin and dunkley (dunkley in midfeild)
They’re both best 22 from my Swans fan perspective.
Warner might have more pressure from other kids waiting in the wings, but Campbell is more expensive byand if he keeps playing quite a defensive role may not score as well as we hoped.
LDU or Cerra in the mids. Steven May or Hunter Clark in Def.
I had May late last year and he was good for me. Great POD who has started this year like he finished off last year.
Hi Stewy_the_Swan,
You would probably have to go Mills. But I do have both and I must say that while Mills had a great game (only saw the highlights) I did watch Hunter Clark and he did some really good things. He’s going to be pretty good this year. But before the price rise, if Mills has another decent match his price is going to shoot up pretty quick. Good luck mate.
Really toying with the idea of bringing in Jaidyn Stephenson after 2 solid weeks in the midfield but also aware the Roos still have Cunnington, Anderson and Dumont to come back in.
Reckon it’s worth getting him in or will he likely get pushed up into the forward line once these guys are back?
I currently don’t have Dusty, but I don’t know how good he is going to do in the future, I know he had a ripping round 1, but I can see him dying down in the next couple rounds.
im thinking to maybe go Tom Mitchell in the midfield as he looks like he is back at 100% and should have plenty of the ball in the hawks midfield.
also thinking of moving him into a defender via dpp. I don’t have short, but I could also get Zac Williams or Callum Mills as PODs
Same boat here mate! I am not sure Williams averages enough to be a swap for Danger, I like the Mills option though.
For me it was initially Walsh and Brayshaw as they have good scoring potential and I get to pocket $70k. Unfortunately Walsh is ruled out for me as I have Neale / Merrett / Macrae / Dunkley.
So for me it is now Brayshaw versus Titch. I know Titch is probably the better option, but I do like the idea of some extra financial flexibility as I currently only have $30k in the bank.
cheers mate, Im now heavily considering getting in Brayshaw. Do you think it is fine if I leave just one premium forward being Dunkley. I feel like I will get less value if I do, but, structure is also important.
Who are your other forwards? You probably don’t want to be relying on guys like Brockman or Scott to be on field.
But I suppose most important thing is that as long as Danger is being moved for a potential 110+ average guy then it should be okay. I have seen some people suggesting a downgrade to J Stephenson which after 1 game seems absurd.
my other forwards are Ziebel, campbell, Warner, Rowe and jones which I think will be sufficient for now. I totally agree with your point though. It doesn’t really matter where it goes if they are still getting the points and are going to be a lock
just watch the Crows team lists though – Rowe may not get named this week, depending on Crouch – he was a late in for Crouch. Maybe he did enough to stay in … who knows. THis is a downside of the team lists every day …
Landed in the top 150 rankings and dont need to make any forced trades quite happy for now. Avoided the chaos.
Though im left questioning 2 of my keeper picks, Lachie hunter and Docherty. Both put up awkward-ish scores for there positions in my structure.. 100 and 94 respectively. Ill back them in this week and hope for another 10+ points each.
Also wasnt impressed with J.higgins role on the weekend, 77 pts not quite what i had hoped but ill wait on him too.
Definitely keeping neale, gawn and lloyd they will all improve.
I didn’t vote either way, I do think people may not like a few of your SC picks. Firstly.
Small Forwards are not really what you want. I know he was slated for more midfield time, Like Gresham before him this will only happen in spurts. He is probably too small to play full time mid. I would expect no more than an 75/85 ave. I would probably look at moving him on. Heeney is about the same price. He is an injury risk but should average 15/20 points more. If you have the cash Dusty looks like a must have.
Yes a pod, most people think, last year he was overscored with shorter quarters. Making him top priced this year. I also worry about his role with so many Bulldog Mids.
This is just my observation. I could be reading it wrong ?
Thank tragic. Appreciate the feedback and do agree with your comments. Ill give them another week before wasting trades on 2 players i planned as keepers but am worried that they will let me down. Cant expect flynn, gulden and rowe to tonne up again. But if gawn, neale and lloyd score as they are expected to it could end up a similar score again regardless. Fingers crossed
I would be keeping Hunter for now. He can bob up with some big scores so may be worth keeping. Just keep an eye on his BE in a few weeks. If he looks like he’s going to bleed a heap of cash, jump off and get on a reliable accumulator like Mitchell or Merrett. They are both no 1 at their clubs and should finish top 8-10 mid.
Need to remember it is a long season with not many trades to get through. Unless emergency hold trades this week with exception of rowel if long term. Get your rookies right. If you got them all you could consider 1 correction only this week. Just my thoughts.
I am one of the Gawn, Neale, Steele, Rowell, Danger owners but have to say was always worried about the Neale tag- which he does not handle that well, left Grundy out and the young bomber ruck scored around the same at better economy for obvious reasons which was a little win, not sure about Steele after half time as he was smashing it early-sure to come good, so the no brainer in my opinion would be.
Have to say did anyone notice the new rule causing the game to hold up ? i think this was due to no manning up , and the new manning the mark ??
Coast to coast will be a thing of the past as all they want to do at the moment is exploit the new man on the mark rule, have to say well done to dew to keep things in check yesterday but it was Fu,,,,g ugly.
Thumbs up if you are a Lloyd, Neale, Gawn, Grundy, Danger and Rowell owner. This will be good. If you are we will all give you an encouraging ‘ataboy, there’s always next week, type comment!
Danger for Martin – gone for at 2/3 weeks – cannot afford loss of points.
Rowell for Boak – not just sold one big score – has a high ceiling.
Considered multiple options for the Rowell trade but already have Walsh, Zerret, Neal ect. Mills and Heeney look tempting but I trust Longmire as much as Mr Magnets. Also considered Bradshaw (Freo), Williams (Carl), Mitchell (Haw) but i just think Boak will keep pumping out decent / consistent scores. Taranto and Stephenson also tempting but I don’t trust the coach / roles.
Happy to be wrong – as my ex-wife (rage traded me many years ago post inception) and will always testify to me being wrong, but reliability is the key in a strong team (Boak). I am sure I will be reminded if I am wrong…
More than welcome for comments / constructive criticism.
Having a bit of a dilemma as to what to do with Rowell. Only have 4K in the bank so can’t trade him out for a premium. Would really appreciate some feedback as I’m currently considering the following scenarios:
TU: Rowell > Bailey Smith OR Adam Cerra
TD: Rowell > Jordan Clark + 257k
Question for your question. Will you need the extra cash to buy into more expensive cash cow rookies to maximise cash generation come eve of round 3? Long game vs short term gain – trust your gut and team structure come round 12. Clarke (DPP who I have since round 1) is speculative pick (but have mobility to move him from def to mid) is a risk but are there other options which may leave you a bit of cash in the bank for moving day (round 3).
Have to do a sideways trade for Rowell. Looking at either Bailey Smith or Adam Cerra, not 100% sure who to go with. Already have Bont, Dunkley and Daniel in my side.
Im likely trading out dangerfield if 2+ weeks and also Nik Cox as his cash gen looks very dodgy to say the least. Given this there are multiple options. Do I:
TU: play safe (Mills/Dusty and Jordan)
TD: high risk (Will Day and Jaiyden Stephenson)
On face value TU is the clear winner but both Day and Jay have reallt attractive SC roles. Day took alot of the Hawthorn kickouts and was their main man down back. Stephenson looks polished in midfield. I think he holds his spot in there. If i do TD i will get Jordan before his R3 price hike. Also i have only really got Clark as mid pricer currently so im not too concerned about mid price madness given the roles of the guys im proposing to trade in.
They’re both best 22 from my Swans fan perspective.
Warner might have more pressure from other kids waiting in the wings, but Campbell is more expensive byand if he keeps playing quite a defensive role may not score as well as we hoped.
Ok I got thru round 1 pretty well. I don’t have Rowell or danger but made Gawn captain so settled with 2116 as a score. My dilemma is do I burn 2 trades this week to bring in Flynn (I have hunter) and maybe Jordan or wait and see what happens this round. Thoughts?
TU Make the trade you only live once
TD Dont be an idiot. Save them for later
Unable to do much as I only have 1.1k in the bank.
Rowell > Taranto
Downie > Berry
I’m curious at the prospect of swinging Laird in the middle and bringing in Williams, but I’d rather the safer trade and can always bring in Williams later *IF* he proves durable/consistent. Cheers
I can afford Rowell to T. Mitch if I also trade Daniher to Jordan V DPP.
Or is that a wasted trade and should look at a cheaper option.
Mitch ticks off an added premium though.
This might be a dumb question from an old hand, but, is there a way I can see other punters in my leagues teams before r3 ? ?? Everyone seems to know my team…maybe thats because I post it on this site ??
Yeah, there’s two ways. Either search up a team name same as you’d search up a player or you can go to Gameday and press the green plus on a team from your league, which will contrast your team with theirs.
That’s how I perved on Motts’ team and was messaging him still in Sunday lockout that he was going to go huge lol!
He got 126 in round 1 last year and still did that. As he has done in previous years too.
Nothing new there. He lifts for round 1 against Carlton every year. He has teams he consistently goes big against (eg Carlton, Hawthorn) and lifts for big occasions.
Made another post on that exact stat a few minutes ago.
Got the Danger / Rowell combo that needs addressing.
Danger is going to Dusty, struggling with what to do with Rowell
TU: Boak
TD: Brayshaw (Freo)
Comment: Anybody else? Would consider Walsh but already have Cripps & Dow.
Not sure why people are still bullish on Taranto, he found plenty of it and only just tonned? Showed he still has issues with disposal efficiency (57% in R1) and GWS rotated 6 midfielders through CBs, with Taranto attending the least amount by the game’s end (10).
That performance would steer me in the direction of avoiding, not pursuing, him.
Also, a match up v Freo isn’t any incentive to pick him. Freo MIDs, particularly from an SC perspective, are actually pretty decent. Brayshaw 125, Cerra 122, Fyfe 109, Serong 101, all had 26+ touches and sharked a decent chunk of Gawn’s HO work, it was just up FWD where they lacked targets, depth and conversion.
Rowell trade talk as usual, have 542,000 to spend, looking at a few options, mainly to swing players with DPP into the midfield. Also tempted to downgrade, posted below.
Still not 100% sure what to do with Rowell. Only have 5k so can’t upgrade him to a McGrath or Walsh. I’ve got 2 scenarios in mind and wanted to get your opinions.
Scenario 1
Rowell > Cerra
Scenario 2
Rowell > Jordon/Berry, Swing Laird to MID, A.Fyfe > Z. Williams
Goodwins or Gawn my mail waa that james asked goodwin if he could play in the midfield he was told that he will play were i put you good coach naah thinking heppell may be a decent sideways trade for u macrae yep.
Thanks FT for the wise words if it helps here is my team:
DEF: Lloyd, Laird, Stewart, Clark, Jones, Highmore (Kosi, H.Sharp)
MID: Neale, Oliver, Zmerret, Crippa, Rowell, Powell, Jordan, Gulden (Brockman, Downie and A.Scott)
RUC: Gawn, Grundy (Flynn)
FWD: Danger, Dunkley, Ziebell, Dow, Campbell, Rowe (Warner, Treacy)
Jones looks a few weeks off at minimum. I would be looking at getting another defender. Rowell to Short or May ?
This would move Sharp to the mids.
Then you could look at Danger to the mids ( via A Scott – Warner on field forward.)
You should then be able to afford Mitchell.
I like his Bye and he should be pretty suited to the new rules as he is an accumulator around the ground and doesn’t rely too much on centre clearance.
If you want to bank some cash, you could also go Dusty or an up and comer like Walsh or Brayshaw.
Another option is go “Break out” pick Cerra .
This could leave you with enough cash to turn a someone like Dow into a Heeney type. Or downgrade Dow and have enough cash for your first upgrade.
The only rookie correction you may need at this stage, is perhaps S Berry from the Crows. Keep an eye on him this week V the Swans.
Save your trades as it is a long season.
Why would you want to trade out Lloyd ?
You never trade out keepers unless injured or long term suspension, especially after one round. You selected Lloyd for a reason. He will be one of,if not the best defender in the competition.
As for Dow, again it was one game. Prices don’t change until round 3 so cool your jets.
No point trading for trading sake.
Not too sure what to do with Liam Duggan. I brought him in to cover Zac Williams. I am thinking of waiting another week to trade him if you he has another bad performance. I could downgrade to Hayden Young or bring in Zac Williams or Jayden Short
You want to be stacked towards the end of the byes. If you were structured say 8,10,12 that would be ideal as after the round 12 bye you can trade in and upgrade players in round 13 who have had their bye already.
But of course you can’t stack it too much further that way as pricing, injuries etc might make a mess of it for you.
Trading out Danger and there are wayyyy too many options to contemplate.
Right now stuck on Titch, Ridley (DPP), Dusty, Walsh, Brayshaw, Cerra, Williams (DPP)
Titch makes the most sense as I only have Ziebell, Powell, Stewart, Clark & Taranto in the bye.
However I only have $611,700 to spend so Walsh looks like the most likely option for me to choose. In Carlton’s bye week I have, Dunks, Daniel, Merrett Dow & Short. But Dusty is tempting too. So confusing and frustrating!
Im now thinking of burning 2 trades for a highly likely gain in points..
Campbell > Jordon
Dow > Ziebell
Only considering because I have jagged a high ranking and it might be worthwhile but would need to make the extra trade to have enough cash for ziebell, only have 22k.
Would have no problem with Dow -> Ziebell but not if it requires getting rid of Campbell. The kid’s an excellent kick, his JS is rock solid and he’ll start to throw up some seriously solid scores – there just wasn’t much for him and Lloyd to do last week lol.
Campbell aside, you should be looking to get Jordon in at the for an underperforming rookie or one likely to get dropped (McNeil, Brockman, etc.) not one with JS and a good scoring stream.
Tossing up between the following options. Leaning towards Williams as I could potentially see him being in my side long term. Cerra I think would only be a temporary selection. Thoughts?
Best first round score for me ever (2208 pts; Rank 674!), and forced into an early trade due to Dangers head-knock… would love guidance from the community on my two ideas
T/u Danger to Dusty ($95.7k Bank)
T/d Danger & McNeil to Ziebell & Heeney ($27.3k Bank)
Already have Dunkley.
Rest of forward line is a rookie assortment of Dow, Campbell, Warner, Scott, Rowe and Loophole.
I have Taranto already at M6… very happy with that.
Not sold on the role Hunter Clark has long-term as there’s still B Crouch to come back into the side. Plus, I have 4 Premos (Laird, Stewart, Ridley, Daniels) in the backline. Waiting for Lloyd to fall in price and determine later on the last piece to the puzzle when J Clark has fattened up round the byes.
Does not have to be two forwards, but that is my weakest line… Any other thoughts?
Sounds like the same team as me with Taranto at M6 and the same 4 premium defenders.
If I had Dangerfield I would probably take the risk and trade him to Butters, still allowing you to bring Ziebell in for McNeil. I feel Heeney’s cap is around 95, however Butters could be anywhere from 85-105.
I think at some point around the bye rounds Dusty will drop to sub $500k and that will be the time to bring him in, this is just based off previous season trends though.
That’s an interesting thought… Port are definitely on the upswing. I’m not sure there’s enough evidence for me to take a flyer on Butters yet. Rozee back into the side this week (potentially) as well, so I’d like to see how that plays out.
I could do Danger to Ziebell, pocket the coin and wait a week then make a decision about Butters, Heeney, or someone else.
And, totally agree with you on Dusty. He’s like a ‘break glass in case of emergency’ player. Usually shows up with 8 rounds to go, and that’s when I’m expecting to bring him in as well.
Like everyone else I’ve got the Dangerfield & Rowell problem and only 5K spare.
The lack of genuine forward premiums is concerning for me, I don’t pick key forwards as their scoring is never secure and already have Dunkley and Zorko. I’d like to replace Danger with a premo forward but just don’t see an option, I’ve been burnt the last 2 years by Dusty before so I’m not going to him.
If I move Danger to the middle and swap him to Brayshaw I can turn Rowell to McGrath giving me 5 premiums in the middle.
I was very bullish on Dusty as well, didn’t start him.
Watching him against the Blues who he usually does well against he looked like an absolute animal. He has my Hawks this week which I’m sure he’s gonna muscle his way to 110+
Honestly I’d say grab Dusty, he’ll probably end up in your team sooner or later and is a lock for top 6 fwds.
Dusty I think you have to go back to 2016 for him not to ton up against Hawthorn, but traditionally he falls very flat after his first game against Carlton.
He’ll be a top 6 forward and a 100 point player but it is important to realize that these are probably the two best scores he may get all season.
Danger to mid and bring in a premo Def via Laird DPP?
Plenty of points down back this year – Lloyd, Ryan, Mills, Ridley, Daniel, May, Short…all should be around top 8/10 and no need to guess on premo fwd yet.
Really stuck on this one and need some help.
I have danger and O.Henry up fwd.
TU- Danger > Dunkley & Leave Henry on the bench (64K in bank).
TD – Danger > Zorko & Henry > Young via DPP (31.8K in bank).
Im thinking just option 1 this week and i can always go Henry > Young next week, giving me another week to suss out young as i don’t think prices change until round 3.
Hey, for Rowell replacement I’m pretty interested in the Cerra pick. Averaged 100 post byes last year and scored 122 in a losing side where they lost by 40 points. 30k less then McGrath and I think the upside for Cerra is better than McGrath. Should I pick Cerra.
TU: Go for it
TD: No there are safer options
McGrath potential breakout but inflated score after 11 tackles.. Taranto? Can’t see 120s often, but Cerra starting the way he did and being a POD, I am leaning towards him.
So bit annoyed, thought Bonner might go well and make some money but now being out for what they think is 4+ with hammy, left with approx. 400k
Do I go for cheaper cash cow who can produce
(Thinking Hayden Young or Orazio with dpp) or go for a mid-premo and use all my money?
His role is very sound.He was taking half the kick outs last week and also chimed in with some intercept marks.
He has great DE and should average 85+
Fantasia is a weapon but is playing forward. He needs to score goals to put up decent numbers. He will put up some shockers trust me.
Fantasia also has a terrible injury history.
Dow to J Jordan looks like like a lock next week. This should give me 4 solid Mid rookies to fill 3 spots. I can loophole the one that plays first.
R: G G . Flynn
F: Dunkley . Ziebell . Campbell . Warner . Rowe .
Loop. A Scott and Bergman via Saunders.
* what to do with Rowell I have $102K in the bank. I’ve thought about Dusty or Heeney. They both have risks attached, and I just think its time to back one of my boys in.
T/U Brayshaw , leaves $53K bank.
T/U Cerra , leaves $112K Bank.
Brayshaw is priced to average 11 points a game more than Cerra. Can he do it ?
Going to cover Rowell with one of the following DPP trades, interested to know which is more preferred. Do we reckon Zac Williams can have a big year on the SC front given Carlton seem keen to play him on ball?
What to do?
OUT: Danger and Rowell
TU Dusty and Titch – leaves $20k in the bank but both high scorers
TD Dusty and Zac Williams – leaves $174k and ready to make any corrective trades next week
I went Mitchell myself. Was tossing up between him, Brayshaw and Walsh. I’m sure others have said similar but hopefully this is helpful. In going Mitchell I prioritized keeping my bye structure the same and having a player I expect to finish top of his line. Freeing up $50k and getting value was pretty enticing too but didn’t make sense with the rest of my team.
Well, I did it again this season. I had a date which became a 24 hour thing and didn’t set my rookies to the team sheets. Now, I’m also stuck with Rowell/Danger. Oof.
This week I’m torn. I’m set on Bailey Smith for Rowell, but unsure whether to bring in Stevo, Walsh or another cash cow for the second trade.
Getting Flynn in seems a given with 140 in his score next week, so that leaves me a single trade then. That will become a premo correction or another cow.
Accidently traded the wrong player instead of Dangerfield after lockout.
I know you can not reverse changes, but have read over the years that if you do the same trade in reverse with your remaining trade, it will credit back your trades.
Eg: trade merrett to titch by mistake, 1/2 trades used for the round.
Trade titch back to merrett (prior to their game) to correct and still have two remaining.
Can someone please confirm if this works. I’m too scared to try lest I waste another trade.
Ignore the thumbs down, it does work. Just do the reverse trade and you will get your trade back, I have just checked to confirm it still works by trading out Ziebell for Rowell. Got my trade credited back.
If Dangerfield gets 2 weeks or more I’m swapping him out for Martin. I can’t have no forward premium for two rounds and Having Martin would yield an extra 70k. Open to bringing him back later on as a kid pricer upgrade.
Looks like Rowell is a trade out.
We’re gonna need a poll on that one.
Yep, on it.
And a poll on whether to hold or trade Danger
Is it ludicrous to question trading out Gawn or grundy???
Tu; Hold both
Td; Seriously consider
Need to consider, but not until next week. If we see these trends continue it’s a waste of money, especially with ruck rookies available.
I’m stuck on this one. It’s possible that after Round 2 I may need two rookie corrections, so normally I would want to save the trade. However with Flynn scoring 140 and looking like a solid on field option, I’m considering trading Grundy for Dusty via dpp this week. Enables me to ride Danger’s suspension (saving a later trade), gives me the same number of on field premos while letting me take Flynn’s score on field. Would love another week of data but strongly considering it this week.
Geez youd have to have big balls for backing flynn again next week. Freo are short on rucks but then hes got Gawn and Grundy up after that. Think his stats might have been boosted today with all the rain causing stoppages. Not sure what hell get next week but if i was you I would focus on nailing all the good rookies
I think you have to give Flynn a little more credit, he also had 18 possessions and took some important defensive marks too.
I’m not saying he’ll score 140 every week, but he’s a cash cow. Consistent 60s and 70s will get you to where you need to go.
Thanks Chillo, didnt see the stats, thats a lot for a ruckman! Just feels scary knowing how much damage Grawndy can do. Should be an interesting week for trades
Can attest my balls are indeed sizeable. I’m confident Grundy will correct, but he may drop significantly in value before he does. I don’t normally entertain trading out a premo after one bad game, but there’s an opportunity here for me to do it with a net positive score and cash gen impact. Could give me Danger as a POD in two weeks time as well. Just a consideration at this stage.
Glad to hear about your big balls. Look youre almost convincing me to trade down and use the cash gen!
One thing to consider with Flynn is he missed AAMI with an ankle injury and then tweaked it during this game. It might be better to wait to see how he is round 3 before jumping.
Great kahunas for those that started Flynn…..looking at you Motts. BUT, he was up against another rookie and in the wet…lots of stoppages, and when you are a dominant ruckman in the wet…caching !!!
Wait another week. Plenty of Rucks scored alright. Flynn 140, Hickey 120, and shared ruck time for MacEvoy/Ceglar and English/Martin saw good scores (170+ and 190+).
Goldy 109, Lycett 94, McInerney 109, Pittonet 85 all seems normal too.
It may not be a “ruck” thing just a “poor game” thing.
I do have significant doubts over Grundy, not for being a ruck but for Collingwood’s midfield after losing Treloar. But very hard to tell after playing the Dogs who have a really solid midfield.
Yeah that’s what I’m concerned about with him too. He had plenty of hitouts, but they all went to Macrae, Dunkley etc. I don’t think Collingwood’s mids are gonna do him any favours this year. If Danger wasn’t going to be suspended, I wouldn’t even be thinking about it…
I took a couple of real chances which I’m not willing to chance again, so corrective trades.
Very happy that my ruck department scored 210 for less than $800k for all 3. If they can average that each week, I’ll be laughing!
Not sure about you guys but I’ve been thinking about my trades all day waiting for this. Pretty happy that I nailed all my rookies besides Jordan who I traded out Saturday before the game! I think this week will have to be a wait-and-see for my teams to be released. Have been very lucky to avoid the chaos of Rowell, Danger, and other possible suspensions. Good luck to all of you have both!
I did notice your nice start tlt !!
I trust Gawn/Grundy to bounce back, as they do every year…
But does anyone have info on their fitness? Did they both have a good preseason? Or are they underdone?
Would be handy info to have.
More about personnel changes and rule changes I think. Gawn getting no intercept marks down back, less ruck time forward creating scoring opportunities. Less stoppages overall. Grundy has no midfield to tap to and just got dominated around the ground.
Gawn looked very fit. Goodwin, the idiot savant, had Gawn running all the way to the goalsquare all game and only started to looked gassed at the end, which is completely fair for a ruckman. Frustratingly, all I saw was Gawn running up and down with the ball either over his head or directed to another target.
Gawn’s issue right now is the ridiculous f*cking role they’ve got him in. They’ve slated him forward but no one looks for him and his not a great overhead mark. Not able to float back, rest and take those intercepts, like Tommy mentioned.
On Grundy’s fitness, yeah he actually looked a bit sluggish. Got as low as 67% TOG at one point. Think maybe they overworked him in preparation, should be fine.
Been saying it for a couple years now. Goodwin is the worst coach in the league.
Yep, no two ways about: a f*cking clown.
*Gawn established as the competition’s best tap ruckman with great defensive intercepting ability
Goodwin: play him more FWD!
*Petracca breaks out as a beast of inside midfielder in 2020
Goodwin: play him more FWD!
He’s an idiot savant.
I genuinely feel bad for dees supporters. Dees have a pretty good list overall now especially with Ben Brown but they dont stand a chance of going anywhere with that donut as their coach
What? Gawn is borderline the best overhead mark in the comp.
If Danger is out for 3 or more weeks what do we think about this.
OUT: Danger and Rowell
IN: Martin and Walsh
(Any other options?)
I have all the major rookies already, this may seem like point chasing but both Walsh and Martin were in my team at various points during the Pre-season.
Unlucky to see Rowell injured but have to trade him out.
Trading M.Rowell, O.Henry> A.McGrath , C.Warner
I won’t be jumping anywhere for Rd 2 SC prices don’t change until Rd 3 so it’s a hold for me save trades
The problem being, if Rowell isn’t dealt with this week, there will no doubt a different couple of trades that need to be done after R2, before rookie prices increase or an under performing player drops in price, or the inevitable injury or suspension. So Rowell needs to go this week. And possibly Danger, depending on how many weeks he will miss.
Agree Lisa. I have Danger so he probably goes for Titch/Boak, but Dunkley dpp looks attractive and keeps my balance. And Jordan looks the only rookie I missed but the swap via dpp from Henry can wait till r3 with hopefully only one other corrective trade.
I fully understand Hinsch, but I know that I need to get Jordon in so I’m going to get him. Some may say, “No leave it for another week, he’ll still be there.” But we don’t know whats going to happen next week and then our 2 trades might be needed to replace another set of injury/suspension issues. I’m lucky that I didn’t have Danger and Rowell (did at some stage during team build – but then who didn’t) and managed to field Rowe, Flynn and Gulden. But I know I’m only one week away from disaster. I was very lucky this week and I’m living proof that Supercoach is more luck than skill (At least where I’m throwing darts from) Good luck mate!
With Danger suspended tossing up between:
TU: Brayshaw
TD: Walsh
Also had my eye on cerra for a large portion of last season and considering dusty after his monster game. Thoughts anyone?
This one could depend on bye structure, Walsh shares a bye with popular mids like Neale, Merrett, Bont, Macrae, Dunkely
I have 4 of the above so will likely go Brayshaw or Titch.
Cerra is definitely a breakout contender. However i think its still to early to jump on. If he has 3 or 4 more 100 plus games then id definitely consider.
On replacing Rowell..
Walsh has the worst Bye.
Every thing else points his way.I feel his huge tank will suit the 20 min quarters. The numbers back this up.
Brayshaw and Cerra both 95 min TOG
Walsh 106 Min TOG ( same as Oliver )
Another to seriously consider is the DPP of Dusty.
He looks very fit, At his high ownership, it could be dangerous to leave him out.
He had an incredible 115 Min TOG.
So Dusty or Walsh for me.
Is it worth trading Daniher to Warner, frees up quite a bit of cash?
TU: Good trade.
TD: Hold Daniher.
Save yourself the trade, I reckon Warner’s upside is about the same as Daniher’s in the long run. You can’t predict both of these player’s seasons based solely off of one game.
On the back of Gulden’s performance, you’d have to say Warner is close to the first player out of the Swans best 22. Save the trade…
I didn’t want to be making any trades but Rowell and Danger is gonna be a problem for me. Is it crazy to go Danger to Heeney to bank some extra cash in lieu of not having as many trades later?
TU: Be smart and go with Dusty
TD: Heeney and the extra cash
As I don’t have enough cash ($518k after Rowell out) I’ll be looking closely at Heeney.
Not really much on offer priced short of say Dusty priced in a forward or midfield role, and my defence is already running 5 deep.
There are speculative options, sure. Stephenson, Phillips, Cerra, Serong, Jack Higgins and so forth.
Heeney’s at least shown a bit more than them in the past.
Was actually pretty impressed with the Swans game plan and pace. If that continues, Heeney will be able to play as a proper forward and he looked better for it.
Whats stopping you from going 6 deep in defenders Harbour Heroes. There are no rookies down there anyway excluding Kosi and Highmore. I’m looking at Bowes from the Suns. He plays like Lloyd. Only 451K and scored 146pts. Even got the much respected seagull icon on fanfooty yesterday. (Usually reserved for Lloyd) Easy step up to a final premo after byes. thats my 10 cents worth anyway. Good luck, mate.
The fact I’ve got Clark there at D6 is one thing, although he can certainly go Mid as a temporary solution. but longer term will he be a top 6 or top 10 defender? Possibly but a big jump required.
If I was making this call at round 5 and he was still putting that form out then yeah, I’d be more comfortable. But at round 1 I don’t want to lock away my defence for the year on the basis of one game.
The problem is that those who are most likely to be actually in Top 6 D at the end of the year are either in my team or outside my 518k.
I think that as it is I am already missing out on high scoring players like Whitfield, Ryan, Sicily, May and would have to be choosing Clark above them or selecting him and aiming at a second later trade. If I am going to do that then I feel I would be better going for a cash cow like Young who has potentially twice the cash increase.
Certainly Hunter Clark or Jack Bowes look like good options if you started them, or if you’re not already 5 deep.
Thinking the same thing…..Dunkley, Zorko and from left field Shai Bolton all have the dpp. MGgrath and T Kelly also in the mix. Kelly looked like 2019 again.
“Don’t touch Heeney! Don’t do it! Don’t go there! No! No! Never again! But he’s a good scorer. He’s got so much upside. I can easily make 150k off him and leave him at F6. Oh, alright then give him a go!” This is what goes through your mind when you think of Heeney. After all, how can you say no to that cute face and the blonde hair?
Don’t know about all you guys but surely we have to flirt with the idea of Stephenson, 27 touches in their ammi series game then 33 on the weekend, he’s looking very at home in this north midfield!
He is someone I’m putting some thought into, but you must consider Dumont, Cunnington and Anderson are all currently out of the team and aren’t too far away. So will that push him more to the edge of the North midfield or it is now his home?
When’s Cunners coming back? Doesn’t sound like it’s soon according to the injury reports
He played forward in the practice games, I don’t trust him to keep the same role consistently.
Rowell > Taranto
Waiting and seeing how everyone goes Round 2 to decide the next move.
Hi Jov. I’ve got Taranto and he played crap for 107pts. I don’t know how he got there? But is that a good thing? I mean if he plays that badly and tonned up then what will happen when he fires? I’m not trying to confuse you I’m just sharing how I felt when I was watching him closely, because I had him. I just know he didn’t really impress me, but maybe it was the wet conditions? This is not going to help you much is it? Good luck.
Appreciate the insight Snarfy.
I’m a bit handicapped, I have a budget of $502k to spend on a Rowell replacement.
Thinking Rowell > LDU, bit risky but looked good today, could this finally be his breakout year?
I had Cerra right up until a few days before round 1 and switched him for Rowell. I’m going to now waste a trade by switching them again
If Danger is out for > 2 weeks, I’ll be targeting one of the following:
Ridley, May, Short, Boak, Walsh, Mills, Dusty.
Guess I’ve got 5 days to narrow it down..
Would have to be either Boak or Dusty?
Mills on that performance would make a good POD.
Walsh looked really good too.
I’ve got 560k for Rowell who should I get?
Hey Walshy. An observation here mate. All the good performers over the weekend were really strong in their defence. The top place has 5 premos and Jordan Clark in at D6. If you could swing either Laird or Clark (if you have them) into the mids and get a good defender in there that would be a good move as well. Steven May (Melb) 507k is who I am looking to bring in next week. There’s a stack to pick from, good luck.
If you’re upgrading to another premo I’d go either Dusty or McGrath @Bailey Walsh
Already have dusty
Bailey Walsh
Brayshaw and Walsh look like solid options
TU:- Heeney
TD:- Stephenson
Tu) James Jordan
Td) Powell
In Ziebell & Caldwell
Out De Goey & Henry
TD: Hold and wait another week
Currently have Dusty, De Goey then rookies F3-F8.
Limited cash from Rowell leaves me these options and i can’t decide…
Cripps, Taranto, Heeney, Williams…
Really wanted Walsh or Brayshaw. Had them both the day prior to their games but bought in Rowell instead :/
Any advice would be appreciated!
TU Cripps
TD Taranto
TU Heeney
TD Williams
Get Perryman
McGrath’s 133 on Saturday for $510k is another option… $30k cheaper than Walsh or Brayshaw.
I need to trade Rowell. Whether I look to go Titch or a cheaper option like Brayshaw/Walsh I dunno. I may as well just throw the towel in though. I think Motts has it in the bag
TU: Dusty
TD: Boak
Need to move Rowell like many others, but will wait for the inevitable poll on that one. Got most of the rookies but took a punt on Harmes who was underwhelming. Have Laird, Daniel, Clark, Harmes then rookies. Do I?
TU: Hold for another week.
TD: Trade (Pull the trigger early and have enough $ to get anyone)
Thoughts on swapping Brockman for Jordan?
TU: Do it
TD: Hold
I think people who’ve started Gawn, Grundy, Flynn just need to hold the trigger. You’ll waste a trade trading one out and then at least one more getting one back later on. Look at it as a positive.
1. You’ve got most likely the best two rucks by years end.
2. Flynn is solid bench cover, especially long term, unlike Hunter and Meek.
3. By the bye round u have the option to build a massive war chest by potentially dg Flynn
4. Don’t forget you’re set for the year already. No trades needed
Agree Wognuts.
If your premium had a bad week, stay put. You chose him for a reason
Suspension or injuries trade out this week.
Following week, trade in must have rookies.
If Rowell is out for an extended amount of time, do you guys think Bailey Smith is a good replacement option being the same price point? Can he continue to put up big scores consistently in that stacked midfield?
TU Yes
Seriously considering binning Grundy,
If I go ahead:
Tu; Campbell > Titch
Td; A. Fyfe > Dusty
I have Danger in the mids and already have Dusty & Dunkley forward, so:
TU straight swap Danger to Mitchell in mids
TD Danger to Mills in def via DPP
Danger to Zach Williams via DPP and bank the $150K? Gives approximately the required amount for a 1 up, 1 down upgrade as soon as your first cash cow fattens…
Good Luck holding onto 150k in your bank for 5-6 weeks M. I know I couldn’t mate, good luck!
if Dangerfield gets 2 or more weeks, i will trade him. any suggestions on who to trade him out for? (i am running dangerfield in the foward line).
Depends on who you don’t have. Martin and Dunkley will be 2 must haves by season end. Pretty simple choice if you need to trade him out
already have martin and dunkley.
Post your team then please. If you had those 3 premiums to begin with, you’re team may be lacking somewhere else. Might need to shift some players and upgrade elsewhere.
I would be looking to swap to someone who has confirmed themselves as good value. The backline looks to have increased scoring potential this year so they appear good value before price changes commence, and someone like Zach Williams could double as value and a POD after missing the first week. He could leave you with an extra $150K to access your first upgrade quicker and get you back on track.
Le Goat, i traded rowell for dunkley
I would trade Danger for Dunkley which leaves him and Martin as your F1 and F2, and without knowing how much bank you have, look at trading Rowell to the likes of Walsh, McGrath, A.Bradshaw. All 3 came off great R1 performances and you’ll potentially have substantial bank for future upgrades.
Is Warner a must have rookie going forward?
T/U Yes
T/D No
Hello all,
This is my first time posting, with Rowell going down. What would be the best move going forward.
T/U Rowell > Z.Williams (via DPP)
T/D Rowell > Tarranto
Need to deal with Rowell but only have $35k in bank
TU: Rowell to Mcgrath – 20k left
TD: Rowell to Dusty , E Smith to Treacy – 11k left
Two trades seems wasteful but it gets me a great loophole and someone who can take Meek’s spot in R4/5
Comment – Rowell to a Heeney/Hunter Clark type and bank 90k
anyone recommend a big forward to trade with dangerfield, if he gets more than 1 week suspension. already have martin and dunkley (dunkley in midfeild)
Buddy is a big forward
Horse also basically said that he’s not going to play Buddy every week.
Who has better JS?
TU Warner
TD Campbell
Will probably ditch one for Jordan if he keeps his spot
They’re both best 22 from my Swans fan perspective.
Warner might have more pressure from other kids waiting in the wings, but Campbell is more expensive byand if he keeps playing quite a defensive role may not score as well as we hoped.
getting rid of rowell
TU Stewart
TD mcgrath
can use dpp with anyone basically if there are better options have 541k
Stewart is Top 6 DEF, McGrath is not a Top 10 MID.
Stewart by a long way
LDU or Cerra in the mids. Steven May or Hunter Clark in Def.
I had May late last year and he was good for me. Great POD who has started this year like he finished off last year.
Consensus seems to be that Danger is getting at least 2 weeks. I have him in my mids so Danger out and via Laird DPP trade in…
T/U: Mills
T/D: Hunter Clark
Comment: ZWilliams
Ranked 1054 after R1 so want to stay up the pointy end otherwise I would probably hold Danger.
Hi Stewy_the_Swan,
You would probably have to go Mills. But I do have both and I must say that while Mills had a great game (only saw the highlights) I did watch Hunter Clark and he did some really good things. He’s going to be pretty good this year. But before the price rise, if Mills has another decent match his price is going to shoot up pretty quick. Good luck mate.
Really toying with the idea of bringing in Jaidyn Stephenson after 2 solid weeks in the midfield but also aware the Roos still have Cunnington, Anderson and Dumont to come back in.
Reckon it’s worth getting him in or will he likely get pushed up into the forward line once these guys are back?
TU: Worth it
TD: Not worth it
Trade Rowell to:
TU: Titch
TD: Walsh + 60k
Thank you!
Who to trade in?
TU James Jordon (JS?)
TD Willem Drew
I don’t know what to do with Danger.
I currently don’t have Dusty, but I don’t know how good he is going to do in the future, I know he had a ripping round 1, but I can see him dying down in the next couple rounds.
im thinking to maybe go Tom Mitchell in the midfield as he looks like he is back at 100% and should have plenty of the ball in the hawks midfield.
also thinking of moving him into a defender via dpp. I don’t have short, but I could also get Zac Williams or Callum Mills as PODs
comment your thoughts,
cheers coaches
Same boat here mate! I am not sure Williams averages enough to be a swap for Danger, I like the Mills option though.
For me it was initially Walsh and Brayshaw as they have good scoring potential and I get to pocket $70k. Unfortunately Walsh is ruled out for me as I have Neale / Merrett / Macrae / Dunkley.
So for me it is now Brayshaw versus Titch. I know Titch is probably the better option, but I do like the idea of some extra financial flexibility as I currently only have $30k in the bank.
cheers mate, Im now heavily considering getting in Brayshaw. Do you think it is fine if I leave just one premium forward being Dunkley. I feel like I will get less value if I do, but, structure is also important.
Who are your other forwards? You probably don’t want to be relying on guys like Brockman or Scott to be on field.
But I suppose most important thing is that as long as Danger is being moved for a potential 110+ average guy then it should be okay. I have seen some people suggesting a downgrade to J Stephenson which after 1 game seems absurd.
my other forwards are Ziebel, campbell, Warner, Rowe and jones which I think will be sufficient for now. I totally agree with your point though. It doesn’t really matter where it goes if they are still getting the points and are going to be a lock
just watch the Crows team lists though – Rowe may not get named this week, depending on Crouch – he was a late in for Crouch. Maybe he did enough to stay in … who knows. THis is a downside of the team lists every day …
Rowe or Berry ?
Rowe will totally keep his Forward role.
Berry’s pressure was elite and I’m hoping he holds his spot.
Crouch looks a few weeks away anyway.
Few correction trades
Dom Tyson -> Berry
Bergman -> Flynn via treacy dpp
Leaves me with 150k itb
Tu: good
Td: bad
Landed in the top 150 rankings and dont need to make any forced trades quite happy for now. Avoided the chaos.
Though im left questioning 2 of my keeper picks, Lachie hunter and Docherty. Both put up awkward-ish scores for there positions in my structure.. 100 and 94 respectively. Ill back them in this week and hope for another 10+ points each.
Also wasnt impressed with J.higgins role on the weekend, 77 pts not quite what i had hoped but ill wait on him too.
Definitely keeping neale, gawn and lloyd they will all improve.
Can anyone share some insight on the thumb downs? Im not making any trades just sharing thoughts on some of my picks.
Always keen for feedback.
Hey Jesse.
Congrats on your good start.
I didn’t vote either way, I do think people may not like a few of your SC picks. Firstly.
Small Forwards are not really what you want. I know he was slated for more midfield time, Like Gresham before him this will only happen in spurts. He is probably too small to play full time mid. I would expect no more than an 75/85 ave. I would probably look at moving him on. Heeney is about the same price. He is an injury risk but should average 15/20 points more. If you have the cash Dusty looks like a must have.
Yes a pod, most people think, last year he was overscored with shorter quarters. Making him top priced this year. I also worry about his role with so many Bulldog Mids.
This is just my observation. I could be reading it wrong ?
Thank tragic. Appreciate the feedback and do agree with your comments. Ill give them another week before wasting trades on 2 players i planned as keepers but am worried that they will let me down. Cant expect flynn, gulden and rowe to tonne up again. But if gawn, neale and lloyd score as they are expected to it could end up a similar score again regardless. Fingers crossed
No worries Jesse.
I would be keeping Hunter for now. He can bob up with some big scores so may be worth keeping. Just keep an eye on his BE in a few weeks. If he looks like he’s going to bleed a heap of cash, jump off and get on a reliable accumulator like Mitchell or Merrett. They are both no 1 at their clubs and should finish top 8-10 mid.
Best of luck with the rest of your season.
Need to remember it is a long season with not many trades to get through. Unless emergency hold trades this week with exception of rowel if long term. Get your rookies right. If you got them all you could consider 1 correction only this week. Just my thoughts.
Trading out Rowell and Dangerfield
TU: Mitchell and Z.Williams (via DPP) and extra 30k
TD: Walsh and Dunkley
This is the most traffic I’ve seen on a round 1 trade talk thread…
T/U – I’ll use 2 trades this week
T/D – One trade or none
Ok, I need someone to reply with the best alternative for Rowell under 520k I am so lost. Doesn’t matter if def, mid or forward.
Depends on your structure, but your best options @ 520k and under would be:
DEF: May and Short
MID: T. Kelly, Taranto, Cerra, McGrath
FWD: Butters, Heeney, Greene
Hunter Clark $439k DEF..
Breakout year .. spent a lot of time midfield in R1
Zak Jones and Brad Crouch to return though, Lazza.
He was really good Lazza. I was really impressed.
I am one of the Gawn, Neale, Steele, Rowell, Danger owners but have to say was always worried about the Neale tag- which he does not handle that well, left Grundy out and the young bomber ruck scored around the same at better economy for obvious reasons which was a little win, not sure about Steele after half time as he was smashing it early-sure to come good, so the no brainer in my opinion would be.
Have to say did anyone notice the new rule causing the game to hold up ? i think this was due to no manning up , and the new manning the mark ??
Coast to coast will be a thing of the past as all they want to do at the moment is exploit the new man on the mark rule, have to say well done to dew to keep things in check yesterday but it was Fu,,,,g ugly.
Thumbs up if you are a Lloyd, Neale, Gawn, Grundy, Danger and Rowell owner. This will be good. If you are we will all give you an encouraging ‘ataboy, there’s always next week, type comment!
Two trades this week via necessity.
Danger for Martin – gone for at 2/3 weeks – cannot afford loss of points.
Rowell for Boak – not just sold one big score – has a high ceiling.
Considered multiple options for the Rowell trade but already have Walsh, Zerret, Neal ect. Mills and Heeney look tempting but I trust Longmire as much as Mr Magnets. Also considered Bradshaw (Freo), Williams (Carl), Mitchell (Haw) but i just think Boak will keep pumping out decent / consistent scores. Taranto and Stephenson also tempting but I don’t trust the coach / roles.
Happy to be wrong – as my ex-wife (rage traded me many years ago post inception) and will always testify to me being wrong, but reliability is the key in a strong team (Boak). I am sure I will be reminded if I am wrong…
More than welcome for comments / constructive criticism.
T Rex
Martin & Mills if you can swing it.
Having a bit of a dilemma as to what to do with Rowell. Only have 4K in the bank so can’t trade him out for a premium. Would really appreciate some feedback as I’m currently considering the following scenarios:
TU: Rowell > Bailey Smith OR Adam Cerra
TD: Rowell > Jordan Clark + 257k
Hi Damian,
Question for your question. Will you need the extra cash to buy into more expensive cash cow rookies to maximise cash generation come eve of round 3? Long game vs short term gain – trust your gut and team structure come round 12. Clarke (DPP who I have since round 1) is speculative pick (but have mobility to move him from def to mid) is a risk but are there other options which may leave you a bit of cash in the bank for moving day (round 3).
Hi everyone, want honest feedback is Mcgrath a good option to trade in for Rowell, looks really good. TU and TD is appreciated.
TU ~ Hunter Clark
TD ~ Zac Williams
Have to do a sideways trade for Rowell. Looking at either Bailey Smith or Adam Cerra, not 100% sure who to go with. Already have Bont, Dunkley and Daniel in my side.
TU: Bailey Smith
TD: Adam Cerra
Hi guys,
Im likely trading out dangerfield if 2+ weeks and also Nik Cox as his cash gen looks very dodgy to say the least. Given this there are multiple options. Do I:
TU: play safe (Mills/Dusty and Jordan)
TD: high risk (Will Day and Jaiyden Stephenson)
On face value TU is the clear winner but both Day and Jay have reallt attractive SC roles. Day took alot of the Hawthorn kickouts and was their main man down back. Stephenson looks polished in midfield. I think he holds his spot in there. If i do TD i will get Jordan before his R3 price hike. Also i have only really got Clark as mid pricer currently so im not too concerned about mid price madness given the roles of the guys im proposing to trade in.
So many mids to come back soon for North. Stephenson is going to hurt a few who bring him in now IMO.
Day is a better bet, but still no comparison to Dusty or even Mills.
They’re both best 22 from my Swans fan perspective.
Warner might have more pressure from other kids waiting in the wings, but Campbell is more expensive byand if he keeps playing quite a defensive role may not score as well as we hoped.
I missed out on Jordan.
TU. Dow to Jordan
TD. Wait a week
Trade for Rowell:
TU: Mills/Dusty/Walsh
TD: Hold for one more week, get more data
I was at work and i accidentely have downie in my lineup. Should i just keep him for now? Or trade him for Jordan?
I would keep Downie for now. He will get games soon.He may even play this week.
Jordan looked great but you have time before price changes to move on him. look anything can happen Injury / Rested / dropped.
Wait and grab him before his price moves.
Danger – Mitchell for me holding Gawndy
Ok I got thru round 1 pretty well. I don’t have Rowell or danger but made Gawn captain so settled with 2116 as a score. My dilemma is do I burn 2 trades this week to bring in Flynn (I have hunter) and maybe Jordan or wait and see what happens this round. Thoughts?
TU Make the trade you only live once
TD Dont be an idiot. Save them for later
Ok so that’s an old fashioned landslide result! Thanks coaches will wait it out. Good luck to you all
Hello All,
I’m pretty sure this will be a popular trade:
Rowel to:
T/U: McGrath
T/D: Walsh
Thanks Coaches.
Intending to trade out Rowell and Danger (pending how many weeks).
With a bit of DPP magic…
TU: Mitchell and May
TD: Dusty and Ridley/Mills
TU: Ridley
TD: Mills
Prefer Ridley but getting him in with Martin when they share the same bye is a concern
Rowell to:
T/U: Walsh
T/D: Mills (via DPP).
Thanks Coaches.
Unable to do much as I only have 1.1k in the bank.
Rowell > Taranto
Downie > Berry
I’m curious at the prospect of swinging Laird in the middle and bringing in Williams, but I’d rather the safer trade and can always bring in Williams later *IF* he proves durable/consistent. Cheers
I can afford Rowell to T. Mitch if I also trade Daniher to Jordan V DPP.
Or is that a wasted trade and should look at a cheaper option.
Mitch ticks off an added premium though.
Rough start to season 2021. Got to trade Rowell and Danger. Easy decision to go dusty for danger. Rowell is a bit more interesting.
T/U – Ridley/Mills + 90k
T/D – Titch + 25k / Brayshaw + 90k
Currently leaning towards those nice defender points. Appreciate any thoughts!
Rowell to:
TU: Dusty
TD: Walsh
I need to trade Rowell and Dangerfield.
TU: Danger to Dusty, Rowell to Zorko
TD: Danger to Dusty, Rowell to Walsh
Zorko and Walsh?
Options for Rowell
Sub 520k
TU: Mcgrath
TD: Cerra
This might be a dumb question from an old hand, but, is there a way I can see other punters in my leagues teams before r3 ? ?? Everyone seems to know my team…maybe thats because I post it on this site ??
Thanks. Dont know the right place to post this.
Afternoon, Wighty.
Yeah, there’s two ways. Either search up a team name same as you’d search up a player or you can go to Gameday and press the green plus on a team from your league, which will contrast your team with theirs.
That’s how I perved on Motts’ team and was messaging him still in Sunday lockout that he was going to go huge lol!
GD…that works…I’m sure I tried that over the week end.
Nice try Wighty, but i think you can only spy on your opponents’ previous weeks team until the first lock out of the next round.
Thats what I thought but GD above confuses things.
Only if Dow fails round 2 is the only way to get Clark into ether d6 or M5 thoughts great genius Coaches or will I have other concerns then.
Rowell replacement, money no object
TU- T Mitchell
TD – J Macrae
Moneys no object…brilliant
Rowell for:
TU: Cerra
TD: Taranto
Trade danger
TU mitchell
TD boak
Rowell has to go. Only 20k in bank. 2 options.
Like for like. Trade to McGrath, Clark, Williams etc.
Generate more cash via an extra trade. Also trade Neale and get 2 guns out of Mitchell, Fyfe, MacRae, Walsh etc.
TU like for like
TD extra trade
TU: Adam Cerra
TD: Luke Davies-Uniacke
In: Heeney & H. Young
Out: Danger & L. Jones
I went with Ridley to Rowell; feel like I’d be chasing points to go with a mid option around the price but Ridley is a top 6 defender.
Undoing my worst error and getting Dustin in for Danger. How do you not start with Dustin Martin honestly.
Dusty avg’d 89 after 5 rounds last year. Personally thought he would bottom out again.
He got 126 in round 1 last year and still did that. As he has done in previous years too.
Nothing new there. He lifts for round 1 against Carlton every year. He has teams he consistently goes big against (eg Carlton, Hawthorn) and lifts for big occasions.
Made another post on that exact stat a few minutes ago.
Rowell replacement
TU: Mcgrath, Cerra, Taranto
TD: DPP Williams
I don’t have the cash to upgrade Rowell. So, I propose:
Rowell > James Jordon
Lachlan Jones >
TU: Short
TD: May
Comment: just go Rowell to Taranto
Harmes out with a broken wrist.
Got the Danger / Rowell combo that needs addressing.
Danger is going to Dusty, struggling with what to do with Rowell
TU: Boak
TD: Brayshaw (Freo)
Comment: Anybody else? Would consider Walsh but already have Cripps & Dow.
Hey Nige,
Have you considered getting in Taranto? Underpriced at the moment and coming up against an average Freo midfield this week.
Not sure why people are still bullish on Taranto, he found plenty of it and only just tonned? Showed he still has issues with disposal efficiency (57% in R1) and GWS rotated 6 midfielders through CBs, with Taranto attending the least amount by the game’s end (10).
That performance would steer me in the direction of avoiding, not pursuing, him.
Also, a match up v Freo isn’t any incentive to pick him. Freo MIDs, particularly from an SC perspective, are actually pretty decent. Brayshaw 125, Cerra 122, Fyfe 109, Serong 101, all had 26+ touches and sharked a decent chunk of Gawn’s HO work, it was just up FWD where they lacked targets, depth and conversion.
Totally agree Gunboat.
Taranto is a trap.
I managed to save some cash and will be going Andy Brayshaw.
Cerra is also a solid option if the cash wasn’t there.
I feel Brayshaw’s higher ceiling makes him worth the extra cash.
I looked at Walsh but his Bye
Yep, Brayshaw looks great. Already has that accumulating dimension to his game and will develop clearance and contested work more this year.
Consider he had 0 clearances v Dees and still scored 125 lol.
Hey guys, Taranto was on my list all pre-season. Dropped him for Phillips for the extra cash. Going to go Andy Brayshaw.
Efficiency is the risk for sure.
Does Buddy coming back take out Warner?
No, completely different roles. McLean comes out for Fraklin.
Thanks GD
Rowell trade talk as usual, have 542,000 to spend, looking at a few options, mainly to swing players with DPP into the midfield. Also tempted to downgrade, posted below.
TU: Short
TD: Stewart
The downgrade options are currently looking like:
TU: Butters
TD: Cerra
Still not 100% sure what to do with Rowell. Only have 5k so can’t upgrade him to a McGrath or Walsh. I’ve got 2 scenarios in mind and wanted to get your opinions.
Scenario 1
Rowell > Cerra
Scenario 2
Rowell > Jordon/Berry, Swing Laird to MID, A.Fyfe > Z. Williams
TU: Scenario 1
TD: Scenario 2
Thanks guys.
Have you considered Rowell > Taranto (if you dont already have him)
Could you just do Rowell to Williams without the extra trade?
Hey guys,
Rowell/Danger – Mcgrath/Tom Mitchell
Rowell/Danger – Walsh/Brayshaw
Gotta love injuries in round 1.
Rowell and Harmes have to go.
Thinking of bringing in McRae and Fantasia,
The later being a very short lived cash cow.
Goodwins or Gawn my mail waa that james asked goodwin if he could play in the midfield he was told that he will play were i put you good coach naah thinking heppell may be a decent sideways trade for u macrae yep.
essay mate,
Goodwin and his amazing coaching has killed Harmes completely . Poor bloke.
Can’t go sideways to Heppell as Harmes is defender.
Trade for Rowell:
Tu; Tim Taranto
Td; Zac Williams
Have $42,100 in the bank and now need to trade out Danger and Rowell: gives me $1,149, 100 to spend.
Was thinking of getting Dusty and Boak (would leave me with $17,100) but open to options. McGrath looks an interesting pick but I have Zmerret.
Do you have all the good rookies ?
Make sure you keep an eye to next week, you want to be able to turn your weakest link, into a must have cash cow you don’t yet own.
Leaving yourself too short on cash can be frustrating.
Thanks FT for the wise words if it helps here is my team:
DEF: Lloyd, Laird, Stewart, Clark, Jones, Highmore (Kosi, H.Sharp)
MID: Neale, Oliver, Zmerret, Crippa, Rowell, Powell, Jordan, Gulden (Brockman, Downie and A.Scott)
RUC: Gawn, Grundy (Flynn)
FWD: Danger, Dunkley, Ziebell, Dow, Campbell, Rowe (Warner, Treacy)
Hey JJ
Jones looks a few weeks off at minimum. I would be looking at getting another defender. Rowell to Short or May ?
This would move Sharp to the mids.
Then you could look at Danger to the mids ( via A Scott – Warner on field forward.)
You should then be able to afford Mitchell.
I like his Bye and he should be pretty suited to the new rules as he is an accumulator around the ground and doesn’t rely too much on centre clearance.
If you want to bank some cash, you could also go Dusty or an up and comer like Walsh or Brayshaw.
Another option is go “Break out” pick Cerra .
This could leave you with enough cash to turn a someone like Dow into a Heeney type. Or downgrade Dow and have enough cash for your first upgrade.
The only rookie correction you may need at this stage, is perhaps S Berry from the Crows. Keep an eye on him this week V the Swans.
I hope that helps some what.
Best of luck for the rest of the year.
Thanks FT, I have made my trades and gone with Titch and May and have $31.200 left in the bank for next week.
Good luck for the season ahead as well!!
Both solid selections.
If Berry looks the goods, Jones to Berry via Sharp could be an option next week.
I’ve got 111k in the bank to deal with the Rowell/Danger fiasco.
TU: Rowell>Taranto/Walsh, Danger > Heeney/Dunkley
TD: Rowell> Titch, Danger>Dunks w48k left ITB
Second option is probably safer but reduces flexibility in the future….
Thanks guys!
Titch and Dunkley without question.
Tu. Lachie young
Td. Hayden young
I have spare cash and no pressing concerns.
Could go Lloyd and dow out
Williams and Walsh in
Thumbs up or thumbs down
Save your trades as it is a long season.
Why would you want to trade out Lloyd ?
You never trade out keepers unless injured or long term suspension, especially after one round. You selected Lloyd for a reason. He will be one of,if not the best defender in the competition.
As for Dow, again it was one game. Prices don’t change until round 3 so cool your jets.
No point trading for trading sake.
You lost me at trade Lloyd. Just look at his scoring history.
Dow is a wait and see. With Williams back worth a wait to see what his roll is. If no good down grade to best perform at rookie with JS.
What would you do?
TU :Taranto
TD: May
Danger and Henry
For LDU and Stephenson
Yay or Nay
Not too sure what to do with Liam Duggan. I brought him in to cover Zac Williams. I am thinking of waiting another week to trade him if you he has another bad performance. I could downgrade to Hayden Young or bring in Zac Williams or Jayden Short
TU: Hayden Young
TD: Zac Williams or Jayden Short
Your first thought is best. Wait then assess.
Typical – Danger + Rowell issue (think ive changed trades a million times)
Going to lock in Danger to Dunkley (I have Dusty already), which leaves 560k left over.
Leaning towards Def via DPP, as there seems to be good value there:
TU: Rowell -> Mills + 20k
TD: Rowell -> Z Williams +106k
Comment – Midfield better options (Walsh, McGrath etc)
I went t/U for Mills but can also see benefit in going to Walsh. I think they will end up very close on total points by end of season.
Should i save a trade and keep Oliver Henry or trade him out for Melbourne rookie Jordan.
TU: Yes Trade him out
TD: Save a trade Buckley is nice and he can come back
If you did not have to use trades for Danger and/or Rowell then Henry for Jordan is good.
Nope just Rowell push one of my rookies in the forward line.
I got nearly 2200 first round and don’t have Dangerfield or Rowell. Dad keeps swearing at me for some reason. Why ?
He is jealous of your score mate hahaha and he probably have Dangerfield and Rowell
How do people plan for the byes? How many players should I aim for in Rounds 12,13 and 14.
You want to be stacked towards the end of the byes. If you were structured say 8,10,12 that would be ideal as after the round 12 bye you can trade in and upgrade players in round 13 who have had their bye already.
But of course you can’t stack it too much further that way as pricing, injuries etc might make a mess of it for you.
Trading out Danger and there are wayyyy too many options to contemplate.
Right now stuck on Titch, Ridley (DPP), Dusty, Walsh, Brayshaw, Cerra, Williams (DPP)
Titch makes the most sense as I only have Ziebell, Powell, Stewart, Clark & Taranto in the bye.
However I only have $611,700 to spend so Walsh looks like the most likely option for me to choose. In Carlton’s bye week I have, Dunks, Daniel, Merrett Dow & Short. But Dusty is tempting too. So confusing and frustrating!
Thoughs coaches?
Walsh, Titch, Ridley, Dusty to me in that order.
Im now thinking of burning 2 trades for a highly likely gain in points..
Campbell > Jordon
Dow > Ziebell
Only considering because I have jagged a high ranking and it might be worthwhile but would need to make the extra trade to have enough cash for ziebell, only have 22k.
T/U Do it
T/D Save the trades
Would have no problem with Dow -> Ziebell but not if it requires getting rid of Campbell. The kid’s an excellent kick, his JS is rock solid and he’ll start to throw up some seriously solid scores – there just wasn’t much for him and Lloyd to do last week lol.
Campbell aside, you should be looking to get Jordon in at the for an underperforming rookie or one likely to get dropped (McNeil, Brockman, etc.) not one with JS and a good scoring stream.
Good call GD. Maybe ill settle with brockman for jordon and forget ziebell
Trading Rowell to a defender. Can’t decide who to choose:
T/U May
T/D Ridley
Somehow didn’t realize McDonald was a late out and am now stuck with both L. McDonald and Danger…
Looking to trade both out this week.
TU: Sam Walsh + Steven May and bank the 100k
TD: T. Mitchell + C. Mills
Tossing up between the following options. Leaning towards Williams as I could potentially see him being in my side long term. Cerra I think would only be a temporary selection. Thoughts?
TU: Rowell > Z.Williams (via DPP)
TD: Rowell > Cerra
2019 Average 62.4
2020 before byes: 80.5
2020 after byes: 101.1
Certainly looks like an upward trajectory and primed for breakout.
Williams’ best season? Average 101 and missed 2 games.
I wouldn’t think Cerra is more temporary a pick than Williams.
Mills or Titch to replace Danger.
Current DEF Laird Ridley Daniel Houston Cox Highmore
Current MID Oliver Macrae Merritt Gaff Cripps. Campbell Gulden Jordan
I have all the good rookies from round one so I need no corrective trades.
TU Mills
TD Titch
Best first round score for me ever (2208 pts; Rank 674!), and forced into an early trade due to Dangers head-knock… would love guidance from the community on my two ideas
T/u Danger to Dusty ($95.7k Bank)
T/d Danger & McNeil to Ziebell & Heeney ($27.3k Bank)
Already have Dunkley.
Rest of forward line is a rookie assortment of Dow, Campbell, Warner, Scott, Rowe and Loophole.
Comment for something else.
Could you look at Hunter Clark or Tim Taranto instead of Heeney, or does it have to be 2 forwards to come in?
hey LL
Thanks for contributing.
I have Taranto already at M6… very happy with that.
Not sold on the role Hunter Clark has long-term as there’s still B Crouch to come back into the side. Plus, I have 4 Premos (Laird, Stewart, Ridley, Daniels) in the backline. Waiting for Lloyd to fall in price and determine later on the last piece to the puzzle when J Clark has fattened up round the byes.
Does not have to be two forwards, but that is my weakest line… Any other thoughts?
Sounds like the same team as me with Taranto at M6 and the same 4 premium defenders.
If I had Dangerfield I would probably take the risk and trade him to Butters, still allowing you to bring Ziebell in for McNeil. I feel Heeney’s cap is around 95, however Butters could be anywhere from 85-105.
I think at some point around the bye rounds Dusty will drop to sub $500k and that will be the time to bring him in, this is just based off previous season trends though.
That’s an interesting thought… Port are definitely on the upswing. I’m not sure there’s enough evidence for me to take a flyer on Butters yet. Rozee back into the side this week (potentially) as well, so I’d like to see how that plays out.
I could do Danger to Ziebell, pocket the coin and wait a week then make a decision about Butters, Heeney, or someone else.
And, totally agree with you on Dusty. He’s like a ‘break glass in case of emergency’ player. Usually shows up with 8 rounds to go, and that’s when I’m expecting to bring him in as well.
Thanks again for the thought/time… Good luck!
Like everyone else I’ve got the Dangerfield & Rowell problem and only 5K spare.
The lack of genuine forward premiums is concerning for me, I don’t pick key forwards as their scoring is never secure and already have Dunkley and Zorko. I’d like to replace Danger with a premo forward but just don’t see an option, I’ve been burnt the last 2 years by Dusty before so I’m not going to him.
If I move Danger to the middle and swap him to Brayshaw I can turn Rowell to McGrath giving me 5 premiums in the middle.
Anyone got any other ideas?
I was very bullish on Dusty as well, didn’t start him.
Watching him against the Blues who he usually does well against he looked like an absolute animal. He has my Hawks this week which I’m sure he’s gonna muscle his way to 110+
Honestly I’d say grab Dusty, he’ll probably end up in your team sooner or later and is a lock for top 6 fwds.
Dusty I think you have to go back to 2016 for him not to ton up against Hawthorn, but traditionally he falls very flat after his first game against Carlton.
He’ll be a top 6 forward and a 100 point player but it is important to realize that these are probably the two best scores he may get all season.
Sidebottom? Back this week.
Danger to mid and bring in a premo Def via Laird DPP?
Plenty of points down back this year – Lloyd, Ryan, Mills, Ridley, Daniel, May, Short…all should be around top 8/10 and no need to guess on premo fwd yet.
I would go Cerra overMcGrath
TU Boak, Martin
TD Heeney, Titch
Who is a better Danger replacement?
T/U – Titch
T/D – Walsh
Really stuck on this one and need some help.
I have danger and O.Henry up fwd.
TU- Danger > Dunkley & Leave Henry on the bench (64K in bank).
TD – Danger > Zorko & Henry > Young via DPP (31.8K in bank).
Im thinking just option 1 this week and i can always go Henry > Young next week, giving me another week to suss out young as i don’t think prices change until round 3.
Appreciate any help.
TU: Walsh
TD: Brayshaw
Wlash looks better but then 90% of my premos have the Rd13 bye.
If you’re playing for O/A;
Due to the bye it has to be Andy
Over the years I’ve always taken big risks, it’s either boosted me into the top 500, or kicked me to the curb.
Grundy > Hickey
A. Fyfe > Dusty
Results in hopefully some good cash generation from the lone Sydney ruckman and some better point spreading.
Grundy (110) fwd rookie moving to bench (50) = 160 total points.
Dusty (105) Hickey (70) = 175 and cash gen
Thoughts gentleman?
Smells of points chasing
Hey, for Rowell replacement I’m pretty interested in the Cerra pick. Averaged 100 post byes last year and scored 122 in a losing side where they lost by 40 points. 30k less then McGrath and I think the upside for Cerra is better than McGrath. Should I pick Cerra.
TU: Go for it
TD: No there are safer options
I like Cerra, very classy player but done a lot of his scoring in the second half iirc.
He is a super POD and well priced, if you think he can average at least 105 I say go for it!
Im thinking along the same here.
McGrath potential breakout but inflated score after 11 tackles.. Taranto? Can’t see 120s often, but Cerra starting the way he did and being a POD, I am leaning towards him.
Rough Average 2019 60, Before the byes 2020 80, After Byes 2020 100. 122 in first game this year. Exact figures in other posts elsewhere.
Wish I’d taken him instead of Rowell.
A good solid option.
I’m going Heeney but he would be my second choice.
Non SuperCoach related but who wins tonight? Keen pies supporter who is not confident at all.
TU: Blues
TD: Pies
TU: Taranto
TD: Cerra
Comment: Sub 500k
Who should I put on field as R2 this week?
TU: Draper
TD: Flynn
So bit annoyed, thought Bonner might go well and make some money but now being out for what they think is 4+ with hammy, left with approx. 400k
Do I go for cheaper cash cow who can produce
(Thinking Hayden Young or Orazio with dpp) or go for a mid-premo and use all my money?
Tu: mid-premo
Td: young or orazio (and who?)
Young by the Flemington straight.
His role is very sound.He was taking half the kick outs last week and also chimed in with some intercept marks.
He has great DE and should average 85+
Fantasia is a weapon but is playing forward. He needs to score goals to put up decent numbers. He will put up some shockers trust me.
Fantasia also has a terrible injury history.
Get on the H Young train.
If Dow’s another spectacular fail I may well do that.
I think he will be well worth a shot. With the lack of quality rookies down back, I see him as my D5-6 at least until his late ( R14) Bye.
My current Backline..
Def: Laird . Mills . Stewart . Short . H.Young . J Clark.
B: Highmore . Kosi.
Sharp on Mid bench.
I’m happy running 3 rookies on field in the mids.
Mids: Neale (vc) Steele . Bont . Cripps . Rowell*. Powell . Gulden . Berry.
B: Dow . Brockman . Sharp.
Dow to J Jordan looks like like a lock next week. This should give me 4 solid Mid rookies to fill 3 spots. I can loophole the one that plays first.
R: G G . Flynn
F: Dunkley . Ziebell . Campbell . Warner . Rowe .
Loop. A Scott and Bergman via Saunders.
* what to do with Rowell I have $102K in the bank. I’ve thought about Dusty or Heeney. They both have risks attached, and I just think its time to back one of my boys in.
T/U Brayshaw , leaves $53K bank.
T/U Cerra , leaves $112K Bank.
Brayshaw is priced to average 11 points a game more than Cerra. Can he do it ?
Dnger/Rowell – Walsh/Andy Brayshaw
Danger/Rowell – Mcgrath/Tom Mitchell
Going to cover Rowell with one of the following DPP trades, interested to know which is more preferred. Do we reckon Zac Williams can have a big year on the SC front given Carlton seem keen to play him on ball?
TU: Rowell > Z.Williams (via DPP)
TD: Rowell > Heeney (via DPP)
Thanks legends
What to do?
OUT: Danger and Rowell
TU Dusty and Titch – leaves $20k in the bank but both high scorers
TD Dusty and Zac Williams – leaves $174k and ready to make any corrective trades next week
Thanks guys
Danger to:
Tu: Mitchell
Td: brayshaw
Comment below mills
I went Mitchell myself. Was tossing up between him, Brayshaw and Walsh. I’m sure others have said similar but hopefully this is helpful. In going Mitchell I prioritized keeping my bye structure the same and having a player I expect to finish top of his line. Freeing up $50k and getting value was pretty enticing too but didn’t make sense with the rest of my team.
Tu: mills
Other options above
Correction trade
Brockman -> Flynn via treacy dpp
Tu: yes
Td: no
Comment if I should trade out Bergman/Jones instead of brockman
Brockman should continue in our lineup and will feature this year due to our lack of small forwards.
Besides the untimely 50 he gave away he did slot 2 goals and looked decent for us, SC scoring just didn’t reflect that.
Henry looked rubbish in pre season and in round 1 doubt he gets a run anytime soon. I’d trade him
Don’t have Henry.
But I’ll wait and see if Jones or Bergman are playing this week.
Well, I did it again this season. I had a date which became a 24 hour thing and didn’t set my rookies to the team sheets. Now, I’m also stuck with Rowell/Danger. Oof.
This week I’m torn. I’m set on Bailey Smith for Rowell, but unsure whether to bring in Stevo, Walsh or another cash cow for the second trade.
Getting Flynn in seems a given with 140 in his score next week, so that leaves me a single trade then. That will become a premo correction or another cow.
I’d address Rowell/Danger and then bring in Flynn next week assuming he’d be your R3.
Hey Cobras need some help from some people in the know. Tossing up over these two.
TU May
TD H Clark
Accidently traded the wrong player instead of Dangerfield after lockout.
I know you can not reverse changes, but have read over the years that if you do the same trade in reverse with your remaining trade, it will credit back your trades.
Eg: trade merrett to titch by mistake, 1/2 trades used for the round.
Trade titch back to merrett (prior to their game) to correct and still have two remaining.
Can someone please confirm if this works. I’m too scared to try lest I waste another trade.
Ignore the thumbs down, it does work. Just do the reverse trade and you will get your trade back, I have just checked to confirm it still works by trading out Ziebell for Rowell. Got my trade credited back.
Replacement for Danger.
T/U – Zorko
T/D – Dunkley
Side note, i’ve already got McCrae, Bont, Daniel, Scott, McNeal. Too many dogs maybe?
Andrew Byashaw
Danger to Titch is the obvious.trade.
But if I bring Boak in this allows me to trade Cripps next week to Mills via sharp next week.
Age of Boak is a concern, Titch with the shoulder also a concern.
But I have to trade Cripps to move next week and no one around his price point in feel confident in to be a keeper.
Mills looks good in DEF to be a keeper.?
Any glaring mistake with this weeks only trade.?
Bergman is a confirmed starter.