We continue our Bye round warm bodies and available premos polling this week for round 13.
First question relates to how many warm bodies you will have on field during what is supposedly the easiest of the bye rounds. The second relates to how many of those bodies are considered premos (or in your mind, keepers).

With four teams coming off the bye, there is some support for trying to ferret out the best MIDs to bring in from any of those four teams, giving you players for the rest of the season. For the purposes of this poll, I am assuming that any MID with Forward status would be automatically placed in your forward line given the limited options. So therefore, a MID only poll which follows directly below with the Player’s name and their average.

And lastly this week, as I alluded to in the last poll, we are starting a best six series starting with the forwards this week. I want you to pick the six forwards you think will finish in that rank from here on in.

Once again, thanks for participating and your interest in the polls. Good luck with whichever decisions you make, and I hope your team rises up the ranks during this difficult period for SuperCoaches.