We’ve got drafts flying around, the site’s hot, pre-season news and reports trickling in and now it’s time to register for the Official SCT Leagues! Places in these ultra-competitive Leagues are much sought after and we’ll be announcing prizes for the winner of our top leagues shortly. For now, here are the leagues we have on offer:
League of Extraordinary Coaches (LoEC) – Three Elite Leagues, your entry to which will be decided purely by your ranking from last year. We’ll take the Top 51 from nominations (1x SCT admin in each league), the highest will go in LoEC1, the lowest into LoEC3.
SCT Standard Leagues – Those who just wants some friendly competition with site regulars or haven’t qualified for LoEC will be placed in one of our Standard Leagues. Make no mistake however, these leagues are still fiercely competitive and are ranked (i.e. SCT #1 will be the next best 18 players from 2021 after LoEC), with the rest being filled by those who just want to be in a Standard League.
Ladies League – Made up of the lovely SCT ladies only (first 18 Coaches to apply, will open more if demand is high).
To get involved, email me (gd ‘at’ supercoachtalk ‘dot’ com), title the email “SCT League Application” and include the following details in this exact format:
- Name on our site,
- Team Name on SC, and
- the Leagues you want to nominate for in 2022
For example, say Motts just wanted to be in Standard League here would email me:
- Motts
- The Maulers@SCT
- Standard League
Say, however, if he wanted to nominate for LoEC would would apply with:
- Motts
- The Maulers@SCT
- LoEC
- [attached image of rank from last season]
If you want to nominate for LoEC, you will need to supply a screenshot of your team’s rank from the previous year as has been the site’s policy for a while. To find your rank from last season go onto your team, above your DEFs to the top left you’ll see ‘Field’, ‘List’ and ‘History’, click ‘History’ then go ‘Season 2021’ for last year’s rank.
Those who supply their rank and miss out on LoEC will be placed into an SCT standard league which, again, are ranked – taking out SCT #2 or #3 is a major accomplishment on the site. The cut-off for LoEC has usually been between the top 500 – 1000 depending on the year, but by all means go ahead and nominate if you’re in the vicinity. I once snuck in on a 2217 finish when two Coaches didn’t respond to the acceptance email!
Nominations for all leagues will close Tuesday Night 7th 2022. I’ll shoot you an confirmation email letting you know I’ve received your application, within the week of applications closing I’ll send you the code for the league you’ve been placed in. If you nominate for a league, please check your emails in March and JOIN THE LEAGUE AS SOON AS YOU RECEIVE THE CODE.
These are the site’s official leagues. We’ll provide weekly updates, prizes will be awarded and winners will be publicly announced at the seasons end. Don’t forget however to join the Official SCT Group (915245), which everyone is welcomed and encouraged to join and for which a significant prize is on offer, as well as heading on over to the Join My League threads to get involved in more leagues.
Best of luck, everyone. Look forward to receiving your emails!
WHY can I never find my history FFS – every year its the same hassle trying to locate it, either on a PC or on the app – I swear I’ve clicked on every possible spot but still no history???? Help would be appreciated….
Found it – heads up – you need to have your team completely filled & saved before you can access the HISTORY tab which is then shown on the MyTeam page just underneath your team name.
Hey Lisa.
Nice to have you back.
If you go into My Team.
On the top left under your team name there is 3 options
Field . List . and History.
Press History. Then find the box that reads Season 2022.
Click on it and scroll to 2021. Click and its should show you all of last years results.
I hope this helps.
It would have shown that ….if I had completed my team first – trying to access HISTORY when I only have MACRAE named in my starting squad proved to be the problem…..
I would say you have half the side filled straight up then Lisa with Macrae! *wink*
All good.
How’s the team shaping up ?
Not happy with it after I used the autofill feature so needs a fair bit of work
Email sent, just a standard league for me
I am not seeing a logon button anywhere on this site?
Hey, Bomber.
There’s no need to login for regular users, as long as you have cookies on your name and details should be saved every time you comment.
Is there a way to login and setup an avatar?
I remember it’s a bit of a hassle, but I think you’ve got to use Gravatar:
Email sent! Hope I make the cut.
Hey, Matteo.
Got back to you on the specifics of your application, check your emails.
Gidday GD
Have sent my request for entry to a Standard League.
After last seasons performance I don’t think I would have even qualified for a beginners league to please take pity on an old man.
Cheers, Shaggi.
Just added you to my spreadsheet.
Sadly the last two years have not seen my ability match my expectations after a top 1k finish in 2019. I’m still blaming round three in both years !!! I’m in lots of fun leagues so will enjoy bragging rights there.
It was rough last year. Somehow found myself in LoEC1 after a couple of top 100 finishes, but last year… I don’t want to talk about…just embarrassed myself, why didn’t someone talk me out of starting Cripps and Adams.
Let’s see how it goes this year.
Not sure if this is the correct thread to post this in, but I’m looking to start a keeper league this season. Only after people who will commit to years of playing this same league!
Some details below:
– Preferably 12 teams
– Cash paid at the start of each year to keep everyone invested (not sure on the exact amount yet, but that will be discussed with everyone in the league)
– The cash pool will be split between the grand final winner, runner-up and minor premier each season.
If anyone is interested, email me (sinister_firestorm (at) hotmail (dot) com) and please include your SCT username.
Just sent my application through.
Thanks a lot for all this GD site wouldn’t be the same without you.
Cheers, Jude.
Right back at you and the rest of the community.
Got your email, no problems.
Email sent.
Hope I get to be part of one, finished in the top 37% in 2021
And I’m sure you guys would like to have a sole SuperCoach from India 🙂
Email just sent GD – miserable end of season last year (straight sets out in SCT1) so hoping for better fortune this go round. Really appreciate all you good folk at SCT do, have recruited two of my sons to SC this year and have them swotting up on the site to learn as much as possible!!
Will there be a tech leagues this year?
Yep, to get involved shoot JimmyDee an email at:
jimmydee ‘at’ supercoachtalk ‘dot’ com
There’ll be some official stuff on it soon as well.
Any ladies leagues still available?