Injury List – Rd 6
Here’s one of the lists you don’t want to be on.
Here’s one of the lists you don’t want to be on.
The Cygnets may have dropped the ball, but there are still a few rays of sunshine in this week’s Rookie Review.
A trippy Pie headlines this week’s misdemeanours.
There are bargains on the horizon, but what about right now?
Some very relevant names in this week’s list…
The mooing is getting louder, and downgrade options are popping up just in time….
Diving into a big pile of numbers and coming out with a mouthful of diamonds. This is the Fallen Premiums.
The cash cows brought the cash this week. We smiled and were glad.
AFL players belting other AFL players continues to be an expensive exercise.
All the trade targets before the market moves….