Captaincy Candidates – Round 19

Apologies for giving everyone a sweat last week with the hiatus. Was just under the pump but hopefully Tingles, Bont, Daicos and Baird were easy enough to drill last week?

Down to business.

Vice-Captaincy Candidates


  • L3 v Dogs: 99, 123, 96 (106 av.)
  • L3 @ MRVL: 136, 105, 137 (126 av.)

Tagged and slapped around last week but otherwise in tremendous form. Expect him and the Dons to respond strongly. Solid for 120.


  • L3 v Dons: 115, 123, 105 (114 av.)
  • L3 @ MRVL: 123, 114, 169 (135 av.)

A similarly simple proposition: Bont, high stakes, at Marvel. A lock for 130 as the Dogs season hands by a thread.


  • L3 v Dons: 123, 204, 105 (144 av.)
  • L3 @ MRVL: 130, 127, 133 (130 av.)

Absolutely starred last week against after the Swans dropped Hickey. Dons currently running Bryan in Draper’s place, so expect Tingles to mount a towering assault on the game from the center square. Great numbers, shaping up for a 140+.

Captaincy Candidates

GULDEN v Dockers

  • L3 v Dockers: 156, 113, 127 (132 av.)
  • L3 @ OS: 113, 84 (99 av.)

Gulden actually travels quite well and has some insane numbers against Freo, so no reason he can’t continue to curry captaincy favour and drop a 120.


  • L3 v Port: 149, 77 (113 av.)
  • L3 @ AO: 72, 128, 163 (121 av.)

Port attempted to tag him off HB in their Round 2 loss to the Pies, which remains the largest mark on their otherwise strong season. Daicos has since moved inside but remains capable of deployment in another three or so roles to keep him engaged. There’s Drew and Mead as options but honestly think Port play it straight up and Daicos goes 125.


  • L3 v Dees: 144, 104, 66 (105 av.)
  • L3 @ MCG: 149, 99, 122 (123 av.)

Like Dawson here on the twin bases that a) the Dees always open the game up and b) the Crows would be remiss not to play finals this year and simply have to respond this week. Had a large one in that cut-throat game v Pies in Melbourne, so predicting a similar outing. Could also go Baird after his shoulder was reportedly all good – didn’t go for scans and completed main training. Both solid for 120, with Dawson having the most upside.

Steer Clear

NEALE v Cats

  • L3 v Cats: 128, 98, 75 (100 av.)
  • L3 @ G: 142, 143, 144 (143 av.)

A 75? Really, Neale? Such a pleb. Even if he snaps back into action a midfield tag worked wonders for the Cats last week and could easily be activated. A ton from him is a win this week. Even with that 140 treble average at the Gabba, who can be bothered with Neale and his annoying floor.

Smoky Pick


  • L3 v Crows: 189, 126, 116 (144 av.)
  • L3 @ MCG: 113, 95, 159 (122 av.)

Was underscored last week after a mighty 4 goal and 16 contested performance in his new FWD role. Still gets a decent CBA load and stoppage exposure and now has a huge goal and GA economy with his ground level work. Solid for 120.

If anyone’s got the stones for Walsh or Docherty against the Eagles, it’s a super narrow (and probably unnecessary) dice roll but one that would be hella fun and pay handsome dividends.


  • Round 1: Green 132
  • Round 2: Baird 147
  • Round 3: Satan 156
  • Round 4: Tingles 145
  • Round 5: Tingles 137
  • Round 6: Miller 40
  • Round 7: Satan 134
  • Round 8: Satan 136
  • Round 9: Tingles 88
  • Round 10: RoMo 126
  • Round 11: Baird 115
  • Round 12: Daicos 123
  • Round 13: Daicos 118
  • Round 14: Dunkley 137
  • Round 15: Gulden 164
  • Round 16: Daicos 149
  • Round 17: Neale 142
  • Round 18: English 173


Looking forward to Tingles into a non-opponent again, then have Dawson as C what should be a tremendous Sunday clash.

12 thoughts on “Captaincy Candidates – Round 19”

  1. Thanks GD

    The other C option I am considering is Taranto against the Hawks. He has come off that really hot streak he had going, but could be an option. The biggest risk would be a tag from Nash or Maginness.

    But I am hoping that English VC makes all C options redundant!

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  2. Phillips will be back from suspension so English will be up against a more wily operator than bryan (or potentially both will play and weideman dropped).
    He should still score ok but dont expect the free hit he got last week.

  3. You don’t need to worry about last week. You provide a lot of information for the site already which everyone is quite thankful for. Missing an article for personal commitments is completely fine.
    Lisa also decided to help by providing some information about key players to others in some of the gameday chats, which was still quite helpful for many coaches that missed out on the Thursday night VC’s.

  4. No need to apologise GD, weirdly had my highest captain score of the season with Gawn (lovely to see 430pts!) but 5 outs and maric/hewett as cover didn’t help the round.
    Bont into Daicos for me.


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