Cow Talk Round 7–>8

Small or Far Away, Father Dougal on Cows

Hi Everybody!


What is real?

I’m not gonna answer that for reasons of self preservation!

Pumpkin seeds!

And what is not real?

You completing your team with all premos this year!

Aww, I was going to say that? How about lots of people having money issues and not being able to complete their teams they way we expect?

Sadly and surprisingly accurately, yes

This season is the worst for cash generation I can remember. Some of the best cash cows are not even widely owned and the sub rule has really hurt a number of players. But, no matter why, there is less cash floating around than normal. That mean less to spend on upgrades and that means figuring out where to skimp.

I am thinking it is most important to get all the rookies off the field you can and replace them with low cost per point players. I know I say stuff like this a lot, because low per point is good in general. But, we also want to maximize total points and in a normal year that means low cost per point from the set up top or close to top players. this year, I think that means from the set up player with solid jobs who are not as close to the top.  The farther from the top, the better the discount needs to be. But, player lacking a discount may not be worth getting even if they are in the top group. If getting those best players in means getting stuck with rookies all season, I’d be slow to bring them in.


There are other people on the site who can tell you who. I’m not so good at who…

For sure!

…but the way we need to deal with the cash crunch is pretty clear. So’s I am pointing it out anyways, because, um, that is what I do.

Along with the numbers


That you make the Hamster do and take credit for


I get paid in Pumpkin seeds, and lack of cats!

And is worth every seed!



Sheezel: Bounded back. Not a surprise. I am still expecting to own him at the end of the year, barring injury. That said, a lot of very good looking rookies fade their first year, so it will not be a shock if he slows down at some point. But, so far from a worry right now. 

Week Score Price Proj. Change Total Proj
0 198,300
1 114 198,300
2 114 198,300
3 120 198,300
4 111 304,500
5 100 381,800
6 53 431,600
7 107 438,800
8 102.7 443,200
9 102.7 447,651 4,451 4,451
10 102.7 473,493 25,842 30,293
11 102.7 490,705 17,212 47,505
12 102.7 503,464 12,758 60,264
13 102.7 512,921 9,457 69,721
14 102.7 519,931 7,010 76,731
15 102.7 525,127 5,196 81,927

Ginbey:  That 39 is gonna slow him down. Three of his last four score have sucked, and the one that didn’t suck was a 62, which blows.

Week Score Price Proj. Change Total Proj
0 171,300
1 85 171,300
2 76 171,300
3 104 171,300
4 40 246,900
5 51 282,500
6 62 296,800
7 39 288,900
8 65.3 283,100
9 65.3 285,251 2,151 2,151
10 65.3 288,335 3,084 5,235
11 65.3 302,540 14,206 19,440
12 65.3 313,070 10,530 29,970
13 65.3 320,875 7,805 37,775
14 65.3 326,661 5,786 43,561
15 65.3 330,949 4,289 47,849

McKenna:  If Rich is indeed hurt his scores may improve again. No rush to trade, probably a keep.

Week Score Price Proj. Change Total Proj
0 167,500
1 93 167,500
2 78 167,500
3 57 167,500
4 86 227,300
5 55 268,500
6 57 287,800
7 70 302,600
8 70.9 306,900
9 70.9 317,209 10,309 10,309
10 70.9 331,133 13,925 24,233
11 70.9 341,844 10,710 34,944
12 70.9 349,783 7,939 42,883
13 70.9 355,668 5,885 48,768
14 70.9 360,030 4,362 53,130
15 70.9 363,263 3,233 56,363

Wilmot: He did pretty well last week, and no rush to get rid this week.

Week Score Price Proj. Change Total Proj
0 123,900
1 51 123,900
2 68 123,900
3 69 123,900
4 50 176,900
5 68 215,700
6 39 243,900
7 63 251,600
8 58.3 263,600
9 58.3 268,076 4,476 4,476
10 58.3 280,138 12,063 16,538
11 58.3 286,942 6,804 23,342
12 58.3 291,985 5,043 28,385
13 58.3 295,724 3,738 32,124
14 58.3 298,495 2,771 34,895
15 58.3 300,549 2,054 36,949


Last Week:  If he loses his job he will be a classic “problem” – not worth keeping or trading.

This Week:  Did not play.  We have a problem


L Jones: He did make some money last week, but now looks like he needs to go.  He could, any game, put up an 80 but more likely another 50.

Week Score Price Proj. Change Total Proj
0 228,100
1 5 228,100
2 76 228,100
3 68 228,100
4 45 236,300
5 88 260,600
6 53 283,400
7 54 293,900
8 55.6 306,300
9 55.6 300,763 -5,537 -5,537
10 55.6 297,825 -2,938 -8,475
11 55.6 296,360 -1,465 -9,940
12 55.6 295,274 -1,086 -11,026
13 55.6 294,469 -805 -11,831
14 55.6 293,872 -597 -12,428
15 55.6 293,430 -442 -12,870

Michalanney: Another low score, lost money, looks ready to lose more.

Week Score Price Proj. Change Total Proj
0 135,300
1 62 135,300
2 48 135,300
3 82 135,300
4 103 187,200
5 60 244,200
6 50 291,100
7 51 311,800
8 65.1 304,100
9 65.1 300,752 -3,348 -3,348
10 65.1 305,137 4,385 1,037
11 65.1 314,801 9,664 10,701
12 65.1 321,964 7,163 17,864
13 65.1 327,273 5,310 23,173
14 65.1 331,209 3,936 27,109
15 65.1 334,126 2,917 30,026

Buckley:  May be sayingAt his average there is no rush at all to trade out.” for a while.

Week Score Price Proj. Change Total Proj
0 205,000
1 76 205,000
2 99 205,000
3 99 205,000
4 80 275,900
5 78 330,300
6 87 360,100
7 91 377,400
8 87.1 395,800
9 87.1 413,617 17,817 17,817
10 87.1 426,888 13,271 31,088
11 87.1 434,976 8,088 39,176
12 87.1 440,972 5,995 45,172
13 87.1 445,416 4,444 49,616
14 87.1 448,710 3,294 52,910
15 87.1 451,152 2,442 55,352

Stocker: He seems pretty stable.  Could trade, but also could hold. I feel like he would be a slower out than a lot of players with less JS.  Not worried he will lose his job, which is great! 

Week Score Price Proj. Change Total Proj
0 216,400
1 74 216,400
2 74 216,400
3 70 216,400
4 77 258,900
5 78 291,100
6 58 317,400
7 69 331,300
8 71.4 338,500
9 71.4 340,891 2,391 2,391
10 71.4 348,753 7,862 10,253
11 71.4 355,682 6,929 17,182
12 71.4 360,818 5,136 22,318
13 71.4 364,625 3,807 26,125
14 71.4 367,446 2,822 28,946
15 71.4 369,538 2,092 31,038



Ashcroft:  Sweet, sweet ton! Do not trade and collect whatever, keep passing go and get points on field.  Might be 70 but that is way better than lots of other cows and he has money incoming.

Week Score Price Proj. Change Total Proj
0 202,800
1 55 202,800
2 105 202,800
3 80 202,800
4 75 258,800
5 72 309,400
6 76 331,100
7 103 345,900
8 80.9 370,200
9 80.9 392,244 22,044 22,044
10 80.9 410,786 18,543 40,586
11 80.9 414,490 3,704 44,290
12 80.9 417,236 2,745 47,036
13 80.9 419,271 2,035 49,071
14 80.9 420,779 1,508 50,579
15 80.9 421,897 1,118 51,697

Baker: I am still afraid to trade out the one guy I have who has very solid job security.  The way things are going he’ll end up my only mid cover. Also making money still.

Week Score Price Proj. Change Total Proj
0 123,900
1 43 123,900
2 55 123,900
3 95 123,900
4 47 179,200
5 53 222,000
6 59 252,100
7 69 258,500
8 60.1 273,700
9 60.1 288,194 14,494 14,494
10 60.1 299,456 11,262 25,756
11 60.1 303,788 4,332 30,088
12 60.1 306,999 3,211 33,299
13 60.1 309,379 2,380 35,679
14 60.1 311,143 1,764 37,443
15 60.1 312,450 1,308 38,750

Hollands:  Remains himself. If he is 60 each week for a while, ell, he can go when you need to trade him, and at least he has not thrown up a total spud score.

Week Score Price Proj. Change Total Proj
0 162,300
1 56 162,300
2 71 162,300
3 66 162,300
4 52 207,600
5 65 239,300
6 60 259,400
7 60 272,100
8 61.4 285,600
9 61.4 293,970 8,370 8,370
10 61.4 300,823 6,852 15,223
11 61.4 306,550 5,727 20,950
12 61.4 310,795 4,245 25,195
13 61.4 313,942 3,147 28,342
14 61.4 316,274 2,333 30,674
15 61.4 318,003 1,729 32,403

Callaghan: If you own him you have other player to get rid first; doing too well to harvest now I feel.

Week Score Price Proj. Change Total Proj
0 244,000
1 101 244,000
2 45 244,000
3 37 244,000
4 65 263,600
5 72 261,700
6 77 271,900
7 88 298,800
8 69.3 328,300
9 69.3 349,590 21,290 21,290
10 69.3 361,873 12,283 33,573
11 69.3 362,492 619 34,192
12 69.3 362,951 459 34,651
13 69.3 363,291 340 34,991
14 69.3 363,543 252 35,243
15 69.3 363,729 187 35,429



Ratugolea:  Well, darn. Nice 80s, sad 40s, week to week which you get.

Week Score Price Proj. Change Total Proj
0 174,000
1 55 174,000
2 31 174,000
3 47 174,000
4 88 189,000
5 88 215,100
6 75 259,600
7 43 305,700
8 61.0 320,000
9 61.0 318,368 -1,632 -1,632
10 61.0 310,810 -7,558 -9,190
11 61.0 313,370 2,560 -6,630
12 61.0 315,267 1,897 -4,733
13 61.0 316,674 1,406 -3,326
14 61.0 317,716 1,043 -2,284
15 61.0 318,489 773 -1,511



Mackenzie: Did not play. Maybe he’s really “Spuds” Mackenzie

Greene:  Was going to have an off game sooner or later.  His projections based on average are a little misleading. Odds are he beats it and goes up a little, or is below it and goes down. Do you feel lucky?

Week Score Price Proj. Change Total Proj
0 123,900
1 33 123,900
2 49 123,900
3 51 123,900
4 73 151,900
5 76 190,900
6 77 231,400
7 28 273,500
8 55.3 284,800
9 55.3 283,790 -1,010 -1,010
10 55.3 273,195 -10,595 -11,605
11 55.3 277,714 4,519 -7,086
12 55.3 281,064 3,350 -3,736
13 55.3 283,547 2,483 -1,253
14 55.3 285,388 1,841 588
15 55.3 286,752 1,364 1,952

Phillipou: Double Bleck!

Last week: His next rounds score will be crucial.

This week: A 20? After a 39? Price going down like a….thing that goes down really fast.

Week Score Price Proj. Change Total Proj
0 166,800
1 76 166,800
2 59 166,800
3 51 166,800
4 61 207,700
5 67 231,200
6 39 251,700
7 20 261,800
8 53.3 251,200
9 53.3 237,118 -14,082 -14,082
10 53.3 233,158 -3,960 -18,042
11 53.3 245,316 12,158 -5,884
12 53.3 254,328 9,012 3,128
13 53.3 261,009 6,680 9,809
14 53.3 265,960 4,952 14,760
15 53.3 269,631 3,670 18,431

Phillips: Did not play


Last Week: He’s going up more after an 85.

This week: And lots more after a 104!

Week Score Price Proj. Change Total Proj
0 123,900
1 93 123,900
2 71 123,900
3 90 123,900
4 59 206,800
5 56 252,800
6 85 279,400
7 104 297,200
8 79.7 331,400
9 79.7 367,500 36,100 36,100
10 79.7 391,862 24,362 60,462
11 79.7 398,908 7,046 67,508
12 79.7 404,130 5,223 72,730
13 79.7 408,002 3,871 76,602
14 79.7 410,871 2,870 79,471
15 79.7 412,998 2,127 81,598

Dodgy Advice: 


Remember the Cow Talk guarantee: “All predictions wrong or triple your money back!”  (Offer not valid if money is actually involved.)

I am time zonally challenged.  When Cow Talk goes live, I’m probably asleep, so replies from me may take a while.

Thanks for reading!


9 thoughts on “Cow Talk Round 7–>8”

  1. Can get Steele and cincotta for michaleany and ginbey. Should I use my final boost and trade hopper to Day

    TU or TD

  2. Missed on Buckley & Chandler- game over to a degree.
    Lucky we got the extra trades this year- only chance to scramble to a decent side.
    Reckon we need to jump on the coaches’ bandwagon of ‘ naming the sub’ on a Thursday and not have them as outs.
    Pulled out of trades like Williams as they were ‘outs’ on Thursday.


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