11 thoughts on “Game Chat – Brisbane v Gold Coast”

  1. I’m over CD and the scoring on Witts this year – 44 HO’s, 4 tackles, 2 frees for, 13 possies and only on 68 points?? and supposedly 4 clangers and 46DE … but regardless, they are basically saying not one of his hitouts is to advantage … its a f$$#$# joke.

    • They’ve changed something in their methods with rucks, as it’s across the board for all of them as far as I can tell.

      • maybe – to some degree … but not with Witts and particularly when he plays at home in Qld – he is scored C R A P … by CD … they have no one watching the games live and must have some 14 yo watching it on a 5 inch screen because he gets given poor results on taps he makes to advantage – they rarely give him any.

        He totally dominated tonight, and with the score of Touk as well, you cannot say he wasn’t getting ball from Witts … it’s happened repeatedly this year when he’s played at home … when he plays in Melbourne he tends to be scored better.

        They’ll manipulate the stats on the page to get it close to working out with the scores … but watching the game live, he was completely ripped off in his scores … I’m just fed up with the whole CD scoring system now and the BS scaling and total points to a game … it’s just plain rubbish and allows them to manipulate it as they see fit.

        • Witts average for whole 2022 year = approximately 110

          Last 4 scores at Metricon – 68 / 63 / 117 / 86 (average 83.5)

          Last 4 scores away from home- 119 /117 / 148 / 78 (average 115.5)

          So Macca might be onto something there with his comments.

          Watched the game last night, and thought that the Witts scoring did not add up – especially with him getting almost no points from hit outs to advantage from his massive 50 x winning taps (even though he was hitting it straight to his mids).

          And often appeared to get nothing from his 7 tackles

          Witts had 6 kicks & 8 handballs (14 possessions at 50% efficiency) & 8 contested possessions & 3 clearances & 7 tackles (suns only had 51 tackles) & 50 hit outs & 3 x free’s for & 0 free’s against

          For a total of just 86 points ?

          Something not right there IMO as well


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