Poll : Some Hard Decisions

Lisa wants to know if it is too late to chase the money and or points of some of the tearaway players to this point, especially burn men Heeney and Whitfield. I’ve chucked in a few others averaging 130+ to think about, for balance.

Heeney is averaging 139 which has increased his price by $107k, and has a break even of  63 and another projected price hike of $39k after next round. At $591k, and grown in ownership to 63k, what is your collective opinion?

Whitfield ‘s break even is 70 and he’s projected to rise to 560k He is averaging 117, has the old role back and is coming off the bye. Does everyone consider him a burn man still ?

Is it worth chasing the points and/or cash for fast starters ?

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Specifically, Isaac Heeney.

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Specifically, Lachie Whitfield

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Specifically, Caleb Serong - no early bye

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Specifically, Tom Green - after his bye

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If you had to target one only averaging 130+, who would you choose ?

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Whilst on the (alleged) premo front, Slats Attack wishes for some community feed back on the the likes underperforming “ex guns” in Dawson and LDU. There is a feeling this year that extra trades gives us more licence to chop where we would never had dared before. Is that a real feeling. let us know your thoughts.

Is it time to sack Jordan Dawson

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Is it time to sack Luke Davies-Uniacke

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Help needed for defenders on the bubble. How ‘d Toby Pink work this week?
We have two bubble boys this week, Josh Draper from Freo and Tom brown at the Tigers. Draper looked a player on Friday, but he only played my boys (looking like I’ll be on a par with GD with my comments this year), who were pretty ordinary. Tom Brown looks assured with the ball despite not a huge possession count, and his JS stocks look even better with the Balta news.

Which of these two defensive bubble boys would you choose this week

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Once again, thanks for participating and providing valuable feedback for the community, it’s much appreciated. Good luck with your decision making.


13 thoughts on “Poll : Some Hard Decisions”

  1. Hesitant on Draper due to Karl Worner and Heath Chapman.
    Worner could return after concussion protocols and Chapman has had a hamstring injury that he may return from this or next week. Not confident on his JS

    Brown has played Port and Sydney, so I wonder if he scores better in the next two weeks against St Kilda and the Eagles but he also has a round 6 bye.

    Quite a tough choice

    • Draper’s playing on the 2nd tall though as the Cox/McDonald replacement. Did look good last week but not sure he’s going to be a big scorer. Worner/Chapman shouldn’t take his place, they’re not big enough.
      Don’t know enough about Brown but given I already have plenty Freo players, I’m leaning towards Brown….

  2. For me, Dawson is a hold. He sux right now, although getting plenty of the ball, he seems always pressured, hence his crap DE atm. Also, Fat Crouch taking more of his CBA’s never helps. I believe he will improve big time, he is too good not to, regardless of what Nicks continues to do with Crouch.
    Literally a coin toss decided Dawson over Serong for my starting line-up. Ah well, s..t happens!
    Thankfully Bont, Butters, Greene and to a lesser degree Rozee have been solid.
    I think I need premo Ruck. Started Grundy/Xerri, while they’ve been decent, I think Xerri needs to make way for Maxy or Tingles before I worry about Dawson.
    I’ll ask in “Round 4 Trades” see what you champion coaches think

    • I made the same Dawson/Serong decision with bye planning around PA and Freo premiums swinging my decision.

      Dawson is my first trade out this week for Sam Flanders fresh off a bye. I dont have a salary prediction tool but am guessing without a 130+ score in the next two weeks he may be in the $500k-525k range and a fallen premium target. If his DE improves or the Crows help him out i am happy to jump back on at that point.

  3. Talk about rocks and hard places !!

    I’ve got both Dawson and LDU and only one of the fast starters mentioned above, in Serong, who sadly took Hayden Young’s spot. Don’t know what to do now.

    Thinking the obvious choice is Dawson before he loses another $50k and try and find a way to bring in Tom Green after his bye. Unfortunately, someone else has to be sacrificed as Dawson’s price drop leaves me out of reach of a straight swap. Sigh !

  4. Hi Team,
    Wanting to get Gawn in.
    Current rucks: Marshall and Grundy
    Had high hopes for Marshall but just not in the top 3 clear rucks I expected him to be at this stage.
    TU: Marshall out Gawn in
    TD: Grundy out Gawn in


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