SCT Draft Leagues

We just wanted to gauge the everyone’s interest in some potential SCT Draft leagues. BeardedBurber, the prince of the format, runs our main Draft league and sent out emails to last year’s participants but we’ll absolutely set up more if people are interested.

If you’d like to get involved me (gd ‘at’ supercoachtalk ‘dot’ com), title the email ‘SCT Draft’ and drop your details and availability for Draft night (just loosely, i.e. which days/weeks you CAN’T do).

This is open to all, including those already in the main league who just love the format. Get in quick so I can get a sense of the numbers and we can set a date.

9 thoughts on “SCT Draft Leagues”

  1. I concur. If you’re tired of having basically the same team as everyone else, give the draft format a go. The draft itself is a lot of fun.

  2. I’ve set up a Draft League

    ‘Serious Drafters’ – Code 367973

    First Prize – AFL Supercoach Championship Ring

    This is a league for serious draft players only.

    10 players – 5/7/1/5 (4 subs).

    Draft Night – 26th February @ 8.00pm

    Code 367973

  3. Hi all,
    Me and mates normally do an auction draft but will be converting to a normal snake draft this year
    Just curious if the teams end up balanced . In my head it feels the first few picks are so much more valuable than getting the 10/11 etc. at least auction if you buy Cleary you don’t have much money for the rest of your team

    Curious to hear thoughts!

    • Hey Jarrod,

      We’ve been doing snake order since day 1 as I feel that’s the best way to even out the first round at least. e.g If we look at Pick1 Vs Pick 20 (in a 20-team draft). Sure, P1 will net you Bont, but your next pick will also be P40 (say Steele), whereas P20 will also mean you get P21 (Walsh & Kelly)…


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