Tech League Review

Hello once again Techies and Supercoaches.

I have just spent nearly three weeks in the remote Kimberley and Mitchell Plateau areas with no internet anywhere* so this is my first chance since round 16 way back in Kununurra to get amongst anything SC or SCT.

Currently lobbed in Broome so taking the chance to update all Techies, at least for round 19.

Gabriele’s Lost Lands smashed all comers this week with 2521, the only score over 2500. Superb effort Kennedy. Second place getter was Liam’s 2Ezy@SCT with a pretty impressive 2451, third with 2427 was Hazza’sTLHeroes, followed by Mr Plow(man) on 2408 and ZacSCTTL w2390. A raft of coaches within a dozen points of fifth included the late charging Tech Difficulties, DR’s Tech Team and that most consistent of Tech coaches, Grace, and her team Ninius. Well done KS, certainly winning that Father Daughter challenge.

Ninius’ round 18 third top score of 2481 , behind 2Ezy@sct (2628) and Tumultous Tons (2597) moved her one step closer to the Holy Grail and into third place  behind the Ninjas and Techiewanabee still clinging desperately to top spot.

How that has changed!

After round 19, Ammir has usurped Glenda at the top And Grace has snuck into second and is only a mere 31 points in deficit, with the past champ now in third a further 26 points to the bad.

A tantalizing finish awaits. Seven players are within 384 points of the title, and with four rounds to go, anything is possible. Who had the best strategy, who has trades and who has the most complete team?

I fear for Glenda as her scores have waned a little and trades could be a problem. The Ninjas are self confessed tradaholics and the chasing pack (RomoTech, Tumultuos Tons, Abel’s Axes and BogEyesRalph) have appeared to rack up some decent scores on the trot these past few weeks I have missed and could continue that trend fo climb onwards and upwards.

I’m afraid of the kiss of death here, but I’m tipping the consistency over the years of Graces Ninius to be there at the end and claim the title. What do you think?

* There is one small tower at Drysdale River Station which shows Telstra 4G but did not allow calls or data due to the large numbers of tourist all trying to access all at once and jamming the system.

The only other tower in the whole area was at Mt Barnett and it was closed for two weeks due to Covid. You could get fuel but coverage from the main reception area did reach out into the refueling area.

6 thoughts on “Tech League Review”

  1. Oh how I wish Tech League finished R19!!!

    Timed my run perfectly but it’s only one way from here unless some crazy SC unexpectness awaits!

    Good luck to all (I don’t really mean that!!!)

    • Mine too and I didn’t get to change anything except for one night in Derby. My classic team dropped about 12,000 places in three weeks because I couldn’t care for it with kindness!!

  2. The charge is coming from so many, it will be a tight finish. Hopefully injuries fall the right way for me and I’m able to close the last 300.

  3. This late charge has started just a touch too late, but am really happy with how this team has gone after the byes. Had Kelly and Hewett out this week to still get covered without using my last trade.

    Just wonder when I should use that last trade as 4 rounds left can still have a lot to occur


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