2021 Forward Projections Group 1
The forward projections are put forth!
The forward projections are put forth!
The Second set of Defenders is ready to go!
Fearless predictions from our Cleric of Computation….
Before this year’s projections FD looks at last year’s projections to see what he can see. (Hopefully not another Mountain!)
They are back and still all growth-y and reference-y for your ballpark cow growth estimating fun.
Pull up a pew as the good Father gives a sermon.
How Supercoach Pricing Works 2021 Hi Everybody! Once again it’s time for the annual explanation of pricing and price changing. To get a player’s price, the SC Gods take each player’s average and multiply it by a number, called “The Magic Number” to get their price. Each year that number changes. This year the magic … Read more