57 thoughts on “Fix My Team – Round 17”

  1. Need help lost on who to trade out! thanks
    Bank: $7,200 Trades 6 , 1 Boost
    N.Daicos,T.Stewart,J.Dawson,L.Ryan,J.Ridley,J.LLyod (L.Melican,O.Mullin)

    m.bONT,C.Oliver,C,Petracca,R.Larid,L.Neale,J.Macare,c.serong,T.Green ( J.Flecher,C.Constable,B.Dury)

    English,Marshal (Mcandrew)

    J.Dunkley,T.Taranto,E.Gulden,C.Rozee,N.Fyfe,E.ford (h.harrrison,R.Maric)


    1. That’s tough, James. No real cash to go on besides Melican and that alone won’t finance solves for F5-6.

      You might honestly, as a way to finish your team, have to look at dropping a 650-700k premo to a cheaper one and using that money combined with Melican downgrade potentially to finish your team.

      Obviously it’s a dirty move but that’s the only way you’re getting Ford and Fyfe up.

      Rock solid premos at DEF, MID & RUC – so good job there.


      1. Maybe James can go R.Marshall,N.Fyfe,E,Ford and bring in D.Cameron,T.Hawkins,D.Cunningham but that would only leave you $118,900


    2. Mills is the obvious IN this week. $404k is super cheap.

      Melican to any cheap rookie (might have to be $102k), and Ford to Mills (swing Macrae to the forwards.

      Run with Fyfe in the forwards, he should be ok with Fremantle getting a few home games


      1. Didn’t Fyfe end up with planta facia- foot issue again- like early in year.
        I’ve moved Fyfe to miss and then traded to Mills- cheap at $400k


          1. Club confirmed today- has a hot spot on foot- so good chance out for year- easy swap for Mills imo


  2. Def – Daicos, Stewart, Dawson
    Ryan, Sheezel, Zieball
    (Chesser, constable)
    Mid – Bont, Merrett, Trac, Laird, Neale, Brayshaw, Johnson
    (windhager, roberts, Drury)
    Ruck – English, Marshall (madden)
    For – dunks, Taranto, gulden, rozee, macrae, d cameron (Maric, Buller)
    139k 8 trades 1 boost left.
    Playing for cash league. Was originally planning windhager and Johnson to 102k rookie and last mid. What would you guys do?


    1. you are missing a mid

      Mills is the cheap option this week to complete your team.

      Although, you could look at a forward and swing Macrae back to the midfield to give you a MID/FWD swinger


  3. DEF: Daicos, Stewart, Dawson, Ryan, Ridley, Sheez (Weddle, Constable)

    MID: Bont, Merrett, Trac, Laird, Neale, Serong, Green, Johnson (Robertson, Angwin, Chesser)

    RUC: English, Marshall (Madden)

    FWD: Dunkley, Taranto, Gulden, Rozee, Nic Martin, Darcy Cameron (Roberts, Maric)

    1 upgrade left (not including sheez) got 5 trades and $151,800 in the bank.

    Trade thoughts for this round:

    OUT: Weddle, Robertson

    IN: Libba, O’Donnell

    Playing for ranks, currently sitting just outside the top 1k. Feedback would be greatly appreciated.


  4. Anyone else get an incorrect score registered this week? Has it ever happened before? I’m missing Ashcroft as an emergency but it is 100% correctly set up.


  5. Daicos Stewart Sinclair Dawson
    Sheezel Mitchell Sicily Constable

    Laird Bont Neale Merrett Dunkley Green Mills Steele Johnson Sharp Roberts

    English Marshall Madden

    Taranto Rozee Congolio Gulden
    Himmelberg Cameron Maric Dewar
    4trades left $207200 in the bank

    Thinking I would trade Mitchell
    Tu Serong
    Td Keays


    1. Chezza,
      Did you consider Johnson >> Walsh
      to get Steele off field.
      Keeping Mitchell as your D7 for when Sicily comes back in.


  6. DEF: Daicos, Dawson, Stewart, Sinclair, Ridley, Lloyd (Wilmot, Dewar)
    MID: Bont, Laird, Neale, Brayshaw, T Mitchell, Taranto, Green, Johnson (Humphrey, Constable, Bennetts)
    RUCK: English, Marshall (Madden)
    FWD : Dunks, Rozee, Gulden, Cogs, D Cameron, Sheezel (Sheldrick, Maric)

    1 mid upgrade to go (if I keep Sheezel) Bank $259,300, 6 trades

    Would prefer to only use 1 trade (Humphrey) with top premo’s unavailable – Merrett, Petracca, Oliver, Libba. Would love options – but considering Butters, Parish or Cerra as PODs? Alternatively, could also trade Johnson to be able to bring in one of the top 4 as I have Wilmot and Sheldrick with a couple of non playing rookies as swingers to cover all lines.


    1. Love any of those PODs to get rid of Humphrey who has just hit a bit of a wall. I think Parish is my favourite as a pod because he has the lowest ownership and the cheaper price means you’ll have a bit in the bank for any injury trades along the way


  7. daicos, stewart, dawson, sinclair, ryan, docherty (chesser, mullin)

    bont, merrett, neale, brayshaw, titch, green, macrae, steele (sheldrick, fyfe, constable)

    marshall, gawn (madden)

    dunkley, taranto, gulden, rozee, coniglio, Dcam (windhager, dewar)

    $9,200 itb

    5 trades (2 boosts)

    team is now full premo, but there are few ‘premos’ that could be upgraded.

    Missing big dogs are;

    English (ruc)
    Sicily (def)
    Oliver (mid)
    Laird (mid)
    Butters (fwd)

    English would be a straight up from gawn. Any of others would be Steele up.

    Which of the big dogs is the top priority for the run home?

    Is Sicily the best option (dawson to guts) to give me defence cover?


    1. my other option is have Mills at M9 and loop him with Steele (swans have good early games for rest of the season)


    2. I’d limit yourself to just one luxury move given you can’t do any in 1 trade.

      Gawn to Tingles will take 2 trades. I’d then sit on 3 trades.


      1. thanks GD.

        does Steele have to go before Gawn?

        i can go Fyfe to a $123k and Steele to Laird this week


        1. Yeah, he kinda does. Didn’t actually notice you had him. As a MID he’s just so uncompetitive.

          87 against West Coast is a disgrace.


  8. I think i am somewhat limited as to what I can do due to only 3 trades left but here is my team.

    Backs – Stewart, Lloyd. Dawson, Sinclair, Yeo, Daicos (Mitchell & Wilmot)
    Mids – Bont, Mitchell, Steele, Laird, Petracca, Green, Brayshaw, Fyfe (Wardlaw, Chesser & Drury)
    Rucks – RoMo & Briggs (Madden)
    Fwds – Dunkley, Taranto, Rozee, Jackson, Keays & Thomas (Francis & Binns).

    I have 3 trades left and $211K in the bank.

    Proposing trading Fyfe for Mills this week.


    1. Yeah, Fyfe to the best option you can stretch to (524k).

      Mills solid, I like McCluggage as well.


  9. Trades 4
    ITB $20,200
    N.Daicos, T.Stewart, J. Dawson, L.Ryan, J.Llyod,J.Ziebell
    (Chester, Constable)
    Dunkley,Bont,Neale,Rozee, Mitchell,Serong, Green,Walsh
    (Robertson,Sharp Uwala)
    Marshall, Gawn (Madden)
    Gulden, Macrae,Coniglio, Cameron,Sheezel,Thomas

    Wondering whether to sit or to straight swap Fyfe for Flanders or Henry.
    The sit option will allow a decent upgrade if/when one of my Premo’s goes down in next 6 weeks. Doubt we’ll see Fyfe again for the year.


    1. Only thing that could be justified would be Fyfe down and Gawn to Tingles.

      But, yeah, hold fire for now.


  10. Trades 4
    ITB $95300
    N.Daicos, T.Stewart, J. Dawson, L.Ryan, J.Llyod,Docherty
    (Uwland, Mullin)
    Bont,Neale,Petracca, Laird,Serong, Green,Steel,M Johnson
    (Roberts,Chesser Constable)
    English, Gawn (Madden)
    Dunkley, Taranto,Coniglio, Rooze,Fyfe,D.Cuningham

    Please help fix


  11. I think Fyfe to a 408k forward. The key candidates would be
    J Cameron. Was averaging mid 90’s until he got injured. Would be my number 1
    Himmelburg. Seems to have had the role that we thought would enable him to score big. But the scoring hasn’t been there this time.
    D Martin. Champion. But his best SC days might be gone.

    Could also consider Stringer, but many have been burnt. JHF will put it together at some point, and may not be the worst choice.


    1. Trying to get more people to board the sinking Cameron ship with us, Phil?! Lol.

      Phil’s general point is well made though, Nik. You pretty much can only target sub 400k players capable of some kind of premium scoring to get anywhere near finishing a team.

      J. Cameron, Hawkins, Mills, Lever, Witherden, Himmelberg, etc.


      1. He will come good GD! But I am sure that the week he knocks out a 150 he will be sitting on my bench with no way to get him on. I am already wary about this week when he is my last forward to play.


  12. Trades = 4 (1 boost)
    ITB = 97,600

    Backs: Daicos, Dawson, Sinclair, Day, Sheezel, Cincotta (Chesser, Constable)

    Mids: Bont, Merrett, Laird, Neale, Brayshaw, Warner, Walsh, Sheldrick (Simpson, Fletcher, Roberts)

    Rucks: English, Marshall (Madden)

    Forwards: Dunkley, Taranto, Butters, Rozee, Gulden, Coniglio (Maric, Windhager)


    1. Windhager -> Rookie
      Cincotta -> 510k DEF (Lloyd)

      Ride Sheldrick M8, then throw your last 2 trades into getting him to a premo in the final rounds.


  13. 7 trades
    62k in the bank

    Backs: DAICOS Stewart Dawson Sinclair Ridley lloyd (Melican
    , Wagner)

    Mids: Dunkley bont Merrett laird libba serong mitchell wardlaw (drury fletcher constable)

    Fwds: taranto gulden rozee macrae Cameron sheezel (Mitchell Maric)

    No clue what to do this week, could finish team by trading Mitchell and wardlaw but they still have growth, could also trade sheezel to mills?
    Would love some advice.


  14. Need some assistance and help with how to use my trade and who to trade in.

    My team currently: (10 trades, 1 boost, $219,000 in bank)

    Daicos, Dawson, Sinclair, Ridley, Sheezel, Mitchell (Fahey, Constable)

    Bont, Clarry, Laird, Neale, Brayshaw, Anderson, Green, Keays (Fletcher, Sharp, Roberts)

    Marshall, O’Brien (McAndrew)

    Dunkley, Taranto, Gulden, Rozee, Macrae, D. Cameron (Maric, Drury)


    1. Not too sure how you might fix it but I would be very nervous with only 2 of your 8 reserves playing I would be looking at that closely.


    2. While keeping him for cover would be nice, Mitchell -> DEF premo* is the obvious move.

      Yes, you’ve then got a dead bench and no cover but you’ve still got 8 trades.

      *looks like you might be jjjjjjust short of Stewart, which sucks. You could honestly boost, drop a dead rookie to a playing one this week just to make it work. You’ll still have 7 trades and Stewart is a must have.


      1. Thinking

        Drury/Roberts/Sharp -> Cunningham/Fogarty

        What if I do Sheezel -> Stewart
        Can afford it if I do Sheezel, as much as it would be nice to have Sheezel > Mitchell for coverage, Mitchell still will get over his BE, and mean that I can bring Stewart in without a boost.


  15. Hey all, got 5 trades left and $14k ITB.

    Currently, just need an M8 to finish the team but hard to see how I can make any moves (outside of waiting for Fletcher, Maric, Chesser to fatten up, got dead rookies galore), would love any thoughts.

    Daicos, Stewart, Dawson, Ryan, Sheezel, Ziebell, (Chesser, Dewar)

    Dunkley, Bont, Merrett, Petracca, Laird, Serong, Green, Fletcher (Roberts, Drury, Bennetts)

    Marshall, Witts (Madden)

    Taranto, Gulden, Rozee, Macrae, Cogs, D. Cameron (Maric, Buller)


    1. Yeah. This is a problem.

      Only path to FP I can see is:

      Dunkley -> Mills
      Chesser/Roberts -> 450k player (any line)

      That’s really the only way you can be rookie-less on field.

      Yes, trading Dunks feels dirty but he (120) and a rookie at M8 (50) get covered by Mills and a 450k player doing tons for 200 PPW. It’s really your only way to FP.

      Good luck.


      1. Thanks GD – some short sighted trading during the bye rounds hasn’t helped! i.e. dead 102k rookies being brought in to facilitate the last couple of upgrades.

        Another option might be to bring in Mills, Sheldrick and then trade Sheldrick and Fletcher once they’ve appreciated enough to bring in a premo.

        Things to think about – thank you for the suggestions!


  16. Have 5 trades left with 10k in the bank. Have Briggs at r2 with the rest pretty close to premo. Depends how you see Keays, Cameron and Sheezel. Just a bit unsure how to go about it from here on

    Def: Daicos, Dawson, Stewart, Sinclair, Day, Sheezel (Atkins, Constable)

    Mid: Bont, Merret, Laird, Petracca, Neale, Brayshaw, Green, C. Warner (Johnson, Sharp, Drury)

    Ruck: Marshal, Briggs (Madden)

    Fwd: Dunkley, Taranto, Rozee, Gulden, D. Cameron, Keays (Maric, Sturt)

    Cheers in advance!


    1. Perhaps parley Warner into Butters or Neale but other than that, no – nothing.

      Not a team that needs “fixing”.


  17. 5 trades, 100k. Will be going Day to Mills. Will leave 4 trades and 193k.
    Do I straight swap Biggs to Darcy?
    With Fyfe and Duncs out, Do I Trade Fyfe for a Flanders or something?

    Dunks throws things out, was looking to upgrade 1 of Sheezel, Redman or LLoyd to Uber prem but will hold for now.

    DEF: Daicos, Stewart, Dawson, Sinclair, Lloyd, Redman (Wilmot, Mullin)

    Bont, Laird, Neale, Brayshaw, Serong, Green, Walsh, Day (Johnson, Constable, Drury)

    Marshall, Biggs (Madden)

    Dunkley, Tarranto, Gulden, Rozzee, Cogs, Sheezel

    Any advice would be appreciated!


    1. Again not a team that needs fixing lol.

      Briggs was on a ton last week just got savagely scaled down with the game on the line – same for everyone else who didn’t get a touch in the last 2 mins.

      Darcy will go off tap v Carlton this week. If you like the rest of his fixture then Briggs to him with 5 trades left is no biggie.


  18. I think I’m cooked. No idea how I ended up with 3 trades, I reckon I’ve made every wrong move and got some absolute trash rookies by just going early due to lack of downgrades.. Fyfe is the main issue this week and I’ll probably have to accept I’m stuck with Steele, but the lack of cash makes Mills impossible without 2 trades, which seems silly given the low number.

    3 Trades Left…

    DEF: Daicos, Stewart, Dawson, Sinclair, Ryan, Lloyd (Chesser, Mullin)
    MID: Bont, Petracca, Laird, Neale, Libba, Green, Steele, Fyfe (Fletcher, Fahey, Constable)
    RUCK: English, Marshall (Madden)
    FWD: Dunkley, Taranto, Gulden, Rozee, Keays, Sheezel (Maric, Drury)



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