21 thoughts on “How Did You Go – Round 9”

  1. 1,973/Darcy/was 25,961, but going way down

    The only thing that went right for me this round was having the VC on Sean Darcy.

    I used three trades this week and brought in Mills (for Parish who got injured at training), Sinclair and Drury. Those three were on field and scored a combined 86 points.

    Mills, Hopper, Steele & Laird all injured – where do I go from here? I am quickly running out of trades and facing a lack of cash generation. I’m thinking my season is cooked.


    1. In 2020 I finished inside the top 1k.

      I’ve lost every single league matchup in the past fortnight (20 for 20).

      Is it just me or is this the toughest Supercoach season in memory?


      1. I feel ya, Slats.

        Like, props to anyone ranked well but this game is cooked. Bigger chunk of SC now luck rather than skill. Coin flip decisions can be brutal (eg. starting Neale over Bont, or picking a different 123k rookie instead of Chandler).

        2111/Tingles/5k pre ranks

        Usually wait but so done lol. Neale, Baird, Zezz, Green and Cogs sub par, Hewett and Stringer yet to click, Sinc horrific. Yowza.


  2. 2230 / gawn (ffs i passed on stewarts 115) / 1100

    Heroes: Stewart ziebell Naicos Jelly Bont ashcroft ginbey Marshall gulden

    Potatoes: Sinclair sheezel hopper

    Trade plans:
    IN: Dcam and Oliver this week with a rookie drury was a lock before this weekend so may have to reasses berry might be a better play..
    OUT: 2 of JVR, ginbey and ashcroft but they have most likely kick started some cash gen after this weekends performances especially ginbey so will have a look into it all closely.


  3. 2314/Neale/25k pre round

    Thought I wasnt having a great round but seems to be a decent score afterall.


  4. 2315/Bont/1800
    Cincotta and Sinclair disappointing but happy with the score and hopefully move up a bit.


  5. 2220 this round
    Bont as C
    Was ranked about 6376 but was 40k a month ago.
    7 out of 8 league wins.
    Shout out to the Bont . Always had one bloke hanging off him not going for the ball but he still tons up.
    Thanks to a few role players in my team – Ratagalea, Callaghan and even Oscar Allen.
    With so many premos not doing g premo like score and let’s not even talk about most of the rookies these mid-pricers are an important reason for my jump up the rankings.


  6. I’ve had all three in squad and might have traded too early, especially ratugalea, well done


  7. 2303/Bont/6217 up 4k – thought it was average and only just checked finals and round rank 2k had me smiling almost as much as the Crows domination of the Saints (sorry Sainters fans).

    Had the VC on Shrek against what I thought was a ruckless Swans, but on hearing Hickey was in I chickened out due to Hickey’s restrictive ways. That’s SC !! Loving Guldens fortnight, and Sic, Butters and Marshall doing OK.


  8. 2184/Dawson/25k

    Moved back up the 2k places I dropped last week.

    Shrek, Marshall & Gulden lit it up.

    Have Hopper to deal with this week.


  9. 2257/Bont/ 23.5k
    Tv 13m +200k itb.
    Actually not so happy with that score. Left a lot of points on the table including not fielding Callaghan (Cincotta )for the first time this year. Also traded Marshall for Gawn as I really want the cash and D Cameron will come in.
    Sheezel,Chandler, Stringer and Cincotta disappointed.
    On a positive note whole bench is playing and scoring, bar Davey and Reidy.
    Onwards and hopefully upwards….


  10. 2271/ Bont/5378
    Surprisingly up over 3k in overall,with hopper , Cincotta, Chandler onfield, and Bont CAPT.,
    Tracca, gulden, Marshall and my pods hunter Clark and Williams were the good, hopefully tracca gets up for next week.


  11. 2132 – C Marshall
    Lots of underperformers
    Except for butters , Bont, Marshall, Dunkley , Ziebell , gulden
    The rest of the team was poor including the 3 STKilda “stars” I have just brought in.
    They will all be out on double training this week, hope next week is better.
    Running outta trades


  12. 2013/Bont/13k (was 6k)

    Lost all leagues by a Jarrod Witts difference in the end who was on the bench with no E :^) Also reversed Ashcroft -> Gulden after the Hopper news but hopefully that one shouldn’t hurt too much long term. Had Jackson pencilled in for a temporary ruck sub which would have won some leagues but others wouldve been a loss by a handful of point difference so not overly disappointed I reversed that.

    Just happy I still made 2k points. Hopefully some good bye planning can bounce me back to where I was. Haven’t finished a season top 10k so would love to do that at least


  13. 2229/Oliver/404

    Brutal round, very happy with the score. I was so excited bringing Mills into my mids I VC’d him, thank the SC Gods I didn’t C him. Will see how we go with both Mills and Hoppers, calves though…. Not looking good.

    Some of my lesser lights saved my round. Johannisen was great and man Rowell wreaked havoc for me. On fan footy it was crazy. 4, 4, 4, 6, 4 like a jackpot on a poker machine.

    This round reminded me it’s a long season. Trades are worth their weight in gold, and we haven’t even gotten to the dog days of winter.


  14. 2291 / Dawson / 136th

    Note to self: Always bank the points. Risked Dawson over Oliver’s 119 and Cincotta over Simpson’s 65 for (-)61 points.

    Nevertheless, shout outs to Butters, Errol, Shrek and Jelly.


  15. 2168/Bont/658 down 130

    Another bad captain choice and a spud week but still doing well


  16. 2150/Dawson/512

    Not a good week at all dropped ranks and I’ve priced myself out of Trac after that huge score where I picked Merrett. I could of had both this week but not anymore :s I also traded Ashcroft over Chandler oops.


    Dawson C



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