Game Chat – North Melbourne v Port Adelaide
A wet match for Port, does it bode well for the Roos?
A wet match for Port, does it bode well for the Roos?
Want to play this season? No team? Read this and you will have one!
Father Dougal reveals his team, which hopefully possesses the Buddha nature and works with the players the Supercoach Gods saw fit to give us this year. (Bow Before Them)
If Zen works for Motorcycle Maintenance, then why can’t it work for Supercoach? Father Dougal thinks that it can and explains how.
Thought yourself into a corner? Groupthink got you down? Father D talks about getting back in touch with your gut and maybe listening to it.
Now with Content!
Midfielders review 2, electric boogaloo!
And now the main event, the Midfielders! FD looks at the first batch, and has opinions.
Parts of houses and types of Supercoach players too!
More forwards, lots of bargains, get your Pro-guess-toins here!