Macca’s Bye Planner – R7

Hands up if you are just about to throw in the towel with all these injuries?? – Bet its more than half of you!!

The Show must go on though and this means Bye Planning! Use these files, particularly if you don’t subscribe to SC Gold / SC Stats, to research your players, check BE’s or games played and current averages and so on.

SCT 2021 AFL Bye Planner – Rnd 6 – Dollars$ = Gun

SCT 2021 AFL Bye Planner – Rnd 6 – Average = Gun

Bye Planning Words – Round 7

Use them to plan out the number of players you have on field in each of the Bye Weeks and the best choices to trade in across those weeks. It’s now, or very close to, culling time of several rookies, so your choices are key now … not that there appears to be a lot of good replacements … anyone trading Kosi back in again??

Your key tabs on the file are the “Planner tab”, “Player Data tab” and for your ease, there are separate tabs listing out all the players in each position and rookies.

I have also updated the Season Draw tab and updated the grid reference looking at clubs who are best to hold an NPR from, for looping – though with all the injuries that may not be an issue!

Dockers still appear best club through to round 10 to hold an NPR from.

Yes folks, if you haven’t used these files before, you do need Microsoft Excel – sorry if you don’t have it. If you haven’t used the files before, refer to the attached Word document for some instructions.

I have listed the players with negative BE’s in red and also those having played 2 games in red. HINT – you can check these out on the Player Data & other tabs by using the filters at the top of each column to check whatever stat you want.

I will update these files again at least once more before the byes so that you have as much current data on all players in the weeks I update them.

So, post your thoughts below on either the files, or your plans for the Byes. Anyone planning on holding injured guns?

Lachie & Dunks seem to be sure trade outs now … but how are you going on available cash and ability to upgrade other players?

Who on earth qualify as “guns” now in the FWD line?

Do you need to drop some of the more widely held “good rookies” as they now have high BE’s and will begin bleeding cash … or are you planning on holding longer?

Help out the community with your thoughts folks and generate a discussion below!



8 thoughts on “Macca’s Bye Planner – R7”

    • I’m assuming that for non-playing players those weeks? I’ve never heard of this before but I like the simplicity in it. I’m currently 9-9-12 at the moment too which brings a bit of joy to this otherwise twisted season

    • It’s a debateable topic Mick and the answer is, … “depends” … I think it depends on the best players that are available and the weeks that they have their byes.

      The difficulty is this year (it is most years) that some of the very best that you ideally want in your side (and most importantly have a history of being consistently on field and scoring well … please SC Gods, don’t smite me now) are also those in round 14 (think the two big rucks, Laird, Lloyd, Steele, Satan, Tracca, Fyfe etc) – so how heavily and how early do you want to load up R14?? Some of these, you may want to trade in after the byes it seems … particularly with the injuries etc.

      Ideally you have targeted guns that you bring in after their bye week to offset the ones out in the last bye week … trouble is, there is not too many that you may want from the teams in the first two bye weeks.

      Depending who you started, you would possibly look to target Mitchell and maybe Duncan after R12. The ones that were favourites in Neale and Dunkley are now out of the picture, and Cripps is failing miserably … which leaves Walsh, and any of the other Dogs guns after R13 bye week (Merrett too).

      The problem is what or who do we define as a “gun” for the FWD line now – traditionally it is the ones that have dual M/F status – but they are dropping like flies … Marshall has to be in that mix … but he too has the R14 Bye … Toby Greene is in the mix now (and I hate myself for even typing that, as I cannot stand the little … i digress) … but we may have to find other ways of picking top 6 FWDS.

      It may be a year to be very patient … and hold off on trying to get to full premo too quickly. It may pay just to trade for rookies in and out and build a large cash bank that will allow you to have 2-3 weeks after the byes for double upgrades … it’s a crazy year … but so far, we cannot keep trading like for like with injuries … I’m a bit lost myself ATM …

      • Thank Macca Iam trading in guns in the mids and def already have grawndy The fwds are all very suss Fyfe (wcoast) zorko(tags)marshall(injury) Sidey (tags and form)t Greene (reported)bolton(60-120)atleast we know the outcome of mids and def guns

  1. For those looking at “ideal bye structures”, Sal just posted the below links in the Polling station 7 thread … both worth a good read, especially the article by the late, and well missed AllSaints (RIP Ollie – you are still often and well thought of mate)!!

    Chillo wrote a good introduction to bye planning here:

    The late AllSaints also wrote a very in-depth piece a couple of years back:


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