Polling Station – Round 11

Written by Dane on May 22 2023

Got some ideas for the site before we hit the dreaded bye rounds? Chuck them in the comments below and some will find their way into a thread this week!

As always keep it general, and use trade talk for individual circumstances!


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10 thoughts on “Polling Station – Round 11”

  1. Obvious one. What to do with Satan.

    Imo, assuming max 4 weeks, dont see any good reason to trade if you have a decent bench cover (Humphrey or Wardlaw type).

    Ill be holding for this week at least as couple of other issues to fix first


  2. My Polling station pretty obvious too.
    TU- Block/Get rid of ‘My Deals’ Ad
    TD- Leave this ad up as it’s great fun opening closing the ad and the pages it’s opens!


    1. I find it annoying on my phone when I get this pop up video about 2-3 seconds after the page loads at the bottom of my screen. Half the time I try and close it, it goes to the ad page.



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