SCT Group & Official Leagues Results

And there we go: SuperCoach 2022 at SCT done and dusted. It’s been a tremendous, action packed season and we now turn to crowning the winners of the SCT Group, SCT Tech League and SCT Official Leagues as well as recognising our top performing coaches and leagues. This was an absolute pleasure to write up!

Before we get to the winners though, we’d just like to acknowledge the generous individuals and organisations without whom there would be no SCT prizes.

  • * The team at SuperCoach Champion – our magnificent SC Champion ring.
  • * Kid81 – $150
  • * Macca – $50
  • * Go Hawks – $100
  • * Weendog – $100

We also acknowledge those members of the community that wished to remain anonymous. These people have stumped up their own hard earned to reward other members of the community and for that we say a massive THANK YOU! You are all part of the reason why this site is still the best SC resource on the net.

OK with that out of the way, let’s get into it…

SCT Group

  • Prize: $200 & SC Champion Ring

The winner of the SCT Group and the site’s highest ranked coach for 2022 is… NonParishable@SCT! Under site name The Fos, Connor’s side came in at a monstrous 34th and burst onto the scenes mid-way through the season and then pressed deep into the double digits from there. NonParishable@SCT finished up with a textbook backline of Sinclair, Dawson, Stewart, Sicily, Stewart and Dale and strong bench cover – strong enough to weather Walsh’s unfortunate late out on Sunday! Eligible for the SCT Group Prize by having the @SCT suffix on his team name, Connor takes out $200, receives the annual SC Champion Ring (please send us photos of it on once you receive it) and will be immortalised on the site Hall of Fame.

SCT Coaches Results

  • Shepp Screamers (Tyler): 33
  • NonParishable@SCT (Connor): 34
  • Norfolk N Chance (James): 108
  • Worp the Line (Matt): 169
  • The Likely Types (Lincoln): 182
  • MrSteeleYourMisses (Mitch): 183
  • Miller is a Steele (Clem): 186
  • Steeley Mac (Jomo): 196
  • Nathan’s Gunz@SCT (Nathan): 206
  • Sean of the Dead (Ricky): 208
  • Catta’s Clan @SCT: 264
  • Colonel’s Clan (Luke): 313
  • BeardedBurbler@SCT (Koray): 335
  • Lever Wantin Moore (Ryan): 338
  • Average Danes Gym (Dane): 407
  • Crams Crappers (Jonathan): 409
  • Dam Dogs (Dale): 411
  • Weeties22 (William): 430
  • Top Rankine @SCT (Emile): 503
  • BeCharthanlie16 (Simon): 504
  • Ridley Me This (Adrian): 517
  • Cake Faarts (Michael): 559
  • A-Team (Alex): 580
  • Small Victories (Matthew): 582
  • I’m Blue Da Doedee (Alex): 706
  • Cardies (James): 717
  • DibberDomination (Julian): 735
  • LauristonEliteXI (Nathan): 752
  • WHO DARES WINS@SCT (Mark): 801
  • Sean’s Mob (Sean): 815
  • Tom Stewart Elite (Sam A): 853
  • Zyzz (Dennis): 888
  • Buster Gonad (Matt): 926
  • Rat Bags (Jovan): 974
  • kshear7 (Kirstie): 997
  • Bye-Polar Bears (Tom): 1000

SCT Tech League

  • Winner: Abel’s Axes@SCT (Nathan)
  • Runner Up: Techiewanabee@SCT (Glenda)
  • Prize: $125

The recap of the SCT Tech League by JimmyDee can be found here.

LoEC #1 Results

  • Winner: Top Rankine @SCT (Emile)
  • Runner Up: bAps (Simon)
  • Minor Premier: Gunboat Diplomacy (Michael)
  • Overall Rank: 200
  • Prize: $100

Gunboat Diplomacy: Earning his spot by virtue of finishing 20th OA last year, Emile has continued to cash cheques and break necks by taking out our most esteemed league this year. To add to his 2022 accolades, Emile also took out the SCT Draft the other day and ranked 503rd OA – goddamn! Another capital season from Top Rankine @SCT. Going down in the LoEC #1 was the unforgettable 2021 3rd place finisher bAps, who was not helped at all by Walsh’s late out but came from 8th spot to finish runner up. Despite a dead team weighing the league down for the last month or so, LoEC #1 finished up at 200 OA.

LoEC #2 Results

  • Winner: Small Victories (Matthew)
  • Runner Up: King Maximus (Tony)
  • Minor Premier: Muzzas Mob @ SCT (Mario)
  • Overall Rank: 27
  • Prize: $75
Alza: It was a battle of 2nd v 3rd in the GF with the Top 3 being separated by percentage only. Small Victories got the job done in Week 1 of finals against King Maximus with #1 seed GeordieDemolition losing in Week 1 with all 3 scoring in the 2300s. Week 2 of the finals saw GeordieDemolition and King Maximus both win with over 2450 each. This saw Small Victories come up against GeordieDemolition in the prelim with Small Victories getting the win 2476 to 2404 and King Maximus winning their prelim 2362 to 2281.
The GF was won 2576 to 2389. King Maximus was stung by Walsh and thus ended up fielding 2 rookies and Jack Crisp all for scores of 61 and under. Against some big scores from Docherty, Lynch, Steele and Treloar it was wrapped up by Matthew’s Small Victories fairly comfortably in the end.

LoEC #3 Results

  • Winner: Will2Win (William)
  • Runner Up: ParkerTheBus (Simon)
  • Minor Premier: Maryland Marauders (Julian)
  • Overall Rank: 60
  • Prize: $50

Abs: Despite finishing 5th, Simon of ParkerTheBus made a strong push into the grand final, however a donut due to Jeremy Cameron getting injured made it all but impossible to win. Will2Win, 3501 OA, finished 3rd on the ladder. Will losing the in Week 1 of the finals didn’t do much to stop him from going all the way to win the Grand Final. Will2Win defeated ParkerTheBus 2403 to 2294 to win LoEC #3 2022. Overall, the league finished up being rank 60 OA, which is mighty impressive. Lisa of The Amazons@SCT finishing outside of the eight, while ranked 2582 OA, shows just how tightly contested the league was this season!

SCT #1 Results

  • Winner: BeardedBurbler@SCT (Koray)
  • Runner Up: BillsBeaters@SCT
  • Minor Premier: Lock and Load (Michael)
  • Overall Rank: 139
  • Prize: $50

Freo Tragic: Poor Chandanraj, coach of the T I T A N S, finished top of the league but was knocked out in prelim along with Lisa, who was also top four. Koray was simply inimitable all year and, as you’ll have seen, he was just crushing it on all fronts.

SCT #2 Results

  • Winner: Lever Wantin Moore (Ryan)
  • Runner Up: TRIXKKXX2@SCT (Graeme)
  • Overall Rank: 249

In the understandable hustle and bustle of the Tech League admin of SCT #2 JimmyDee the forgot to give me the minor premier for SCT #2, apologies to whoever that was and if they/anyone who knows can let me know I’ll add it in. In sending me the results, JimmyDee did give a shout out however to Balls of Steele (Matteo) with 53,122 total points and a rank of 1480. Great job, Matteo.

SCT #3 Results

  • Winner: Cole’s Crew (Jesse)
  • Runner Up: JudeBreedsPillows (Jay)
  • Minor Premier: Patty’s Ship (Joel)
  • Overall Rank: 374

Motts: The two top teams at the end of the SC regular season were Patty’s Ship (coached by Joel who finished 244th overall) and Stewy’s Soldiers@SCT (coached by Stewy who finished 503rd). Both must have been feeling confident about their chances but unfortunately for Stewy, it was a case of bang-bang – he was out in straight sets – and Patty’s Ship fell in the prelim to JudeBreedsPillows coached by Jay who had come from 6th. Cole’s Crew, his opponent in the GF, had also had to do it the hard way after finishing 5th. After an easy win in the first week of finals, in a manner that can only be described as Collingwood-esque, he then eked out wins by 21, 31, and finally 33 points in the big one to take the SCT #3 crown. Well done, Jesse!

SCT #4 Results

  • Winner: Better than keno (Mitch)
  • Runner Up: Jungle Jim (James)
  • Minor Premier: River@SCT (Michael)
  • Overall Rank: 269

Chaos Theory: Worth mentioning the highest rank on points: Kick it to me @SCT (Julie) with 53,072 points total and 1701 OA. The Top 8 all finished between 1701 – 8806 place. A very competitive league. Well done to all. A big thanks to Gunboat for organizing and overseeing all the competitions. Huge effort.

SCT #5 Results

  • Winner: Souvlarkey (Riley)
    Runner Up: Will2Win (William)
    Minor Premier: AverageDanesGym (Dane)
    Overall Rank: 169

Dane: A super tight and competitive league all season long, with 11 of the 18 coaches finishing within the top 10K. Souvlarkey, coached by Riley, the overall champ, taking out the GF by 143 points after having uniques Blicavs and Wines boost his score while runner up William, coach of Will2Win, was hurt on Sunday by Mills (C) and the tag applied to Bailey Smith (63).

Official SCT Leagues Rankings

  • LoEC #2: 27
  • LoEC #3: 60
  • SCT #1: 139
  • SCT #5: 169
  • LoEC #1: 200
  • SCT #2: 249
  • SCT #4: 269
  • SCT #3: 374

SCT League Results

  • AFL LOEC: 7
  • Gun’s Regulars #1: 15
  • SCT LoEC #2: 27
  • ArmChairExpert@SCT: 31
  • SCT vs The World: 34
  • AFL SCT Legends: 42
  • SCT Contributors: 45
  • SCT LoEC #3: 60
  • CattasSCTchallenge: 74
  • CattasSCTchallenge: 92
  • Chillo’s Sanctum: 107
  • SCT #1: 139
  • Tragics@SCT #1: 148
  • SCT #5: 169
  • SCT LoEC #1: 200
  • @SCT Talkers: 220
  • SCT Final Siren: 223
  • SnapCracklePop@SCT: 225
  • CattasSCTchallenge2: 236
  • I love SC@SCT: 238
  • Tragics@SCT #2: 242
  • SCT #2: 249
  • Norfolk N Chance: 256
  • FinalsBound@SCT: 259
  • SCT #4: 269
  • Gun’s Regulars #2: 273
  • MaccasMaulers@SCT: 295
  • The Fantasy Fiends: 310
  • SCT Millionaires: 311
  • With Danger 1 @SCT: 315
  • Tragics@SCT #3: 317
  • ThisIsTheEnd@SCT: 359
  • Last Man Standing: 370
  • SCT #3: 374
  • LateStarters@SCT: 398
  • Boys Game@SCT: 402
  • Walshing Matilda: 425
  • Craggy Island: 443
  • Tragics@SCT #4: 461
  • Last Minute Guns: 485

PRIZE WINNERS EMAIL ‘motts at supercoachtalk dot com’

*Connor, Nathan, Emile, Matthew, William, Koray

20 thoughts on “SCT Group & Official Leagues Results”

    • Not to mention the people’s elbow I dropped on you in the LoEC #1 minor prelim eh, KB? Hehe.

      Nah, it’s a pleasure. A lot of emails and spreadsheets but a pleasure lol.

  1. SCT#2
    Lever Wantin Moore (Ryan) Finished the season in #1 spot and Met TRIXKKXX2@SCT (Graeme) in the 1st qualifying final, taking out the win, meeting Balls of Steele (Matteo) in the Prelim, before hitting TRIXKKXX2@SCT (who came the long way around) again in the big dance. Ryan took out a tight final that ebbed and flowed all weekend, winning by a tight 19 points. Ryan got away with the late Walsh out with Cumberland stepping in the breach and RoMo doing just about enough with the C to drag him across the line.

  2. Fantastic work GunBoat.

    Congrats to all the winners this year. This site continues to produce so many amazing coaches. 40 leagues in the top 500 is a huge result.

    I would also like to thank all the coaches that joined my Tragics leagues this year.
    All four leagues finished in the top 500 , I’m a very proud papa !

    So congrats are in order. Winners listed below.

    Tragics #1

    LeGoat@SCT ( James ) defeated LeapingLizards@SCT ( Gavin )
    Minor winner Gunboat Diplomacy ( Micheal )


    Norfolk N Chance (James) defeated TRIXKKXX2@SCT (Graeme)
    Minor winner Kenobi Clan @SCT Massimo.

    Tragics #3

    Small Victories ( Mathew ) defeated GetOnTheBeers@SCT.(Mathew)
    Minor winner. I Cumming (Sam)

    Tragics #4

    Gators ( Coops) defeated Sean’s Mob ( Sean)
    Minor winner Shooters Legacy ( Simon )

    Thanks again to everyone involved in my leagues and the site. I can’t wait to start planning for 2023.

    Cheers FT.

  3. What a ripper result for all involved in SCT leagues! Such esteemed coaches!

    As GD mentioned, a special shout-out to Emile who took out the SCT draft league. Super effort mate.

    Thanks for the league updates Michael. You made them very enjoyable.
    By the way; you forgot the Contributors league results 😉

    Have a great summer all and see you next year.

  4. Thanks for the shout and thanks for organising these leagues! Overall result has been the best for me by far. Don’t want to let my leagues down. Always learning from this site! Well done! Have a swell summer!

  5. Anyone keen to give NFL Dream Team (RDT) a try?
    I’ve started a league 136055.
    Something to do in the off season
    All welcome. Starts 9th Sept. Open Now

  6. Thanks for the brilliant write up GD! These league updates definitely added to the atmosphere of the page – a very welcome addition.

    Congrats to all winners as well – across all leagues there were some highly competitive results and it has been awesome to watch. Speaks to the volume of the community that there is so many highly ranked coaches out there. SCT is such a passionate and positive site, always a pleasure to discuss anything fantasy football related or otherwise on here.

    I am very, very humbled to take out the SCT group prize this year, I never win anything! I’d like to let everyone involved, known and anonymous, know how much I really appreciate their generous contribution. I’ve been on this site lurking around for several years and the quality of the community is second to none. Will definitely send through some pics of the ring! All the best to everyone out there and see you next year!

  7. Great stuff as always GD.
    Well done to all of the coaches for winning their leagues and to all of the great coaches that finished in the top 1000.
    SCT continues to produce some great results.

  8. Congrats to all the winners of the various leagues and prizes and particular big congrats to The Fos on taking out the overall prize! Awesome stuff!

    Massive congrats and thanks to GD, Mottsy and all the lads that run the site and provide the data, stats, analysis and place for everyone to become as well informed as they are to mount great SC OA and league tilts and to finish as well as they do! Second to none and best by far on the web!! Long may it continue!

    I have a special congrats and also my nomination of site MVP to Chaos Theory for his on-going and tireless information updates, all week, every week in both threads and the coaches box. His continuous updates of players movements / injuries / stats / team lists / etc has been tireless and makes it that much easier for everyone to know, or at least should know, as best as he can find, so that your team management does not get caught out has been something else this year!! – Well done mate … brilliant effort all season!

    Have to also mention my Bearded Nemesis who must have just about won all 10 of his leagues he was in! Talk about consistent! I was in at least 4 with him, all top 500 and less leagues and Koray won them all … so well done Koray!

    OK folks, enjoy yourselves in the “off-season” , stay safe from COVID etc and good luck with next year!!

    • Haha. Thanks heaps Macca. Look forward to our battles next year mate!

      P.S Was 7 major league wins but who’s counting hey

  9. Essendon – Simon Madden and Paul Brasher to step down as directors immediately, Peter Allen will leave in December and Sean Wellman will step down as a board member when a new football director has been appointed.

    Follows the departure of CEO Xavier Campbell.


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