Tech League Trade Talk
How did this week’s trades work out for you?
How did this week’s trades work out for you?
Injury crisis upsets trade plans! Monday brings the round to an end with most of us still having four Hawks to round out our week. We’ll review the final result a bit later. Tech Leaguers certainly took some hits this round, both on the scoreboard and the injury fronts. Sub 40 scores from Prestia, Campbell, … Read more
Some big decisions to make this week!
A quick reveal as the site is busy and getting busier. Just saying, two more candidates would be great to fill our third league. Flick a quick note to. jimmydeeatsupercoachtalkdotcom and first two get the chocolates. If you’ve ever thought about it, just do it.
Only four spots to create record Tech numbers, fancy one of them? SCT Tech League team will be announced later tonight, with all those signed up pretty keen to see what I’ve served up for them. A few of our regulars have thrown up some ideas and coincidently they align with my plans this year, … Read more
2156 first round score, We’d take that!
AAMI done and dusted, did Wighty get it right?
The one and only Supercoachtalk Tech League is back again in 2021!
With Steeley resolve, the Saints go marching in!
What does an off season clean out mean for the Pies’ Supercoach relevance. Check out what Luke thinks.