Round 1 Rookies
Wighty’s dead keen to know whether your Round 1 rookie selections will be affected by this one important factor…
Wighty’s dead keen to know whether your Round 1 rookie selections will be affected by this one important factor…
The final say on the young ‘uns in 2021.
AKA “the players you’re hoping you don’t need but you probably will.”
Round 18: yet another reminder of the importance of bench cover…
The Bramble ramble.
Getting low on stock, but there’s still life in the rookie market yet….
“Bench strength” is highly important! No, I’m not talking about barbells.
Possibly the last week of the year where the rookie scores are really important for your score….how did you do?
Here’s a sobering thought: that just there was the “easy” bye round.
Sound the alarms, iceberg ahead!