2022 Preseason Summary

If you’ve only just joined us this year, to paraphrase the wise words of a famous Australian, “where the bloody hell have you been?”

We’ve been flat out since January putting out the content that will help you win every league you’re playing in and maybe even the $50k!

As more content goes up on the site we’ll be continually updating this post so consider it your one-stop-shop post on your one-stop-shop SC website.

Let’s get stuck into it:

To Start With

Team Previews

Team Reveals



Practice Matches/Community Series


Other Stuff

10 thoughts on “2022 Preseason Summary”

  1. Thanks Motts and everyone at SCT. I’m one of those folks who disappears once the season ends then come the new dawn I just jump on here, stand on the shoulders of giants and begin the new day. It’s the go to place. I cannot express enough how fantastic this site is. Thanks to all of you who put the hard yards in for us. Bring on round 1…

  2. Not sure the best place to ask this question, but
    What is the plan for AFL clubs to announce their teams this season?
    Is it back to the old structure of Thursday night teams of 22 for Fri/Sat matches and squad of 25 for Sun matches, which then get finalised to 22 on Fri nights?
    Or will it be just the night before their game?
    WCE are a relevant rookie team this year, however they play Sunday so not sure if they will need to announce their team on Friday night or Saturday night for round 1.

    Thanks to anyone who has info on this.

    • I believe it’s the same as last year. With all teams named Thursday night and Sunday benches finalised Friday night at 6.35pm Monday games Benches finalised Sat night.

      Hopefully the clubs let us know about debutants a bit sooner as planning for Sunday rookies if named extended bench, is going to be hard.

      • Thanks FT, having looked over the fixture, not many relevant rookies playing on the Wednesday and Thursday night, baring a couple from Carlton, so should be able to have full choice of rookies once teams are named.
        Surprisingly the Sunday teams seem to be most relevant in regards to rookies this year.

  3. I still wouldn’t be too worried. Most teams let the debutants know in advance to allow family and Friends time to attend. Its great social media fodder and is pretty easy to pick up on.

    This means I expect to know who’s debuting pretty early. The hard part will be picking the right Carlton Rookies. There a possibility Durdin, Kemp and Boyd all get a game. I do think one of Boyd or Kemp will miss if Doch is ready.

    Anyway I guess we shall see soon enough.


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